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Tinkercad > Shape Generator > Icosahedron > vert()とtri()で形状定義

Last updated at Posted at 2018-02-28




以下はShape Generatorで使うIcosahedronのmain.js。

// Convenience Declarations For Dependencies.
// 'Core' Is Configured In Libraries Section.
// Some of these may not be used by this example.
var Conversions = Core.Conversions;
var Debug = Core.Debug;
var Path2D = Core.Path2D;
var Point2D = Core.Point2D;
var Point3D = Core.Point3D;
var Matrix2D = Core.Matrix2D;
var Matrix3D = Core.Matrix3D;
var Mesh3D = Core.Mesh3D;
var Plugin = Core.Plugin;
var Tess = Core.Tess;
var Sketch2D = Core.Sketch2D;
var Solid = Core.Solid;
var Vector2D = Core.Vector2D;
var Vector3D = Core.Vector3D;

// Template Code:
params = [
    {   "id": "radius", 
        "displayName": "Radius",
        "type": "length",
        "rangeMin": 1,
        "rangeMax": 50,
        "default": 20

function process(params, data) {    
    var size = params.radius;
    var r = (size / 2) / Math.sin(Math.PI / 5);
    var h = Math.cos(Math.PI / 5) * r;
    var h1 = Math.sqrt(size*size - r*r);
    var hr = h+r;
    var h2 = Math.sqrt(hr*hr - h*h);
    var z2 = (h2 - h1) / 2;
    var z1 = z2 + h1;
    var cx = r * Math.cos(Math.PI / 10);
    var cy = r * Math.sin(Math.PI / 10);

    var mesh = new Mesh3D();
    var verts = [];
    function vert(x, y, z) { verts.push([x, y, z]); }
    function tri(a, b, c) { mesh.triangle(verts[a], verts[b], verts[c]); }

    vert(0, 0, z1);

    vert(0, r, z2);
    vert(cx, cy, z2);
    vert(size/2, -h, z2);
    vert(-size/2, -h, z2);
    vert(-cx, cy, z2);

    vert(0, -r, -z2);
    vert(-cx, -cy, -z2);
    vert(-size/2, h, -z2);
    vert(size/2, h , -z2);
    vert(cx, -cy, -z2);

    vert(0, 0, -z1);

    tri(0, 1, 5);
    tri(0, 2, 1);
    tri(0, 3, 2);
    tri(0, 4, 3);
    tri(0, 5, 4);

    tri(11, 10, 6);
    tri(11, 6, 7);
    tri(11, 7, 8);
    tri(11, 8, 9);
    tri(11, 9, 10);

    tri(1, 2, 9);
    tri(2, 10, 9);
    tri(2, 3, 10);
    tri(3, 6, 10);
    tri(3, 4, 6);
    tri(4, 7, 6);
    tri(4, 5, 7);
    tri(5, 8, 7);
    tri(5, 1, 8);
    tri(1, 9, 8);

    var solid = Solid.make(mesh);

    return solid;
  • vert()で頂点座標を定義
    • vertices
  • tri()で頂点のインデックスを3つもつ三角形を定義
    • triangulation

pySphereptsなどの座標データやDelaunay triangulationのデータからvert()とtri()の定義を生成すれば、Tinkercadのオブジェクトとして生成できそうだ。



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