- OS: macOS Catalina
- Docker: Docker version 20.10.0, build 7287ab3
( Qiitaのこの記事に動画ファイルをアップロードするにあたり、ffmpegコマンドでMP4ファイルをGIFファイルに変換しました。 )
( OpeningManimExample.mp4 )
( WriteStuff.mp4 )
###生成したLaTeX埋め込み動画ファイル (MP4ファイル)
#####(docker cpコマンドを使って、Dockerコンテナの中から、Macbookのlocalに、コピーしたファイル)
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ % ls ./files_from_docker
OpeningManimExample.mp4 SquareToCircle.mp4 UpdatersExample.mp4 WarpSquare.mp4 WriteStuff.mp4
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ %
##( 使ったDockerイメージ )
####jasonkwan/manimをdocker pullして使いました。
###Manim Docker Container
This container is based on eulertour/manim, except that it has oh-my-zsh and the Powerlevel10k theme and tmux, so that you can easily run parallel interactive manim renderings in your terminal window. Manim is a Python 3-based animation pipeline written by Grant Sanderson of the 3blue1brown YouTube channel. It is not incredibly well documented, so at some point I may add a tutorial here. For now, here are some barebones instructions on using the Docker container:
Start the Docker container, making sure that you mount the host directory that holds your scene code. For example:
docker run -it --rm -v /host/scene/dir:/scenes jasonkwan/manim:latest
###docker pullでdockerイメージをインストール
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ % cd Desktop
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker pull jasonkwan/manim
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from jasonkwan/manim
22dbe790f715: Pull complete
0250231711a0: Pull complete
6fba9447437b: Pull complete
c2b4d327b352: Pull complete
270e1baa5299: Pull complete
8dc8edf0ab44: Pull complete
86ded05de41b: Pull complete
1eac5266a8fa: Pull complete
61b3f1392c29: Pull complete
491e147d71fe: Pull complete
5a2ecf94c392: Pull complete
f6bd76470d98: Pull complete
d1bd77cc51ee: Pull complete
226e5689b7df: Pull complete
e708be840c60: Pull complete
eeda8d3fc845: Pull complete
60cd4adb5309: Pull complete
be438c8e715b: Pull complete
15f95ecef64c: Pull complete
20f3c9b0097d: Pull complete
8bb6eaeaae9d: Pull complete
d5339ff8345f: Pull complete
5ce6c44e720b: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:de6abdf84730b7e5041aad2922563060ee189f8748cf658abf9678b91dbe5548
Status: Downloaded newer image for jasonkwan/manim:latest
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop %
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker images
manimcommunity/manim latest 805ff82b5b12 3 weeks ago 1.01GB
jasonkwan/manim latest 72bbfbf7c70d 5 months ago 2.77GB
hello-world latest bf756fb1ae65 12 months ago 13.3kB
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop %
###docker runで起動
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker run -it jasonkwan/manim:latest
[powerlevel10k] fetching gitstatusd .. [ok]
root@7b3c5a153a0a / ✔ ⚡ 1 15:41:11
root@7b3c5a153a0a / pwd ✔ ⚡ 1 15:41:15
root@7b3c5a153a0a / ls ✔ ⚡ 2 15:41:44
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 manim media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
root@7b3c5a153a0a / ✔ ⚡ 3 15:41:46
root@7b3c5a153a0a / ls manim ✔ ⚡ 3 15:41:46
Dockerfile README.md docs example_scenes.py logo manim_docker_diagram.png perf_scenes.py setup.cfg stage_scenes.py
LICENSE docker-compose.yml environment.yml from_3b1b manim.py manimlib requirements.txt setup.py travis
root@7b3c5a153a0a / ✔ ⚡ 4 15:41:58
root@7b3c5a153a0a / cd manim ✔ ⚡ 4 15:41:58
root@7b3c5a153a0a /manim master ls ✔ ⚡ 5 15:42:02
Dockerfile README.md docs example_scenes.py logo manim_docker_diagram.png perf_scenes.py setup.cfg stage_scenes.py
LICENSE docker-compose.yml environment.yml from_3b1b manim.py manimlib requirements.txt setup.py travis
root@7b3c5a153a0a /manim master ✔ ⚡ 6 15:42:05
root@7b3c5a153a0a /manim master manim 1 ↵ ⚡ 7 15:42:38
usage: manim [-h] [-p] [-w] [-s] [-l] [-m] [--high_quality] [-g] [-i] [-f]
[-t] [-q] [-a] [-o FILE_NAME] [-n START_AT_ANIMATION_NUMBER]
[-r RESOLUTION] [-c COLOR] [--sound] [--leave_progress_bars]
[--media_dir MEDIA_DIR]
[--video_dir VIDEO_DIR | --video_output_dir VIDEO_OUTPUT_DIR]
[--tex_dir TEX_DIR] [--livestream] [--to-twitch]
[--with-key TWITCH_KEY]
[file] [scene_names [scene_names ...]]
