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Happy Holidays from OpenChain JapanWG

Last updated at Posted at 2021-11-30

*Please scroll down for the English version.
OpenChain Japan WGのアドベントカレンダー2021へようこそ!
私たちOpenChain Japan WGは、OSS(Open Source Software)のコンプライアンスに関する活動をしている日本のコミュニティです。今年は私たちのアドベントカレンダーも3年目、今年も精力的に活動してきた我々の活動報告とOSS界隈の最新情報を、25日間にわたってお届けします。また、今年も海外のエンジニアの皆さんにも読んでいただけるよう、日本語と英語で記載します。

初日の今日は、OpenCheinプロジェクトのゼネラルマネージャーShane Coughlanからのご挨拶です。



OpenChain Japan WGは、非常に優れた人々が作り上げ、大切に運用されている素晴らしいコミュニティの一例です。OpenChainプロジェクトの最大の功績は、ISO/IEC 5230:2020が公開されたことですが、その次の功績は日本で育まれたものでしょう。



Hello. If this is your first visit, nice to meet you. Thank you very much for your attention to this article.
Welcome to OpenChain Japan WG Advent Calendar 2021!!
We, OpenChain Japan WG, is a Japanese community whose activities involve Open Source Software (OSS) compliance. This is our third advent calendar, continuing from 2020 and 2021. We will deliver to you a series of 25 articles about our activities of this year and topics of open source. And the same as last year, we will write every article both in Japanese and English and deliver them to everyone in the world.
We would be very happy if you became a little interested in our activities and the importance of OSS compliance from reading our articles. I hope you like it!!

As the beginning of this advent calendar, let's start with a comment from Shane Coughlan, the General Manager of OpenChain Project.

#Message from Shane
The basic concept of community is easy to understand. People come together to do something in collaboration. It may be solving a challenge. It may be educating others. It may be both.

It is more difficult to explain how to make and sustain a community. That involves skills, activities and experience in a complex web. It is rare to have big, engaged and effective communities.

The OpenChain Japan Work Group is an example of an excellent community built and cared for by exceptional people. The greatest legacy of the OpenChain Project is the publication of ISO/IEC 5230:2020. However, the second-greatest must be what has been fostered in Japan.

There are now about two hundred people from one hundred companies in this community. The knowledge it creates is shared with a far wider audience. It has influence across Asia, Europe and the Americas.

The advent calendar celebrates this. It also provides so much material to think about and inspire us for the year ahead. My great thanks to Watanabe San for starting this tradition, and to Endo San, Fukuchi San and everyone else in the community who participate every year.


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