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Last updated at Posted at 2018-09-26






そのため、Boostの多倍長整数ライブラリである"Boost Multiprecision Library"を使用します。

>> 多倍長整数


PC: "HP Spectre x360 Convertible 13-ac0XX"
CPU: Intel Corei7-7500U '@' 2.70GHz 2.90GHz
RAM: 16.0GB
IDE: VisualStudio Community 2017
Compiler: cl;  C/C++ Compiler 
Compiler File version: 19.15.26729.0
Compiler Product version: 14.15.26729.0



bool lucasLehmerTestFast(const int_fast32_t p_) {
	mp::cpp_int m = 1;
	m <<= p_;
	mp::cpp_int s = 4;
	mp::cpp_int sqrt;
	for (int_fast32_t i = 2; i < p_; ++i) {
		sqrt = s * s;
		s = (sqrt & m) + (sqrt >> p_);
		if (s >= m) s -= m;
		s -= 2;
	if (s == 0) return true;
	return false;


bool lucasLehmerTest(const int_fast32_t p_) {
	mp::cpp_int m = 1;
	m <<= p_;
	mp::cpp_int s = 4;
	for (int_fast32_t i = 2; i < p_; ++i)
		s = (s*s - 2) % m;
	if (s == 0) return true;
	return false;



\# メルセンヌ素数番号
s^{p}-1 メルセンヌ数
t[ms], t2[s], t3[min], t4[h] 測定時間
tt[ms], tt2[s], tt3[min], tt4[h] 推定時間


# p t[ms] tt[ms] t2[s] tt2[s] t3[min] tt3[min] t4[h] tt4[h]
20 4423 241 195.9478738 0.241 0.195947874 0.004016667 0.003265798 6.69444E-05 5.443E-05
21 9689 1942 2006.401193 1.942 2.006401193 0.032366667 0.03344002 0.000539444 0.000557334
22 9941 2121 2165.197758 2.121 2.165197758 0.03535 0.036086629 0.000589167 0.000601444
23 11213 2973 3094.717709 2.973 3.094717709 0.04955 0.051578628 0.000825833 0.000859644
24 19937 16232 17063.26273 16.232 17.06326273 0.270533333 0.284387712 0.004508889 0.004739795
25 21701 21013 21942.61707 21.013 21.94261707 0.350216667 0.365710284 0.005836944 0.006095171
26 23209 25298 26781.87939 25.298 26.78187939 0.421633333 0.446364657 0.007027222 0.007439411
27 44497 177123 184669.1586 177.123 184.6691586 2.95205 3.077819309 0.049200833 0.051296988
28 86243 1398378 1315061.524 1398.378 1315.061524 23.3063 21.91769206 0.388438333 0.365294868
29 110503 2849994 2743408.181 2849.994 2743.408181 47.4999 45.72346968 0.791665 0.762057828
30 132049 4969037 4653524.217 4969.037 4653.524217 82.81728333 77.55873695 1.380288056 1.292645616
31 216091 20601900 20059539.73 20601.9 20059.53973 343.365 334.3256621 5.72275 5.572094369




t≈3^{-9}×p^{2.9665} (t≒3^{-9}×p^{2.9665})
t≈3^{-9}×p^{3} (t≒3^{-9}×p^{3})



# p t[ms] tt[ms] t2[s] tt2[s] t3[min] tt3[min] t4[h] tt4[h]
20 4423 664 583.9090905 0.664 0.58390909 0.011066667 0.009731818 0.000184444 0.000162197
21 9689 5775 5975.166465 5.775 5.975166465 0.09625 0.099586108 0.001604167 0.001659768
22 9941 6301 6447.938392 6.301 6.447938392 0.105016667 0.10746564 0.001750278 0.001791094
23 11213 8951 9215.152303 8.951 9.215152303 0.149183333 0.153585872 0.002486389 0.002559765
24 19937 38686 50785.95279 38.686 50.78595279 0.644766667 0.846432546 0.010746111 0.014107209
25 21701 65347 65304.10699 65.347 65.30410699 1.089116667 1.088401783 0.018151944 0.01814003
26 23209 78262 79702.10278 78.262 79.70210278 1.304366667 1.32836838 0.021739444 0.022139473
27 44497 557699 549284.0149 557.699 549.2840149 9.294983333 9.154733581 0.154916389 0.152578893
28 86243 4146876 3909477.76 4146.876 3909.47776 69.1146 65.15796267 1.15191 1.085966044
29 110503 8196264 8154117.867 8196.264 8154.117867 136.6044 135.9019645 2.27674 2.265032741
30 132049 13757184 13829505.3 13757.184 13829.5053 229.2864 230.4917549 3.82144 3.841529249
31 216091 0 59590154.19 0 59590.15419 0 993.1692365 0 16.55282061