positional arguments:
file path to file holding the python code for the scene
scene_names Name of the Scene class you want to see
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p, --preview Automatically open the saved file once its done
-w, --write_to_movie Render the scene as a movie file
-s, --save_last_frame
Save the last frame
-l, --low_quality Render at a low quality (for faster rendering)
-m, --medium_quality Render at a medium quality
--high_quality Render at a high quality
-g, --save_pngs Save each frame as a png
-i, --save_as_gif Save the video as gif
-f, --show_file_in_finder
Show the output file in finder
-t, --transparent Render to a movie file with an alpha channel
-q, --quiet
-a, --write_all Write all the scenes from a file
-o FILE_NAME, --file_name FILE_NAME
Specify the name of the output file, ifit should be
different from the scene class name
Start rendering not from the first animation, butfrom
another, specified by its index. If you passin two
comma separated values, e.g. "3,6", it will endthe
rendering at the second value
Resolution, passed as "height,width"
-c COLOR, --color COLOR
Background color
--sound Play a success/failure sound
Leave progress bars displayed in terminal
--media_dir MEDIA_DIR
directory to write media
--video_dir VIDEO_DIR
directory to write file tree for video
--video_output_dir VIDEO_OUTPUT_DIR
directory to write video
--tex_dir TEX_DIR directory to write tex
--livestream Run in streaming mode
--to-twitch Stream to twitch
--with-key TWITCH_KEY
Stream key for twitch
root@7b3c5a153a0a /manim master
root@7b3c5a153a0a /manim master which manim 2 ↵ ⚡ 11 15:44:22
root@7b3c5a153a0a /manim master manim example_scenes.py ✔ ⚡ 12 15:44:27
Media will be written to ./media/. You can change this behavior with the --media_dir flag.
1: Banner
2: ComplexTransformationScene
3: CountInBinaryTo256
4: CountInDecimal
5: CountInTernary
6: CountingScene
7: DiscreteGraphScene
8: ExternallyAnimatedScene
9: FactorialBase
10: GraphScene
11: LinearTransformationScene
12: LogoGenerationTemplate
13: MortyPiCreatureScene
14: MovingCameraScene
15: OpeningManimExample
16: OpeningQuote
17: PatreonEndScreen
18: PatreonThanks
19: PiCreatureScene
20: PowerCounter
21: RearrangeEquation
22: ReconfigurableScene
23: SampleSpaceScene
24: SceneFromVideo
25: SpecialThreeDScene
26: SquareToCircle
27: TODOStub
28: TeacherStudentsScene
29: ThreeDScene
30: UpdatersExample
31: VectorScene
32: WarpSquare
33: WriteStuff
34: ZoomedScene
Choose number corresponding to desired scene/arguments.
