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Healthcare Mobile App Development: Types, Trends, & Features

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The healthcare industry, among all others, is applying digital technologies and utilizing mobile devices for healthcare app development. mHealth is a common term used for applying mobile technologies and devices in medical and public health practice. Healthcare mobile app development provides lots of benefits.

Around 3.7 billion apps were downloaded in 2017 offering mHealth services. This number is expected to grow by 16% within the next year and should result in a commercial success by making a total of $26 billion worldwide. The heavy usage of smartphones and smartwatches contributed even greater growth to the mobile health consumer app market.

Thus, this is the right time for healthcare mobile app development, and here you will find out all the answers to questions that you have been searching for.

Types of Healthcare Apps

In general, all healthcare apps can be divided into two categories - professional healthcare apps and healthcare apps for patients. Doctor apps are used for medical instruction, access to healthcare records and diagnoses, medical prescriptions, and essentially all other internal matters.

The other category consists of medical apps used by patients in clinics or personal healthcare apps.

Professional Healthcare Apps

mobile healthcare applications

Medical reference & database apps

These medical apps assist doctors with keeping all the information regarding diseases, drugs, and prescriptions in one place (e.g Medscape, Epocrates, VisualDX).

Professional networking apps

These are thematic social networks where healthcare providers and professionals can connect, interact, exchange knowledge, and grow professional community (e.g. DailyRounds, Figure 1, Among Doctors).

Patient medical health tracking apps

Logically, these healthcare apps help doctors monitor the health of their patients throughout the medical treatment process. Results from various labs and medical tests are listed there, as well as all other medical documentation (e.g VitalHub Chart).

Doctor appointment & clinical assistance apps

To reduce the handwritten work of keeping journals, clinics can use apps for appointments. All parties can be notified about changes in the calendar, which makes life much easier (e.g. Zocdoc).

Telehealth mobile apps (doctor-on-demand apps)

Telehealth apps is a great solution for online doctor visits and consultations (e.g. KRY).

In this article you will find out full information on the benefits of healthcare app development.


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