C++ Builder XE4
Also keep in mind that setting the UseTLS property may change the Port property, so it is best to set UseTLS before setting Port rather than the other way around.
#本文の文字化け (C++ Builder)
C++Builder XEのIndy10のメール送信の動作がおかしい(Delphi XEのIndy10は問題ない)
#include <IdHeaderCoder2022JP.hpp>
#pragma link "IdHeaderCoder2022JP"
#サンプルコード (XE4で動作確認済み)
#include <Idglobal.hpp>
#include <IdSMTP.hpp>
#include <IdSSLOpenSSL.hpp>
#include <IdHeaderCoder2022JP.hpp>
#pragma link "IdHeaderCoder2022JP"
void __fastcall TForm1::IdMessage1InitializeISO(System::WideChar &VHeaderEncoding,
UnicodeString &VCharSet)
VHeaderEncoding = L'B';
VCharSet = "ISO-2022-JP";
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
TIdSMTP* smtp = new TIdSMTP(NULL);
TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL * sslHandler = new TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL(NULL);
smtp->Host = L"smtp.gmail.com";
// sslHandler->Host = smtp->Host;
// sslHandler->Port = smtp->Port;
// sslHandler->Destination = sslHandler->Host + L":"
// + IntToStr(sslHandler->Port);
smtp->IOHandler = sslHandler;
smtp->Username = kMyUserName;
smtp->Password = kMyPassword;
smtp->Port = 587;
smtp->UseTLS = utUseExplicitTLS;
try {
} catch (const Exception &e) {
String msg = e.Message;
int nop=1;
int nop38=1;
TIdMessage* msg = new TIdMessage(NULL);
msg->OnInitializeISO = IdMessage1InitializeISO;
msg->ContentType = "text/plain";
msg->CharSet = "ISO-2022-JP";
msg->ContentTransferEncoding = "BASE64";
msg->From->Name = kFromName;
msg->From->Address = kFromAddr;
msg->Recipients->EMailAddresses = kRecipients;
msg->Subject = "テストメール";
msg->Body->Text = "テストメールの本文です";
try {
} catch (const Exception &e) {
String msg = e.Message;
int nop69=1;
int nop71=1;
delete msg;
delete smtp;
int nop=1;
kMyUserName, kMyPassword, kSendTo, kFromName, kFromAddr, kRecipientsはString型でそれぞれ定義しておいた。
sslHandlerのHost, Port, DestinationはSOの以下を見ると、コメントにしていてもよさそう。実際にコメント状態でメール送信がされることは確認済み。
Also, You do not need to set the IOHandler's Host, Port, or Destination properties. Connect() will handle that for you.
10.2 Tokyo対応
(追記 2018/01/10)
10.2 Tokyoの場合は以下の方法で送信できた。