macOS/iOS アプリを開発していると、定期的に証明書の更新が必要になりますね。
運用形態に合わせてできるところから自動化して管理していこうと、まずは macOS で証明書の操作やキーチェーンの管理などのセキュリティフレームワークをコマンドラインから実行して試してみました。
具体的には /usr/bin/security
※ macOS Catalina Version 10.15.7
まずは man
$ man security
security(1) BSD General Commands Manual security(1)
security -- Command line interface to keychains and Security framework
security [-hilqv] [-p prompt] [command] [command_options] [command_args]
A simple command line interface which lets you administer keychains, manipulate keys and certificates, and do just about anything the Security framework is
capable of from the command line.
By default security will execute the command supplied and report if anything went wrong.
If the -i or -p options are provided, security will enter interactive mode and allow the user to enter multiple commands on stdin. When EOF is read from
stdin security will exit.
Here is a complete list of the options available:
-h If no arguments are specified, show a list of all commands. If arguments are provided, show usage for each the specified commands. This option is
essentially the same as the help command.
-i Run security in interactive mode. A prompt (security> by default) will be displayed and the user will be able to type commands on stdin until an
EOF is encountered.
-l Before security exits, run
/usr/bin/leaks -nocontext
on itself to see if the command(s) you executed had any leaks.
-p prompt
This option implies the -i option but changes the default prompt to the argument specified instead.
-q Will make security less verbose.
-v Will make security more verbose.
security provides a rich variety of commands (command in the SYNOPSIS), each of which often has a wealth of options, to allow access to the broad functional-
ity provided by the Security framework. However, you don't have to master every detail for security to be useful to you.
Here are brief descriptions of all the security commands:
help Show all commands, or show usage for a command.
list-keychains Display or manipulate the keychain search list.
default-keychain Display or set the default keychain.
login-keychain Display or set the login keychain.
create-keychain Create keychains.
delete-keychain Delete keychains and remove them from the search list.
lock-keychain Lock the specified keychain.
unlock-keychain Unlock the specified keychain.
set-keychain-settings Set settings for a keychain.
set-keychain-password Set password for a keychain.
show-keychain-info Show the settings for keychain.
dump-keychain Dump the contents of one or more keychains.
create-keypair Create an asymmetric key pair.
add-generic-password Add a generic password item.
add-internet-password Add an internet password item.
add-certificates Add certificates to a keychain.
find-generic-password Find a generic password item.
delete-generic-password Delete a generic password item.
Set the partition list of a generic password item.
find-internet-password Find an internet password item.
delete-internet-password Delete an internet password item.
Set the partition list of a internet password item.
find-key Find keys in the keychain
set-key-partition-list Set the partition list of a key.
find-certificate Find a certificate item.
find-identity Find an identity (certificate + private key).
delete-certificate Delete a certificate from a keychain.
delete-identity Delete a certificate and its private key from a keychain.
set-identity-preference Set the preferred identity to use for a service.
get-identity-preference Get the preferred identity to use for a service.
create-db Create a db using the DL.
export Export items from a keychain.
import Import items into a keychain.
cms Encode or decode CMS messages.
install-mds Install (or re-install) the MDS database.
add-trusted-cert Add trusted certificate(s).
remove-trusted-cert Remove trusted certificate(s).
dump-trust-settings Display contents of trust settings.
user-trust-settings-enable Display or manipulate user-level trust settings.
trust-settings-export Export trust settings.
trust-settings-import Import trust settings.
verify-cert Verify certificate(s).
authorize Perform authorization operations.
authorizationdb Make changes to the authorization policy database.
execute-with-privileges Execute tool with privileges.
leaks Run /usr/bin/leaks on this process.
smartcards Enable, disable or list disabled smartcard tokens.
list-smartcards Display available smartcards.
export-smartcard Export/display items from a smartcard.
error Display a descriptive message for the given error code(s).
$ security list-keychain
$ security default-keychain
$ security login-keychain
今回は test.keychain
$ security create-keychain -p password test.keychain
$ security list-keychain
$ ls -l /Users/user/Library/Keychains/
これを実行するとGUIのKeychain access にも表示されるようになりました。
$ security list-keychains -d user -s login.keychain-db test.keychain-db
$ security list-keychain
$ security dump-keychain test.keychain-db
$ security unlock -p password "/Users/user/Library/Keychains/test.keychain-db"
$ security import Certificates.p12 -k "/Users/user/Library/Keychains/test.keychain-db" -P "" -T /usr/bin/codesign
1 identity imported.
$ security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple:,codesign: -s -k password "/Users/user/Library/Keychains/test.keychain-db"
$ security unlock-keychain -p password "/Users/user/Library/Keychains/test.keychain-db"
$ security export -k "/Users/user/Library/Keychains/test.keychain-db" -f pkcs12 -P "" -o ./mycerts.p12
common name を指定して削除する場合は、
$ security unlock -p password "/Users/user/Library/Keychains/test.keychain-db"
$ security delete-certificate -c name "/Users/user/Library/Keychains/test.keychain-db"
または、SHA-256 または SHA-1 ハッシュ値を指定して削除する場合は、
$ security unlock -p password "/Users/user/Library/Keychains/test.keychain-db"
$ security delete-certificate -Z SHA-1 "/Users/user/Library/Keychains/test.keychain-db"
このハッシュ値は、コマンド操作で取得する方法は見つけることができず、GUI の Keychain Access から証明書の詳細を見ると Fingerprints に表示されている値で実行できました。
$ security delete-keychain "/Users/user/Library/Keychains/test.keychain-db"