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What is the Difference Between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality App Development?

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These two terms are often confused, in spite of the differences between augmented reality and virtual reality app development.

augmented reality app development and virtual reality app development

AR applications let 2D or 3D graphics elements be put into a real-world environment and interact with it based on the position and orientation of the camera. VR technology provides an interactive artificial world for a user acting within a simulated environment.

AR works with special algorithms and needs sensors to determine the position and orientation of the camera. In such a way it is possible to render any 3D graphics at any location and see the content on a device’s screen. Besides, devices can locate graphic elements with high accuracy, as a result, it is possible to interact with life-size models in real time, walk around them, come up to, move away from, or even go through them.

VR also needs much work with math algorithms and sensors. Virtual reality is a simulated environment where users are immersed and can see everything with their own eyes. Graphics move together with the users so they can see a totally realistic environment.

These technologies have many application areas where they can be useful.

Augmented reality expands the borders of the real-world environment and creates new opportunities for business. AR could reach $70-75 billion in revenue by 2023, but the revenue for VR could be around $10-15 billion according to research by Digi-Capital.

Its popularity and forecasts of further growth must motivate entrepreneurs to consider AR app development to create a digital business. If you have ever considered this possibility, then you’ve thought about augmented reality app development cost.

Follow this article to find out more about the basics of AR development, how to create augmented reality apps, and their cost.


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