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hashtable sort.ps1
function Process-HashTables {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [array]$hashTables,       # 処理対象のハッシュテーブルの配列
        [string[]]$duplicateKeys, # 重複を削除する列のキー名配列
        $sortKeysAndOrder         # ソートする列とその順序を定義したハッシュテーブル
    # ソート処理
    if ($sortKeysAndOrder) {
        $hashTables = $hashTables | Sort-Object $sortKeysAndOrder
    # 重複データ削除
    if ($duplicateKeys) {
        $seen = @{}
        $uniqueResult = @()

        foreach ($hashTable in $hashTables) {
            $keyValues = $duplicateKeys | ForEach-Object { $hashTable.$_ }
            $compositeKey = $keyValues -join '|'

            if (-not $seen.ContainsKey($compositeKey)) {
                $seen[$compositeKey] = $true
                $uniqueResult += $hashTable
        $hashTables = $uniqueResult

    return $hashTables

# データセット
$data = @(
    [ordered]@{ key1 = "100" ; key2 = "65" ; key3 = "2024/04/05 20:50:14" ; key4 = "data~5" },
    [ordered]@{ key1 = "190" ; key2 = "45" ; key3 = "2024/04/05 20:50:14" ; key4 = "data~1" },
    [ordered]@{ key1 = "100" ; key2 = "55" ; key3 = "2024/04/05 20:50:14" ; key4 = "data~3" },
    [ordered]@{ key1 = "190" ; key2 = "35" ; key3 = "2024/04/05 20:50:11" ; key4 = "data~2" },
    [ordered]@{ key1 = "100" ; key2 = "25" ; key3 = "2024/04/05 20:50:11" ; key4 = "data~4" },
    [ordered]@{ key1 = "100" ; key2 = "15" ; key3 = "2024/04/05 20:50:11" ; key4 = "data~6" }

# 重複削除対象列
$duplicateColumns = @('key1')
# ソート対象列と順序
$sortColumnsAndOrder = @(
    @{ exp = { $_.key1 }; des = $true },
    @{ exp = { $_.key2 }; des = $true },
    @{ exp = { $_.key3 }; asc = $true }

# データ処理(ソートと重複削除)
$resultData = Process-HashTables -hashTables $data -duplicateKeys $duplicateColumns -sortKeysAndOrder $sortColumnsAndOrder

# 結果を1列ごとに表示
foreach ($hashTable in $resultData) {
    $hashTable.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name | ForEach-Object {
        Write-Output "$($_.Name) = $($_.Value)"
    Write-Output "-----"

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