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ADDA > runtime argument > -eq_rad <arg> > Sets volume-equivalent radius of the particle in um

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ADDA v.1.3b6

This article is related to ADDA (light scattering simulator based on the discrete dipole approximation).

This articles shows the runtime arguement of ADDA in terms of the radius of the particle.

@ manual.pdf page 52

Sets volume-equivalent radius of the particle in μm (§6.2), float. If default wavelength is
used, this option specifies the volume-equivalent size parameter. Cannot be used
together with -size . Size is defined by some shapes themselves, then this option can be
used to override the internal specification and scale the shape.
Default: determined by the value of –size or by -grid , -dpl , and –lambda .


$ ./adda -shape bisphere 1.0 -m 1.5 0.005 -eq_rad 5
$ head -n 12 run22090_bisphere_g20_m1.5/log 
Generated by ADDA v.1.3b6
command: './adda -shape bisphere 1.0 -m 1.5 0.005 -eq_rad 5 '
lambda: 6.283185307
shape: bisphere; diameter(d):7.93700526, center-center distance R_cc/d=1
box dimensions: 20x20x40
refractive index: 1.5+0.005i
Dipoles/lambda: 15.8769
        (Volume correction used)
Required relative residual norm: 1e-05
Total number of occupied dipoles: 8448
Volume-equivalent size parameter: 5

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