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Happy Holidays from OpenChain JapanWG 2022

Last updated at Posted at 2022-11-30

*Please scroll down for the English version.


OpenChain Japan WGのアドベントカレンダー2022へようこそ!
私たちOpenChain Japan WGは、OSS(Open Source Software)のコンプライアンスに関する活動をしている日本のコミュニティです。長いようであっという間だった2022年を振り返るべく、今年も精力的に活動してきた我々の活動報告とOSS界隈の最新情報を、25日間にわたってお届けします。このアドベントカレンダーを通して、私たちの活動やOSSコンプライアンスの重要性に興味を持っていただき、参加したいなと思っていただけるようになれば幸いです。

初日の今日は、恒例となりましたOpenChainプロジェクトのゼネラルマネージャーShane Coughlanからのご挨拶です。


OpenChain プロジェクトは、製品やサービスでオープンソースソフトウェアを活用する組織間のコラボレーションです。ただし、このプロジェクトの焦点はコードやテクノロジーの創作ではなく、ソフトウェアの取り込み、ソフトウェアの開発、およびソフトウェアに基づくソリューションのリリースを管理するための「プロセス」にあります。アイデアや提案の枠を超えて、OpenChainプロジェクトは、これらのプロセスの標準を開発しています。


OpenChainプロジェクトのコミュニティが作成した最初の標準は、オープンソースライセンスコンプライアンスの国際標準であるISO/IEC 5230:2020でした。これは、個々の企業向けの、簡潔でわかりやすいプロセス標準です。各企業がそれぞれこの標準を採用することで、サプライチェーン全体におけるライセンス関連の事柄が徐々に効率的かつ効果的に作用するようになるという考えに基づいてます。

OpenChainプロジェクトのコミュニティが作成した2つ目の標準は、OpenChain Security Assurance Specificationと呼ばれています。この標準は、概念的には ISO/IEC 5230:2020と非常によく似ています。当然、ライセンスコンプライアンスのプロセスとセキュリティのプロセスには異なる点がありますが、基本的なアプローチは共通しています。



2023年のOpenChainプロジェクトにおける最大の変更点は、おそらく、ソリューションをより迅速に見つけられるようにするための、プロジェクトの構造改革でしょう。私たちのプロジェクトの全体像を示した新しいスライドによって、新しいワークグループ、special interest group(特定のテーマについて興味・関心のある人々の集まり)、ユーザーグループなどがどのように作成されるかがわかります。この変更の目的は、企業が「私はオープンソースライセンスコンプライアンスと日本のコミュニティに興味があり、この課題に関連する政策について話し合いたい」のような意思決定を簡単におこない、どのメーリングリストに参加すれば良いのかがすぐにわかるようにすることです。


Hello. If this is your first visit, nice to meet you. Thank you very much for your attention to this article.
Welcome to OpenChain Japan WG Advent Calendar 2022!!
We, OpenChain Japan WG, is a Japanese community whose activities involve Open Source Software (OSS) compliance. This is our 4th advent calendar, continuing from 2021. We will deliver to you a series of 25 articles about our activities of this year and topics of open source. And the same as last year, we will write every article both in Japanese and English and deliver them to everyone in the world.
We would be very happy if you became a little interested in our activities and the importance of OSS compliance from reading our articles. I hope you like it!!

As the beginning of this advent calendar, let's start with a comment from Shane Coughlan, the General Manager of OpenChain Project.

Message from Shane

The OpenChain Project is a collaboration between organizations using open source software in products and services. However, the project is not focused on making code or technology. It is focused on the processes used to manage taking in software, developing software and releasing solutions based on software. It goes beyond having ideas or suggestions, and it develops standards for these processes.

The goal of building any standard is to distill effective solutions into a shared specification and then to make it easy for anyone to use this specification. In the case of the standards that the OpenChain Project maintains, our approach is to help solve specific problems around managing open source software license compliance and security.

The first standard the OpenChain Project community made was ISO/IEC 5230:2020, the International Standard for open source license compliance. This is a short, easy to understand process standard for individual companies. The idea is that as companies adopt it one-by-one, gradually the whole supply chain becomes more efficient and effective around these licenses.

The second standard the OpenChain Project community has made is called the OpenChain Security Assurance Specification. This is very similar to ISO/IEC 5230:2020 in concept though naturally there are a few differences between the processes for license compliance and security. However, the fundamental approach is shared.

Open Source license compliance and security are big topics that take a while to solve and then to share solutions across the supply chain. The OpenChain Project and its community has always been designed to address this in a long-term manner. The purpose of our approach is to give the time, the stability and the support necessary for many companies with many different commercial relationships to use our standards.

In 2023 we expect to continue the work we started in 2016. We want to ensure that any organization looking for a shared solution to various open source process management challenges can find them. We will continue to maintain a very large library of reference material. And we will continue to run a large global community, often operating in local languages, to provide peer support.

The biggest change for the OpenChain Project in 2023 is probably how we are improving our project structure to allow our community to find solutions faster. You will see a new slide explaining our current structure and you will more easily understand how new work groups, special interest groups or user groups are created. The idea is to make it easier for a company to decide “I am interested in open source license compliance, the Japanese community, and I also want to talk about public policy around this issue,” and for the company to immediately know which three mailing lists to join.

We look forward to working with you in 2023. It is very important for the OpenChain Community to always be that: an open source community for open source process management. We do not build code, but we do build the management future of open source in supply chains. Your perspective, knowledge and experience is vital for our shared success.


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