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How to create an Aruco dictionary

Last updated at Posted at 2019-08-24

This function will create a totally new dictionary.So it maybe spend a lot of time.(ゼロからDictionaryを作成するため、時間がかなりかかります。)

  • zero_custdictionary = cv.aruco.Dictionary_create( markerSize, bitSize )
parameters purpose datatype
markerSize The number of markers Integer
bitSize The marker's binary size Integer

This function can base on a predefined dictionaries, add a new dictionary. (arUcoの予め準備したDictionaryの上でマーカーの数を追加する。)

  • baseDictionary = cv.aruco.getPredefinedDictionr(cv.aruco.DICT_XXX_XXX)
  • add_custdictionary = cv.aruco.Dictionary_create_from( markerSize, bitSize, baseDictionary)
  • Pay attetion: The new added dictionary's bitSize should be the same as predefined dictionary's.
Source code example
import cv2 as cv

aruco = cv.aruco
dictionary = aruco.getPredefinedDictionary(aruco.DICT_5X5_1000)

markerSize = 1050

bitSize = 5

custDictionary = aruco.custom_dictionary_from(markerSize, bitSize, dictionary)

#custDictionary = aruco.custom_dictionary(markerSize,bitSize)

generatMarker(custDictionary, 1040, 1234)

def generatMarker(dic,ID,data):
    marker = aruco.drawMarker(dic,ID,data)
    cv.imwrite('./ar_'+str(ID)+'_'+str(data)+'.png', marker)
  • By the way, I ran the source code above at terminal and editor environment. And the terminal spent less time.
  • For more informatin please check the site:

How to choose a dictionary

  • The relationship of correctionBits and markers size.

The inter-marker distance parameter:the minimum distance among its markers and it determines the error detection and correction capabilities of the dictionary.
In general, lower dictionary sizes and higher marker sizes increase the inter-marker and vice-versa. However, the detection of markers with higher sizes is more complex, due to the higher amount of bits that need to be extracted from the image.
(理論的に,marker size(bitSize)が大きい且つmarker数(markerSize)が少ない場合、エラー訂正レベルが高いです。ただし、marker Size(bitSize)が大きすぎると、検知される対象画像の画質の条件も厳しい。)

  • 例、200個markerが必要でしたら、同じmarker size(bitSize)6の場合、DICT_6X6_250よりDICT_6X6_1000の方がロバスト性が強い。

  • Create dictionary only one time and can be used at anytime.
    The Dictionary parameters are:

class Dictionary{
 Mat bytesList; // contains all the information about the marker codes
 int markSize;
 int maxCorrectionBits;//maximum number of bits that can be corrected

You should save the created dictionary(bytesList) as a csv/yml file. So that you can reuse it by reading this csv/yml file.


  • The time of creating a new dictionary.

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