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Google Cloud Platform storage options (memorandum)

Last updated at Posted at 2018-09-05

Suddenly, I thought to organize various Cloud services, decided to attach a record.

On the storage option of Google Cloud Platform, suitable case respectively:blush:


 Cloud Datastore (No SQL)

  best for unstructured objects or or semi-structured data,Key-value data.

  This storage services provides terabytes of capacity with
  a maximum unit size of one megabyte per entity

  Use case App Engine Applications

 Bigtable (No SQL)

  best for flat data,heavry write/read,event,analytical data

  does not support SQL's queries nor does it support multi-row transactions.
  This storage service provides petabytes of capacity with
  a maximum unit size of 10 megabytes per cell and 100 megabytes per row.

  Use case Financial and IoT data

 Cloud Storage (Blobstore)

  best for structured or unstructured binary or object data

   This storage service provides petabytes of capacity
  with a maximum unit size of five terabytes per object.

  Use case Images,large media files,backups  

 Cloud SQL (Relational SQL for OLTP)

  best for Web frameworks,existing applications

  Cloud SQL provides terabytes of capacity

  Use case user credentials,customer orders

 Cloud Spanner (Relational SQL for OLTP)

  best for large scale database applications that are larger than two terabytes
  Use case financial trading and e-commerce use cases.

  :relaxed:use one or several of these services to get the job done.


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