
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

Some appledoc annotations:

Last updated at Posted at 2015-12-16
  1. simple line annotation:

///simple annotation

/*! single line annotation. */

2.multiple annotation:

/** simple annotation
* multiple annotation


/** @brief simple annotation
*   multiple annotation

3.Delegate && category annotation:
In a delegate or category file,We can use simple line annotation.we can use multiple annotation too, of course.

4.property annotation:
As the same, we can use both single line annotation and multiple annotation.

5.methods annotation:
if the method has no argument,we can use single line annotation.
if the method has argument,we have to write like this:

* @brief the method has two arguments.
* @param value This is the first argument.
* @param value2 This is the second argument.
* @return This is a return value.
- (id)getSomeElementWithArgument:(id)value andArgument:(id)value2.

@param<name><description>: the description of argument.
@return<description>: the description of return value.

6.A complex annotation:

* @brief description
* @param value description.
* @return return value description.
* @exception NSException exception description.
* @see someMethod.
* @warning warning:warning information
* @bug bug:bug information.
- (NSString *)someMethondByStr:(NSString *)value

@exception <name> <description>: description.
@warning <text>: warning description.
@bug <text>: bug description.
@see <name> Methods or properties in the Class or Delegate.

7.if we have to write some code paragraph in annotation,we can use ` to include the paragraph.

8.creat list in annotations.
a. disordered list:
use "-","+"or"*"character before annotation.

* disordered list:
* - abc
* - xyz
* - rgb

b. ordered list:
use number or decimal point before annotation.

* ordered list:
* 1. first
* 2. second
* 3. third
* 4. forth

c. blank: example

* | Kxx | xxxx | xxQ |
* |-----|:----:|----:|
* |norma|center|right|
* |cell |cell |cell |

this will be a blank like this:

9.include a link:
write the link words directly.

* http://github.com/Asahi_Kuang


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