(Use comma separated list for multiple entries)
Choice(s): 4
Writing "0" to Tex/313b3fca39847d25.tex
Writing "1.0" to Tex/870ea63b346ce782.tex
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/manimlib/extract_scene.py", line 150, in main
scene = SceneClass(**scene_kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/manimlib/scene/scene.py", line 52, in __init__
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/manimlib/once_useful_constructs/counting.py", line 205, in construct
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/manimlib/once_useful_constructs/counting.py", line 102, in increment
added_anims += self.get_digit_increment_animations()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/manimlib/once_useful_constructs/counting.py", line 141, in get_digit_increment_animations
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/manimlib/once_useful_constructs/counting.py", line 76, in add_configuration
NameError: name 'it' is not defined
###example_scenes.pyのサンプル描画「1」を実行 (成功)
root@7b3c5a153a0a /manim master ? python3 -m manim example_scenes.py ✔ ⚡ 13 15:47:25
Media will be written to ./media/. You can change this behavior with the --media_dir flag.
1: OpeningManimExample
2: SquareToCircle
3: UpdatersExample
4: WarpSquare
5: WriteStuff
Choose number corresponding to desired scene/arguments.
(Use comma separated list for multiple entries)
Choice(s): 1
Writing "\centering This is some \LaTeX" to ./media/Tex/664e80e8d8d98482.tex
Writing "This is some \LaTeX" to ./media/Tex/80ed8d4981768252.tex
Writing "\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{\pi^2}{6}" to ./media/Tex/ebc532caee153e1a.tex
Writing "\centering That was a transform" to ./media/Tex/9fa026c959502cbc.tex
Writing "That was a transform" to ./media/Tex/57295160ffb913ef.tex
Writing "\centering This is a grid" to ./media/Tex/4a7a28127f038c1b.tex
Writing "This is a grid" to ./media/Tex/0e1800da5f412d6a.tex
Writing "\centering That was a non-linear function \\applied to the grid" to ./media/Tex/ef930e6ad7fb0e63.tex
Writing "That was a non-linear function \\applied to the grid" to ./media/Tex/03df13f55ef83d17.tex
File ready at /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/OpeningManimExample.mp4
Played 10 animations
root@7b3c5a153a0a /manim master ?
File ready at /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/OpeningManimExample.mp4と出力された。
root@7b3c5a153a0a /manim master ? ls /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/OpeningManimExample.mp4 ✔ ⚡ 14 15:49:20
root@7b3c5a153a0a /manim master ? ✔ ⚡ 15 15:51:55
root@7b3c5a153a0a /manim master ? exit
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ %
###- Docker ID: b11252fc4c1e
ここで、最初に立ち上げたのとは別のコンテナをdocker runで立ち上げずに、先ほど立ち上げたコンテナにdocker startで入り直しても良い。
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master hostname ✔ ⚡ 11 16:09:11
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master python3 -m manim example_scenes.py ✔ ⚡ 9 16:03:19
Media will be written to ./media/. You can change this behavior with the --media_dir flag.
1: OpeningManimExample
2: SquareToCircle
3: UpdatersExample
4: WarpSquare
5: WriteStuff
Choose number corresponding to desired scene/arguments.
(Use comma separated list for multiple entries)
Choice(s): 1
Writing "\centering This is some \LaTeX" to ./media/Tex/664e80e8d8d98482.tex
Writing "This is some \LaTeX" to ./media/Tex/80ed8d4981768252.tex
Writing "\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{\pi^2}{6}" to ./media/Tex/ebc532caee153e1a.tex
Writing "\centering That was a transform" to ./media/Tex/9fa026c959502cbc.tex
Writing "That was a transform" to ./media/Tex/57295160ffb913ef.tex
Writing "\centering This is a grid" to ./media/Tex/4a7a28127f038c1b.tex
Writing "This is a grid" to ./media/Tex/0e1800da5f412d6a.tex
Writing "\centering That was a non-linear function \\applied to the grid" to ./media/Tex/ef930e6ad7fb0e63.tex
Writing "That was a non-linear function \\applied to the grid" to ./media/Tex/03df13f55ef83d17.tex
File ready at /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/OpeningManimExample.mp4
Played 10 animations
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ls /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/OpeningManimExample.mp4 ✔ ⚡ 10 16:05:09
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ✔ ⚡ 11 16:08:04
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master hostname ✔ ⚡ 11 16:09:11
####先ほどのTerminalのなかで起動中のDockerコンテナに、このTerminalから__docker cp__コマンドでアクセスして、ファイルをローカルにcopyする。
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ % docker cp
"docker cp" requires exactly 2 arguments.
