The following program shows the options for the borderline around the header title and column header.
dm "clear log" ;
dm "clear output" ;
proc datasets lib = work kill nolist;
proc template;
define style styles.custom;
parent = styles.rtf;
replace table from output /
frame = below
rules = rows
cellpadding = 3pt
cellspacing = 0pt
borderwidth = 1pt;
/*Output all setting for the style*/
proc template;
source styles.custom;
data work.class ;
set sashelp.class ;
ods _all_ close ;
ods results off ;
ods verify off ;
ods escapechar = "^" ;
title1 j = L "First Line of the Title" ;
title2 j = l "Page ^{thispage} of ^{lastpage}" ;
ods noptitle ;
ods proclabel "test";
options orientation = portrait nodate nonumber ;
ods rtf file = ".\class.rtf" style = custom nocontents;
/*proc print data = work.class ;*/
proc report data = work.class nowd;
column ("title pre" ("title1 ^n title2" name sex age weight height)) ;
define name/display ;
define sex/display ;
define age/display ;
define weight/display ;
define height/display ;
ods rtf close ;
ods results on ;
ods listing ;