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More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2018-08-27


	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="members.scss" type="text/css">
	<%= form_tag(users_path, method: :post) do %>
			<%= search_field_tag :name %>
			<%= submit_tag "検索"%>
			<%= label_tag :name, "名前" %><br>
			<%= text_field_tag :name %>
			<%= label_tag :email, "メールアドレス" %><br>
			<%= email_field_tag :email %>
			<%= label_tag :satisfaction, "満足度" %><br>
				<%= range_field_tag :satisfaction %><br>
			不満     満足
			<%= label_tag :live_experience, "ライブ参加回数" %><br>
			<%= number_field_tag :live_experience %></p>
			<%= label_tag :adress, "お住まい" %><br>
			<%= select_tag(:adress , options_for_select(["北海道","東京"])) %>
			<%= label_tag :birth, "生年月日" %><br>
			<%= date_field_tag :birth %><br>
			<%= datetime_field_tag :birth %><br>
			<%= datetime_local_field_tag :birth %><br>
			<%= month_field_tag :birth %>
			<%= time_field_tag :birth %>
			<%= week_field_tag :birth %>
			<%= label_tag :phone, "電話番号" %><br>
			<%= telephone_field_tag :phone %>
			<%= label_tag :image, "アイコン画像" %><br>
			<%= file_field_tag :image %>
			<%= label_tag :password, "パスワード" %><br>
			<%= password_field_tag :password %>

			<%= hidden_field_tag :hidden %>
			<%= label_tag :intro, "自己紹介" %><br>
			<%= text_area_tag :intro %>
			<%= label_tag :gender, "性別" %><br>
			<%= check_box_tag :gender %>
			<%= label_tag :gender, "" %>
			<%= check_box_tag :gender %>
			<%= label_tag :gender, "" %>
			<%= label_tag :fan_of, "推し" %><br>
			<label><%= radio_button_tag :fan_of, "百田夏菜子" %> 百田夏菜子</label><br>
			<label><%= radio_button_tag :fan_of, "玉井詩織" %> 玉井詩織</label><br>
			<label><%= radio_button_tag :fan_of, "佐々木彩夏" %> 佐々木彩夏</label><br>
			<label><%= radio_button_tag :fan_of, "高城れに" %> 高城れに</label><br>
			<label><%= radio_button_tag :fan_of, "有安杏果" %> 有安杏果</label><br>
			<label><%= radio_button_tag :fan_of, "" %></label><br>

			<%= label_tag :url, "関連ページ" %><br>
			<%= url_field_tag :url %>

			<%= label_tag :color, "好きな色" %><br>
			<%= color_field_tag :color %>
		<%= submit_tag "提出"%>
	<% end %>

スクリーンショット 2018-08-27 22.46.35.png

スクリーンショット 2018-08-27 22.47.33.png

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