See 'docker cp --help'.
Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ %
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ % cd Desktop
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker ps -all
b11252fc4c1e jasonkwan/manim:latest "/usr/bin/zsh" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes elastic_shaw
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % mkdir files_from_docker
- コピー元 : b11252fc4c1e:/manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/OpeningManimExample.mp4
- コピー先 : ./files_from_docker
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker cp b11252fc4c1e:/manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/OpeningManimExample.mp4 ./files_from_docker
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % ls ./files_from_docker
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop %
###example_scenes.pyのサンプル描画「3」を実行 (成功)
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master hostname ✔ ⚡ 11 16:09:11
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master python3 -m manim example_scenes.py ✔ ⚡ 12 16:09:17
Media will be written to ./media/. You can change this behavior with the --media_dir flag.
1: OpeningManimExample
2: SquareToCircle
3: UpdatersExample
4: WarpSquare
5: WriteStuff
Choose number corresponding to desired scene/arguments.
(Use comma separated list for multiple entries)
Choice(s): 3
Writing "+" to ./media/Tex/701bbfb7cb8d210c.tex
Writing "0" to ./media/Tex/0f3ccd5562128687.tex
Writing "." to ./media/Tex/0791945beca35ac3.tex
Writing "\dots" to ./media/Tex/56ff6ce3bda9aed7.tex
Writing "2" to ./media/Tex/3d052336c1e3bf0f.tex
Writing "5" to ./media/Tex/957bc2d10c45e9f8.tex
Animation 0: MoveToTargetSquare: 0%| | 0/300 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Writing "4" to ./media/Tex/0079e539c2bb727b.tex
Writing "9" to ./media/Tex/fcf5bb509920cd38.tex
Writing "8" to ./media/Tex/d381d5de7709b238.tex
Animation 0: MoveToTargetSquare: 1%|▋ | 2/300 [00:01<03:34, 1.39it/s]Writing "3" to ./media/Tex/56d3dc830a188b52.tex
Animation 0: MoveToTargetSquare: 1%|█▎ | 4/300 [00:02<02:30, 1.97it/s]Writing "7" to ./media/Tex/c2a7e295cf7ba1eb.tex
Animation 0: MoveToTargetSquare: 3%|██▋ | 8/300 [00:02<01:39, 2.92it/s]Writing "6" to ./media/Tex/be2011bd7d40b30b.tex
Animation 0: MoveToTargetSquare: 6%|██████▎ | 19/300 [00:04<00:59, 4.70it/s]Writing "1" to ./media/Tex/9f555629e552b431.tex
Animation 0: MoveToTargetSquare: 25%|████████████████████████▊ | 75/300 [00:09<00:28, 7.94it/s]Writing "-" to ./media/Tex/5ae072d0e0fd537e.tex
File ready at /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/UpdatersExample.mp4
Played 2 animations
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ✔ ⚡ 13 16:14:25
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ls /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/UpdatersExample.mp4 ✔ ⚡ 13 16:14:29
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ✔ ⚡ 14 16:14:36
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker cp b11252fc4c1e:/manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/UpdatersExample.mp4 ./files_from_docker
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % ls ./files_from_docker
OpeningManimExample.mp4 UpdatersExample.mp4
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop %
###example_scenes.pyのサンプル描画「5」を実行 (成功)
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master python3 -m manim example_scenes.py ✔ ⚡ 14 16:15:27
Media will be written to ./media/. You can change this behavior with the --media_dir flag.