t≈9^{-9}×p^{2.9657} (t≒9^{-9}×p^{2.9657})
t≈9^{-9}×p^{3} (t≒9^{-9}×p^{3})



# p t[ms] tt[ms] t2[s] tt2[s] t3[min] tt3[min] t4[h] tt4[h]
20 4423 41 49.32975395 0.041 0.049329754 0.000683333 0.000822163 1.13889E-05 1.37027E-05
21 9689 235 288.8015433 0.235 0.288801543 0.003916667 0.004813359 6.52778E-05 8.02227E-05
22 9941 270 306.0058077 0.27 0.306005808 0.0045 0.005100097 0.000075 8.50016E-05
23 11213 351 401.3972133 0.351 0.401397213 0.00585 0.006689954 0.0000975 0.000111499
24 19937 1282 1468.366947 1.282 1.468366947 0.021366667 0.024472782 0.000356111 0.00040788
25 21701 1607 1777.509835 1.607 1.777509835 0.026783333 0.029625164 0.000446389 0.000493753
26 23209 1892 2068.066892 1.892 2.068066892 0.031533333 0.034467782 0.000525556 0.000574463
27 44497 7928 8966.013568 7.928 8.966013568 0.132133333 0.149433559 0.002202222 0.002490559
28 86243 39897 39835.3406 39.897 39.8353406 0.66495 0.663922343 0.0110825 0.011065372
29 110503 76168 69641.65059 76.168 69.64165059 1.269466667 1.160694176 0.021157778 0.019344903
30 132049 111715 104042.2927 111.715 104.0422927 1.861916667 1.734038211 0.031031944 0.028900637
31 216091 347218 315688.2918 347.218 315.6882918 5.786966667 5.26147153 0.096449444 0.087691192
32 756839 3888237 5321616.199 3888.237 5321.616199 64.80395 88.69360332 1.080065833 1.478226722
33 859433 5237340 7086984.375 5237.34 7086.984375 87.289 118.1164063 1.454816667 1.968606771




t≈3^{-7}×p^{2.2536} (t≒3^{-7}×p^{2.2536})



# p t[ms] tt[ms] t2[s] tt2[s] t3[min] tt3[min] t4[h] tt4[h]
20 4423 110 119.203999 0.11 0.119203999 0.001833333 0.001986733 3.05556E-05 3.31122E-05
21 9689 827 975.9773977 0.827 0.975977398 0.013783333 0.01626629 0.000229722 0.000271105
22 9941 845 1045.536629 0.845 1.045536629 0.014083333 0.01742561 0.000234722 0.000290427
23 11213 1161 1443.9399 1.161 1.4439399 0.01935 0.024065665 0.0003225 0.000401094
24 19937 5065 6756.283134 5.065 6.756283134 0.084416667 0.112604719 0.001406944 0.001876745
25 21701 6280 8480.728132 6.28 8.480728132 0.104666667 0.141345469 0.001744444 0.002355758
26 23209 7600 10154.64107 7.6 10.15464107 0.126666667 0.169244018 0.002111111 0.002820734
27 44497 59934 58156.62385 59.934 58.15662385 0.9989 0.969277064 0.016648333 0.016154618
28 86243 304988 342914.91 304.988 342.91491 5.083133333 5.715248499 0.084718889 0.095254142
29 110503 565614 666544.096 565.614 666.544096 9.4269 11.10906827 0.157115 0.185151138
30 132049 870280 1074625.307 870.28 1074.625307 14.50466667 17.91042179 0.241744444 0.29850703
31 216091 2789054 4025235.774 2789.054 4025.235774 46.48423333 67.0872629 0.774737222 1.118121048




t≈3^{-8}×p^{2.6813} (t≒3^{-8}×p^{2.6813})



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