
Selefra Release Note v0.2.2

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Date: June 11, 2023

We are excited to announce the release of Selefra v0.2.2, an open-source Policy-as-Code (PaC) product. This version introduces several bug fixes and enhancements to improve your experience with Selefra.

Here are some key updates:

  • Added the "--dit" option to define the result output directory.
  • Addressed bug https://github.com/selefra/selefra/issues/19, where Selefra GPT returned a "mode not found" error.
  • Remediation in rules now supports plain text input and is no longer enforced to be a file path.
  • Adjusted output colors for improved readability.
  • Where Selefra GPT functionality informed users of a syntax error.

We appreciate your feedback and contributions to the Selefra community. Your input in identifying and resolving these issues is invaluable. If you encounter any further bugs or have suggestions for future updates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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To get started with Selefra v0.2.2, please visit our official repository (Github: https://github.com/selefra/selefra) and follow the installation instructions. Remember to update your current version to benefit from the latest enhancements.

Thanks for your continued support, and we hope you find Selefra v0.2.2 to be a valuable PaC implementing tool in your projects.


The Selefra Team



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