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Bolt.new: AIでフルスタックWeb開発をしよう

Last updated at Posted at 2024-10-14







  1. ブラウザ上でのフルスタック開発

    • npmパッケージのインストールや実行が可能
    • Node.jsサーバーの実行ができる
    • サードパーティAPIとの連携も簡単


  2. AIによる環境制御

    • AIがファイルシステム、サーバー、パッケージマネージャーなどを制御
    • アプリケーション作成からデプロイまでAIがサポート


  3. 使いやすいインターフェース

    • チャットベースの対話型インターフェース
    • コードエディタ、ターミナル、ブラウザプレビューが一画面に統合






# WebAtoms.js

Please create a single-page application with the following requirements:

## Tech stack

TypeScript, Next.js 14, App Router, Tailwindcss, Single Page Application, Best pactises, 3dmol.js

## Design

I want to have a modern design with light mode and dark mode. The design should be responsive.

## General description

1. It is a single page application.
2. The layout is header, 2 columns main content, and footer.
3. The header has a logo, then title, and subtitle under the title. On the right part of the header, there is a GitHub link (icon), docs link (icon), and user forum (icon).

### Main content (left column)

1. On the top left, there is a clickable drag and drop area where you can upload cif, xyz files.
2. If the file is uploaded, it shows the file name (with link. if clicked it will pop up a floating window that will show the content of the file), button to remove file.
3. In the top right, there is a box to show the crystal or molecular structure of the given file. (use 3dmol.js) This will be left blank if there is no input.
4. Then there is a select box for Element, Edge, calculation type, and ipot style. Element is a select box with all the elements in the periodic table. Edge is a select box from "K, L3, L2, L1, M", calculation type is ["EXAFS", "XANES(FEFF)", "XANES(FDMNES)"], and ipot style will only show up if the EXAFS or "XANES(FEFF)" is selected and the options are ["FEFF6", "FEFF8"(default)].
5. There is a calculation detail section.

If calculation type is "EXAFS" or "XANES(FEFF)":

- There will be a Cluster size, Longest path, SCF radius.

If calculation type is "XANES(FDMNES)":

--------- There will be a Cluster size, Longest path, SCF radius, Ecut, Ecut1.

6. Then there is a select box to select the input type (Crystal or Molecule).

If "Molecule":

- There is a button "Input xyz coordinates by text" which will pop up a floating window where you can paste the xyz coordinates. The default input will be the xyz coordinates calculated from the tables below. There is an apply button at the bottom to apply it to the table. In case there is an error, do not leave the floating window and provide information about the error in a separate box on the right.
- There will be a table. Columns will be "Abs", "Element", "x", "y", "z", and "tag". "Abs" is a checkbox, "Element" is a select box with all the elements in the periodic table, and "x", "y", "z" are input boxes. "Tags" are automatically generated by "Element" + unique number as default.

If crystal:

- There will be a space group
- A, B, C, alpha, beta, gamma input boxes.
- There will be a table. columns will be "Abs", "Element", "x", "y", "z", and "tag". "Abs" is a checkbox, "Element" is a select box with all the elements in the periodic table, and "x", "y", "z" are input boxes. "tags" are automatically generated by "Element" + unique number as default.

Then there is a button "Calculate" which will output a file specified with the calculation type.

### Main content (right column)

1. It is a text area where the output of the calculation will be shown. It is editable.
2. There is a button "Save" which will save the output to the local storage.
3. In the top right, there is a box where you will have a molecular structure of the output file. (use 3dmol.js)




Following boxes needs to be compact, and put the label left to the box. Put multiple content in one row.

- Select Element
- Select Edge
- Select Calculation Type
- Cluster size
- Longest path
- SCF radius

Remove the up and down button in the text box for numbers.
Remove add atom button in the Atoms section.
Atoms will be automatically added if all of the previous elements are filled by at least one of them
the checkbox in the atoms should be aligned in the center (vertically)

Make the right text box hight fixed size relative the window.


2プロンプトでほぼほぼ想定していたものすべて実装が完了して、感動しました。ちなみに、Dark modeなども要求通り実装してくれてかなり嬉しかったです。


  • セットアップが不要で、すぐに開発を始められる
  • AIを使うことで、プロトタイピングがかなり迅速に行える。
  • 予めStackBlitzのstarter kitが用意されているため、Next.jsで必要なコンポーネントなどはまとめられており、それをベースにしたpromptingなどが行える。
  • 様々なフレームワークやライブラリに対応している(v0はvercelが作っているため、Next.jsのみ)


  • 複雑なプロジェクトでは、AIの理解が不完全な場合がある
  • 無料版のトークン制限がやや厳しい



ただし、プロフェッショナルな大規模開発には、まだ課題も残っています。ただ、こちらに関しては例えば最初の取っ掛かりをBolt.newに作らせて、残りをClaude 3.5 Sonnet + Cursor.aiなどで実施するなどでかなり迅速な開発ができうると感じました。





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