そこで、Jupyter Notebook用にコメント部分だけ翻訳して、
from googletrans import Translator
import re
import pyautogui
import pyperclip as ppc
translator = Translator()
pyautogui.hotkey('b', 'enter')
code = ppc.paste()
en = re.findall("#\s*(.+?)\n", code)
ja = [translator.translate(e, dest="ja").text for e in en]
for e, j in zip(en, ja):
code = code.replace(e, j)
pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'v')
[What is PyRPL?](https://pyrpl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
# import pyrpl library
import pyrpl
# create an interface to the Red Pitaya
r = pyrpl.Pyrpl().redpitaya
r.hk.led = 0b10101010 # change led pattern
# measure a few signal values
print("Voltage at analog input1: %.3f" % r.sampler.in1)
print("Voltage at analog output2: %.3f" % r.sampler.out2)
print("Voltage at the digital filter's output: %.3f" % r.sampler.iir)
# output a function U(t) = 0.5 V * sin(2 pi * 10 MHz * t) to output2
# demodulate the output signal from the arbitrary signal generator
r.iq0.setup(input='asg0', # demodulate the signal from asg0
frequency=10e6, # demodulaltion at 10 MHz
bandwidth=1e5) # demodulation bandwidth of 100 kHz
# set up a PID controller on the demodulated signal and add result to out2
output_direct='out2', # add pid signal to output 2
setpoint=0.05, # pid setpoint of 50 mV
p=0.1, # proportional gain factor of 0.1
i=100, # integrator unity-gain-frequency of 100 Hz
input_filter = [3e3, 10e3]) # add 2 low-passes (3 and 10 kHz)
# modify some parameters in real-time
r.iq0.frequency += 2.3 # add 2.3 Hz to demodulation frequency
r.pid0.i *= 2 # double the integrator unity-gain-frequency
# take oscilloscope traces of the demodulated and pid signal
data = r.scope.curve(input1='iq0', input2='pid0',
duration=1.0, trigger_source='immediately')