1: OpeningManimExample
2: SquareToCircle
3: UpdatersExample
4: WarpSquare
5: WriteStuff
Choose number corresponding to desired scene/arguments.
(Use comma separated list for multiple entries)
Choice(s): 5
Writing "\centering This is a some text" to ./media/Tex/4475e3a270ecfb06.tex
Writing "This is a some" to ./media/Tex/5c074d030e92c7aa.tex
Writing "text" to ./media/Tex/b0d674e36b79c7de.tex
Writing "\sum_{k=1}^\infty {1 \over k^2} = {\pi^2 \over 6}" to ./media/Tex/a64c7561bee319ce.tex
File ready at /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/WriteStuff.mp4
Played 3 animations
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ls /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/WriteStuff.mp4 ✔ ⚡ 15 16:15:50
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ✔ ⚡ 16 16:16:00
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker cp b11252fc4c1e:/manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/WriteStuff.mp4 ./files_from_docker
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % ls ./files_from_docker
OpeningManimExample.mp4 UpdatersExample.mp4 WriteStuff.mp4
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop %
###example_scenes.pyのサンプル描画「4」を実行 (成功)
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master python3 -m manim example_scenes.py ✔ ⚡ 16 16:16:31
Media will be written to ./media/. You can change this behavior with the --media_dir flag.
1: OpeningManimExample
2: SquareToCircle
3: UpdatersExample
4: WarpSquare
5: WriteStuff
Choose number corresponding to desired scene/arguments.
(Use comma separated list for multiple entries)
Choice(s): 4
File ready at /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/WarpSquare.mp4
Played 2 animations
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ls /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/WarpSquare.mp4 ✔ ⚡ 17 16:17:11
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ✔ ⚡ 18 16:17:21
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker cp b11252fc4c1e:/manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/WarpSquare.mp4 ./files_from_docker
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % ls ./files_from_docker
OpeningManimExample.mp4 UpdatersExample.mp4 WarpSquare.mp4 WriteStuff.mp4
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop %
###example_scenes.pyのサンプル描画「2」を実行 (成功)
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master python3 -m manim example_scenes.py ✔ ⚡ 18 16:17:50
Media will be written to ./media/. You can change this behavior with the --media_dir flag.
1: OpeningManimExample
2: SquareToCircle
3: UpdatersExample
4: WarpSquare
5: WriteStuff
Choose number corresponding to desired scene/arguments.
(Use comma separated list for multiple entries)
Choice(s): 2
File ready at /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/SquareToCircle.mp4
Played 3 animations
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ls /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/SquareToCircle.mp4 ✔ ⚡ 19 16:18:10
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ls /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/ ✔ ⚡ 20 16:18:20
OpeningManimExample.mp4 SquareToCircle.mp4 UpdatersExample.mp4 WarpSquare.mp4 WriteStuff.mp4 partial_movie_files
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ✔ ⚡ 21 16:18:24
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker cp b11252fc4c1e:/manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/SquareToCircle.mp4 ./files_from_docker
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % ls ./files_from_docker
OpeningManimExample.mp4 SquareToCircle.mp4 UpdatersExample.mp4 WarpSquare.mp4 WriteStuff.mp4
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop %
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master exit ✔ ⚡ 26 17:22:37
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop %
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker ps -a
b11252fc4c1e jasonkwan/manim:latest "/usr/bin/zsh" About an hour ago Exited (0) 7 seconds ago elastic_shaw
7b3c5a153a0a jasonkwan/manim:latest "/usr/bin/zsh" 2 hours ago Exited (127) About an hour ago unruffled_lamarr
5cc6c0aebc5b jasonkwan/manim:latest "/usr/bin/zsh" 2 hours ago Created naughty_lewin
0a7091fb0203 hello-world "/hello" 2 hours ago Exited (0) 2 hours ago pedantic_mccarthy
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop %
