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C > stdint.hを使うことで処理が変わってしまう > ミス: unsigned intをuint8_tで定義した

Last updated at Posted at 2017-08-02

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h> // use for test. not available on IDE

time_t getElapsedSecond(int yyyy, int mm, int dd, int hh, int nn, int ss){
    struct tm workdt;
    workdt.tm_isdst = -1; // summer time flag
    workdt.tm_year = yyyy - 1900;
    workdt.tm_mon = mm - 1;
    workdt.tm_mday = dd;
    workdt.tm_hour = hh;
    workdt.tm_min = nn;
    workdt.tm_sec = ss;
    return mktime(&workdt);

void getDateTimeString(time_t srcdt, char *dstPtr)
    if (dstPtr == NULL) {
        return; // error
    struct tm *workdt;
    workdt = localtime(&srcdt); 
    workdt->tm_year = workdt->tm_year + 1900;
    sprintf(dstPtr, "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", 
        workdt->tm_year, workdt->tm_mon + 1, workdt->tm_mday, 
        workdt->tm_hour, workdt->tm_min, workdt->tm_sec

typedef struct {
	unsigned int OI; // [s]
	unsigned int MI; // [s]
	unsigned int W; // [s]
	unsigned int R; // [s]
	unsigned int N; // [s]

time_t getNextWtime(time_t torigin, time_t tnow, SETTING_t *setPtr)
	if (setPtr == NULL) {
		return 0; // error // TOOD: 0z > use error value for time_t
	// case 1: (now - origin) % OI == 0
	unsigned long A = (tnow - torigin) / setPtr->OI;
	if ((tnow - torigin) % setPtr->OI == 0) {
		return torigin + (A + 1) * setPtr->OI;

	// case 2: (now - origin) % OI != 0

	//   case 2-a: (now - A*OI) % MI == 0
	//   case 2-b: (now - A*OI) % MI != 0
	return 0; // TODO: 0z > remove after debug

void AssertCheck(time_t torigin, time_t tnow, time_t tnextWans, SETTING_t *setPtr)
	char szbuf[30];
	if (setPtr == NULL) {
		return; // error
	time_t tnextWres = getNextWtime(torigin, tnow, setPtr);

    getDateTimeString(tnow, szbuf);
	printf("%s - ", szbuf);
    getDateTimeString(tnextWres, szbuf);
	printf("%s:", szbuf);
	printf("%c", (tnextWres == tnextWans) ? 'T' : 'F');

void Test_group_run()
	time_t torigin = getElapsedSecond(2017, 8, 2, 13, 48, 55);
	SETTING_t setting = { 3600, 600, 60, 5, 3 }; // OI, MI, W, R, N

	// case (2)
		        getElapsedSecond(2017, 8, 2, 13, 48, 55),
           	    getElapsedSecond(2017, 8, 2, 14, 48, 55),

int main(void) {

	return 0;
2017/08/02 13:48:55 - 2017/08/02 14:48:55:T

SETTING_tの定義に関してunsigned intをuint8_tに変更することで結果がTからFに変わってしまった。



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