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Zybo > Chronicles blog 09 > EMIO > Extended Multipurpose IO / 64 GPIO pins > do not forget to the enable the level shifters between the PS and PL to ensure correct operation

Last updated at Posted at 2016-04-01

MicroZed Chronicles リスト http://adiuvoengineering.com/?page_id=285
@ Adam Taylor blog

you can extend the MIO into the Programmable Logic (PL) side of the Zynq SoC. This is called Extended Multipurpose IO or EMIO. EMIO can provide up to 64 additional GPIO pins


The GPIO will be split into two banks of 32 bits each if the maximum 64-bit size is selected.


Note: Because the EMIO is within the PL side of the Zynq SoC, do not forget to the enable the level shifters between the PS and PL to ensure correct operation.


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