docker start -> docker attachで先ほどのコンテナID: にはいると、ファイルは消去されずに保存されている。
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker ps -a
b11252fc4c1e jasonkwan/manim:latest "/usr/bin/zsh" About an hour ago Exited (0) About an hour ago elastic_shaw
7b3c5a153a0a jasonkwan/manim:latest "/usr/bin/zsh" 2 hours ago Exited (127) About an hour ago unruffled_lamarr
5cc6c0aebc5b jasonkwan/manim:latest "/usr/bin/zsh" 2 hours ago Created naughty_lewin
0a7091fb0203 hello-world "/hello" 2 hours ago Exited (0) 2 hours ago pedantic_mccarthy
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop %
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker start b11252fc4c1e
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop %
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker attach b11252fc4c1e
root@b11252fc4c1e / ✔ ⚡ 22 17:21:51
root@b11252fc4c1e / pwd ✔ ⚡ 22 17:22:14
root@b11252fc4c1e / cd manim ✔ ⚡ 23 17:22:16
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ls ✔ ⚡ 24 17:22:23
Dockerfile README.md __pycache__ docs example_scenes.py logo manim_docker_diagram.png media requirements.txt setup.py travis
LICENSE Tex docker-compose.yml environment.yml from_3b1b manim.py manimlib perf_scenes.py setup.cfg stage_scenes.py videos
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ✔ ⚡ 25 17:22:24
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ls /manim/media/videos/example_scenes/1440p60/ ✔ ⚡ 25 17:22:25
OpeningManimExample.mp4 SquareToCircle.mp4 UpdatersExample.mp4 WarpSquare.mp4 WriteStuff.mp4 partial_movie_files
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master ✔ ⚡ 26 17:22:35
root@b11252fc4c1e /manim master exit ✔ ⚡ 26 17:22:37
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop %
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker rm 7b3c5a153a0a
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker rm 5cc6c0aebc5b
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker rm 0a7091fb0203
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop % docker ps -a
b11252fc4c1e jasonkwan/manim:latest "/usr/bin/zsh" About an hour ago Exited (0) 51 seconds ago elastic_shaw
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro Desktop %
#( 付録 )
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ % docker pull manimcommunity/manim
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from manimcommunity/manim
bb79b6b2107f: Pull complete
35e30c3f3e2b: Pull complete
aeb1daf7eb83: Pull complete
0968495f5be2: Pull complete
190317f62993: Pull complete
e571b62be8fa: Pull complete
f6b688859f37: Pull complete
2bd57b6566f4: Pull complete
e3d88af4c804: Pull complete
030ee3063799: Pull complete
da4e67e97d56: Pull complete
2efcf08409e1: Pull complete
37416809075b: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:8aca8383336776222e4e433262d38f886049b2bcbfdf6fc22795b7cdec815ef8
Status: Downloaded newer image for manimcommunity/manim:latest
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ %
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ % INPUT_PATH=/path/to/dir/containing/source/code
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ % OUTPUT_PATH=/path/to/output/
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ % docker-compose run manim example_scenes.py SquareToCircle -l
Can't find a suitable configuration file in this directory or any
parent. Are you in the right directory?
Supported filenames: docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.yaml
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ %
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ % docker run manim
Unable to find image 'manim:latest' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for manim, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See 'docker run --help'.
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ %
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ % sudo docker run manim
Unable to find image 'manim:latest' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for manim, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See 'docker run --help'.
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ %
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ % ls
28_Fukunari_VG.pptx Documents Movies Pictures bin reveal.js
Applications Downloads Music Public python-type-theory
Desktop Library ParlAI bashrc python-venv
ocean@AfoGuardMacBook-Pro ~ %