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Heroku Add-onのSendGridにログインできないトラブル

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スクリーンショット 2022-01-18 11.33.20.png


ログイン画面で出てきたSupportリンクから問い合わせました。上記記事にあるようにConfig Varsかコマンドheroku config:get で確認したユーザ名+パスワードを入れると画像のようSupportへのリンクが出ます。

スクリーンショット 2022-01-18 15.40.54.png


I use the Sendgrid Heroku Add-on. I can't open the dashboard from Sendgrid link on Heroku resource tab, and when I tried to login I got message "You are not authorized to access SendGrid, please contact Support". My username is appXXXXXXX@heroku.com (←ここに自分のユーザ名を入れる)

訳 HerokuのSendGridアドオンからダッシュボードを開こうとしたけど開けませんでした。ログインしようとしたら"~~~"というメッセージが出ました。ユーザ名はappXXXXXXX@heroku.comです。



Thank you for your interest in a Twilio SendGrid account! 

Since this account was created through one of our Reseller platforms, we will need some additional information to ensure your account adheres to the Twilio SendGrid Email Policy. Please reply with the following:

1. The business you are developing email services for. Please include:
a) The official website of the company and/or verified social media site.
b) The company's business model and products/services offered.
c) Your full  name and association with the company, including your business title, a publicly available source that verifies your role (such as a LinkedIn profile), and/or an email address with the same domain as the business URL listed above.

2. Please outline your use case, including:
a) What type of emails do you intend to send to your customers?  Will they be transactional or marketing?
b) A link or screenshot to your sign-up page where your customers opt-in to receive emails.
c) A content sample email message by way of a link or attachment.
If you are sending marketing emails, please ensure the following is visible in your example:
- Unsubscribe link
- Physical mailing address
- Privacy Policy link

3) Do you have any additional SendGrid accounts, be it stand alone or another associated with Heroku[Azure/plug in reseller here]? If so please include them in your response. 

Thanks in advance for taking time to reply to our email, we look forward to hearing from you soon!

Best Regards,

Twilio Consumer Trust Team


  1. The business you are developing email services for. Please include:


a) The official website of the company and/or verified social media site.


b) The company's business model and products/services offered.


c) Your full name and association with the company, including your business title, a publicly available source that verifies your role (such as a LinkedIn profile), and/or an email address with the same domain as the business URL listed above.


  1. Please outline your use case, including:


a) What type of emails do you intend to send to your customers? Will they be transactional or marketing?

a)送信するメールの用途は何ですか? トランザクションもしくはマーケティングどちらですか?

b) A link or screenshot to your sign-up page where your customers opt-in to receive emails.


c) A content sample email message by way of a link or attachment.
If you are sending marketing emails, please ensure the following is visible in your example:

  • Unsubscribe link
  • Physical mailing address
  • Privacy Policy link

c) 送信するメールのサンプルをリンクか添付にてお送り下さい。

  1. Do you have any additional SendGrid accounts, be it stand alone or another associated with Heroku[Azure/plug in reseller here]? If so please include them in your response.
  1. 他にSendGridのアカウントをお持ちですか? HerokuやAzure等のリセラーを含めてアカウントをお知らせください。

つまり、SendGridから悪質なメールを送るのは許さん! ということらしい



1. I use this service only for a non-commercial purpose. My intention is to learn. My full name is XXXXXXXXX.

2. a) emails for users to sign-up by a link.  b) see below. c) the email is "Please complete your registration via the link below." and a link. See below as a code example.
#2. a)サインアップ用のリンク送信のためのメールです。b)下にスクショを貼ります。c) メール文面は「下記のリンクより登録を完了してください」です。コードを下に貼ります。

3. Only for this Heroku app's add-on.
#Heroku add-onのみです。

Best regards,



その後、”Thanks for the additional information! Your SendGrid account has been activated, and can now be used to send email.” という内容の返答が来て終了です。




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