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iterative.c > v0.4 > modification to save an auxiliary file and a coordinate file

Last updated at Posted at 2017-04-08
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This article is related to ADDA (light scattering simulator based on the discrete dipole approximation).

The iterative.c was modified to save an auxiliary file and a coordinate file, named as followings under chpoint/:

  • aux.0
  • coord.0
$ git diff 4829ebe HEAD iterative.c > log_170409
diff --git a/iterative.c b/iterative.c
index f12ce4f..7702370 100644
--- a/iterative.c
+++ b/iterative.c
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+v0.4  Apr. 09, 2017 by okada
+    save [local_nvoid_Ndip] with DipoleCoord[]
+    fix bug > DipoleCoord[] was saved in [int] not in [double]
+v0.3  Apr. 03, 2017 by okada
+   modified to output DipoleCoord[]
+v0.2  Dec. 03, 2016 by okada
+   modified to output auxiliary information such as params[ind_m].sc_N
 /* File: iterative.c
  * $Date::                            $
  * Descr: a few iterative techniques to solve DDA equations
@@ -179,6 +190,20 @@ static inline void SwapPointers(doublecomplex **a,doublecomplex **b)
  * to describe its state, this information should be specified in structure arrays 'scalars' and 'vectors'.

+#define OUTPUT_AUX_FILE // to output auxiliary values (Dec. 03, 2016 by okada)
+const bool output_auxfile = true;
+const bool output_auxfile = false;
+#define OUTPUT_COORD_FILE // to output DipoleCoord[] (Apr. 03, 2017 by okada)
+const bool output_coordfile = true;
+const bool output_coordfile = false;
 static void SaveIterChpoint(void)
 /* save a binary checkpoint; only limitedly foolproof - user should take care to load checkpoints on the same machine
  * (number of processors) and with the same command line.
@@ -189,6 +214,13 @@ static void SaveIterChpoint(void)
    FILE * restrict chp_file;
    TIME_TYPE tstart;

+   // to store auxiliary values required to read Chpoint file by tools (okada)
+   FILE * restrict aux_file;
+   char fauxName[MAX_FNAME];
+   // to store Coord values (okada)
+   FILE * restrict coord_file;
+   char fcoordName[MAX_FNAME];
    if (IFROOT) {
        // create directory "chp_dir" if needed and open info file
@@ -206,6 +238,16 @@ static void SaveIterChpoint(void)
    // open output file; writing errors are checked only for vectors
+   if (output_auxfile) {
+       SnprintfErr(ALL_POS,fauxName,MAX_FNAME,"%s/aux.0",chp_dir);
+       fprintf(stdout, "\r\n[DEBUG] Line220>SaveIterChpoint: %s\r\n", fauxName);
+       aux_file=FOpenErr(fauxName,"wb",ALL_POS);
+   }
+   if (output_coordfile) {
+       SnprintfErr(ALL_POS,fcoordName,MAX_FNAME,"%s/coord.0",chp_dir);
+       fprintf(stdout, "\r\n[DEBUG] Line245>SaveIterChpoint: %s\r\n", fcoordName);
+       coord_file=FOpenErr(fcoordName,"wb",ALL_POS);
+   }
    // write common scalars
@@ -226,8 +268,40 @@ static void SaveIterChpoint(void)
    // write specific vectors
    for (i=0;i<params[ind_m].vec_N;i++) if (fwrite(vectors[i].ptr,vectors[i].size,local_nRows,chp_file)!=local_nRows)
        LogError(ALL_POS,"Failed writing to file '%s'",fname);
+   if (output_auxfile) {
+       fwrite(&(params[ind_m].sc_N), sizeof(int), 1, aux_file);
+       for (i=0;i<params[ind_m].sc_N;i++) {
+           fwrite(&(scalars[i].size), sizeof(int), 1, aux_file);
+       }
+       fwrite(&(params[ind_m].vec_N), sizeof(int), 1, aux_file);
+       for (i=0;i<params[ind_m].vec_N;i++) {
+           fwrite(&(vectors[i].size), sizeof(int), 1, aux_file);
+       }
+       fprintf(stdout, "[DEBUG] Line254>SaveIterChpoint: sc_N=%d\r\n", params[ind_m].sc_N);
+       for (i=0;i<params[ind_m].sc_N;i++) {
+           fprintf(stdout, "[DEBUG] Line256>SaveIterChpoint: scalars.size=%d\r\n", scalars[i].size);
+       }
+       fprintf(stdout, "[DEBUG] Line258>SaveIterChpoint: vec_N=%d\r\n", params[ind_m].vec_N);
+       for (i=0;i<params[ind_m].vec_N;i++) {
+           fprintf(stdout, "[DEBUG] Line260>SaveIterChpoint: vectors.size=%d\r\n", vectors[i].size);
+       }
+   }
+   if (output_coordfile) {
+       fprintf(stdout, "[DEBUG] Line289: local_nvoid_Ndip:%d\r\n", local_nvoid_Ndip);
+       fwrite(&local_nvoid_Ndip, sizeof(int), 1, coord_file);
+       fwrite(DipoleCoord, sizeof(double), local_nvoid_Ndip * 3L, coord_file);
+   }
    // close file
+   if (output_auxfile) {
+       FCloseErr(aux_file,fauxName,ALL_POS);
+   }
+   if (output_coordfile) {
+       FCloseErr(coord_file,fcoordName,ALL_POS);
+   }
    // write info to logfile after everyone is finished
    if (IFROOT) PrintBoth(logfile,"Checkpoint (iteration) saved\n");

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