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matter.js を使ってみた

Last updated at Posted at 2018-01-08





  • matter.jsをインストール
  • 作業ディレクトリを作成し、以下のようなディレクトリ配下にする。

- matter.js
- index.html
- app.js

  • それぞれに以下の記述をする
<main id="stage"></main>

<script src="matter.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>

(function() {

  var Engine = Matter.Engine;
  var World = Matter.World;
  var Bodies = Matter.Bodies;
  var Body = Matter.Body;
  var MouseConstraint = Matter.MouseConstraint;
  var Render = Matter.Render;
  var Events = Matter.Events;
  var Composites = Matter.Composites;
  var engine = Engine.create(document.body, {
    render: {
      options: {
        width: 1000,
        height: 600,
        pixelRatio: 1,
        background: '#fafafa',
        wireframeBackground: '#222',
        hasBounds: true,
        enabled: true,
        wireframes: true,
        showSleeping: true,
        showDebug: true,
        showBroadphase: true,
        showBounds: true,
        showVelocity: true,
        showCollisions: true,
        showSeparations: true,
        showAxes: true,
        showPositions: true,
        showAngleIndicator: false,
        showIds: false,
        showShadows: false,
        showVertexNumbers: false,
        showConvexHulls: true,
        showInternalEdges: true

  // isStatic:静的(完全固定) 地面と棒を追加
  var ground0 = Bodies.rectangle(0, 610, 1, 1000, { isStatic: true });
  var ground1 = Bodies.rectangle(100, 610, 1, 1000, { isStatic: true });
  var ground2 = Bodies.rectangle(200, 610, 1, 1000, { isStatic: true });
  var ground3 = Bodies.rectangle(300, 610, 1, 1000, { isStatic: true });
  var ground4 = Bodies.rectangle(400, 610, 1, 1000, { isStatic: true });
  var ground5 = Bodies.rectangle(500, 610, 1, 1000, { isStatic: true });
  var ground6 = Bodies.rectangle(600, 610, 1, 1000, { isStatic: true });
  var ground7 = Bodies.rectangle(700, 610, 1, 1000, { isStatic: true });
  var ground8 = Bodies.rectangle(800, 610, 1, 1000, { isStatic: true });
  var ground9 = Bodies.rectangle(400, 610, 810, 60, { isStatic: true });
  var group = Body.nextGroup(true),
        particleOptions = { friction: 0.00001, collisionFilter: { group: group }, render: { visible: false }},
        constraintOptions = { stiffness: 0.06 },
        cloth = Composites.softBody(200, 200, 20, 12, 5, 5, false, 8, particleOptions, constraintOptions);

    for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        cloth.bodies[i].isStatic = true;

  // クリックしたら操作できる。
  var mousedrag = MouseConstraint.create(engine, {
      element: document.body, 
      constraint: {
        render: {
          strokeStyle: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)" //マウスの動きを表示する(白)

  World.add(engine.world, [cloth, ground0, ground1, ground2, ground3, ground4, ground5, ground6, ground7, ground8, ground9, mousedrag]);

  for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  	var rnd = parseInt(Math.random() * 10);
  	var x = 320 + rnd * 10;
  	var y = 0 - rnd * 120;
  	rnd2 = parseInt(Math.random() * 640);
  	var x2 = rnd2;
  	var y2 = 0 - rnd2 * 2;

  	World.add(engine.world, [
  		Bodies.circle(x, y, 49, { //ボールを追加
  			density: 0.0005, // 密度
  			frictionAir: 0.06, // 空気抵抗
  			restitution: 1, // 弾力性
  			friction: 0.01, // 本体の摩擦
  			render: { //ボールのレンダリング
          options: {
            showAngleIndicator: true,
            showIds: true,
            showShadows: true,
            showVertexNumbers: true,
  			timeScale: 1.5 //時間の倍率を設定(1で1倍速)

// 物理シミュレーションを実行



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