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今日の単語 entrepreneurial

Last updated at Posted at 2021-12-26




èn・tre・pre・néur・i・al → あんた プレなあ


ESTRIN: Our one year masters of engineering program in computer 
science is designed for people who want to take their basic background 
from their undergraduate degree and really develop that next stage of 
deep technical expertise and who are interested in learning how to do 
that in the context of real problems. 

DELL: Our computer science students are able to take a wide variety of 
deep technical courses and what they learn is a core set of technical 
skills that will enable them to go and be a successful software 
engineer or computer scientist in almost any field. 

MARINO: My Cornell Tech education has definitely prepared me for the 
outside world. It's mapped onto things like product and business that 
really helps you take those computer science skills to the next level. 

BELONGIE: Through the co-curriculum and through the studio-style 
education system, Cornell Tech encourages both technical mastery and 
effective communication. 

DELL: Many of our computer science students are focused on trying to 
complement their computer science background with a set of 
entrepreneurial skills that will really allow them to go and start 
their own organization or participate in founding a startup company. 

NZEOCHA-IMASOGIE: It's extremely entrepreneurial so if ever had even 
an inkling of an entrepreneurial bone in your body, I think Cornell 
Tech is for you. Cornell Tech really exposes you to the outside tech 
industry. They bring in practitioners that are the movers and the 
shakers and the industry leaders in the tech field. 

ESTRIN: We need creative solutions, but practical solutions to the 
world's problems and we're trying educate a type of student who has 
not only the technical skills to implement good solutions, but the 
creative and problem definition skills that you need to define what 
the problem you should be solving is. 

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