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InfraNodusでDify RAGを強化する:LLMのコンテキストを拡大

Last updated at Posted at 2025-03-27

著者:Dmitry Paranyushkin(InfraNodus創設者)


InfraNodusはDify RAGシステムに統合する時の役割



  • コンテキスト全体の把握による回答精度の向上
  • 膨大なナレッジベースからの効率的なテーマ抽出
  • 抽象度の高い質問に対応可能なメタデータ提供



  1. ナレッジベースのメタデータをプロンプトに追加
  2. 検索段階での文脈理解を深化
  3. LLMが重要な概念を網羅的に考慮


今回のチャットフローは、一般なナレッジベースのドキュメントに接続する標準バージョンと、InfraNodus固有のトピック データを使用してRAGを強化されたバージョンの二つに。

  • 標準RAGの場合

  • InfraNodus統合RAGの場合


1. データ収集

  • 対象コンテンツ:PDF/Markdownファイル
  • Webサイトの場合はFirecrawl(cloud or open-source)を活用
  • InfraNodusは各種データソース(Google検索/RSS/YouTube字幕など)から直接インポート可能

2. テキスト解析

  1. 可視化と分析:InfraNodusにテキストをアップロード
  2. 分析結果の探索:Analyticsパネルから「主要アイデア」「影響力の高い概念」「関連性」「盲点」を確認。手動で保存するか、Graph AIで自動要約を生成。
  3. RAGプロンプト生成:プロジェクトノート内のGenerate a RAG Prompt from Analyticsをクリックし、DifyでのRAGプロンプト改善に使用するデータを抽出。
  4. 詳細分析(オプション):「構造的ギャップ」の確認、表層ノードの削除による隠れたアイデアの抽出、またはInfraNodus APIによる自動化。


3. AIツール設定

  • Dify側で新規ナレッジベースを作成
  • ファイルをアップロードまたはFirecrawl APIでWebサイト取込


4. プロンプト強化

  • InfraNodus生成データ(主要トピック/関係性等)をDifyのカスタムプロンプトに組み込み
  • システムプロンプト例:
You are an expert in InfraNodus, and your task is to provide an answer to the user question based on the context you are provided about using InfraNodus and its tool.
When you provide a response, use the following meta information about the underlying knowledge base to have a high-level overview of the content and to provide higher quality responses that integrate this content, in cases when relevant to the query (or when the query is too general to find results):
- the main topics in the context (listed inside the <MainTopics></MainTopics> XML tag) — you should focus on them especially
- relations between the concepts (listed inside <Relations></Relations> and <MainConcepts></MainConcepts> XML tag) — these are the most important ideas and relations in the context
- latent topics inside (listed inside <LatentTopics></LatentTopics> - these are non-obvious topics that you can take into account
- conceptual entry points (listed inside <ConceptualGateways></ConceptualGateways> XML tag) — use them to connect topics or to connect the knowledge to the outside world
1. Graph Dynamics: graph topic node word click setting show knowledge
2. AI Workflow: infranodus text network ai data analysis workflow base
3. Idea Exploration: idea generate gap research insight discourse develop interesting
4. Search Context: search context related google keyword result import market
5. Node Relations: occur sharing information retrieve
6. Text Analysis: main content relevant extract reveal create skip
structural gap
network analysis
topical cluster
1. Conceptual Navigation: top concept cluster click menu setting statement analytics
2. Data Integration: search data research keyword import step google result
3. Insight Discovery: generate gap insight interesting find identify question specific
4. Network Strategy: network analysis use gpt base tool knowledge visualization
5. Analytical Display: discourse context structure analyze market connection term develop
6. Research Import: content main create extract reveal skip
7. Gap Identification: workflow 🎥 thinking case study start exploration tutorial
8. Knowledge Exploration: related article book product conversation original
9. Contextual Analysis: occur information sharing retrieve
retrieve, occur, influence, recommendation, node, search, setting, word, text, network, click, case, show
Use the following context as your learned knowledge, inside <context></context> XML tags.
Do not hallucinate answers, ONLY use the context provided to generate responses, and provide references to all the context elements you use for your response in inline links with links to the URLs where these results can be found .
If you didn't use any of the context documents to generate your response but generated it from your own knowledge, inform the user about it at the beginning.
Keep your answers VERY SHORT and concise. Only the minimum necessary.





You receive a user query relating to InfraNodus text network analysis tool.
If the user query is specific, you just pass it on without changing anything.
However, if it's too general or not too precise, you need to make it more specific by adding the following context to it.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the final query is not much longer than the original one. Just add only the most important necessary information.
### Context Explanation:
- the main topics in the context (listed inside the <MainTopics></MainTopics> XML tag) — you should focus on them especially
- relations between the concepts (listed inside <Relations></Relations> and <MainConcepts></MainConcepts> XML tag) — these are the most important ideas and relations in the context
- latent topics inside (listed inside <LatentTopics></LatentTopics> - these are non-obvious topics that you can take into account
- conceptual entry points (listed inside <ConceptualGateways></ConceptualGateways> XML tag) — use them to connect topics or to connect the knowledge to the outside world
### Context Details:
1. Graph Dynamics: graph topic node word click setting show knowledge
2. AI Workflow: infranodus text network ai data analysis workflow base
3. Idea Exploration: idea generate gap research insight discourse develop interesting
4. Search Context: search context related google keyword result import market
5. Node Relations: occur sharing information retrieve
6. Text Analysis: main content relevant extract reveal create skip
structural gap
network analysis
topical cluster
1. Conceptual Navigation: top concept cluster click menu setting statement analytics
2. Data Integration: search data research keyword import step google result
3. Insight Discovery: generate gap insight interesting find identify question specific
4. Network Strategy: network analysis use gpt base tool knowledge visualization
5. Analytical Display: discourse context structure analyze market connection term develop
6. Research Import: content main create extract reveal skip
7. Gap Identification: workflow 🎥 thinking case study start exploration tutorial
8. Knowledge Exploration: related article book product conversation original
9. Contextual Analysis: occur information sharing retrieve
retrieve, occur, influence, recommendation, node, search, setting, word, text, network, click, case, show




  1. ユーザーインタラクション開始
  2. If/ElseノードがInfraNodus変数を判定
  3. 変数は空の場合、InfraNodusリクエストを実行
  4. 変数割当ノードに保存
  5. クエリ拡張プロンプト生成
  6. 知識検索RAGを実行
  7. 検索結果・元クエリ・分析結果を統合し回答生成
  8. 最終結果出力





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