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ADDA > runtime argument > -store_int_field / -store_dip_pol > store internal fields and dipole polarizations

Last updated at Posted at 2017-04-16
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This article is related to ADDA (light scattering simulator based on the discrete dipole approximation).

Excerpt from manual.pdf (last revised: February 20, 2014) related to save the internal fields.

runtime parameter > -store_int_field / -store_dip_pol

@ manual.pdf > 11.7 Internal fields and dipole polarizations

These options allow one to study in details the accuracy of the DDA (see e.g. [17]) or the
physics behind it. To save internal fields for future use by ADDA consider using checkpoints of
type “always” (§12.5).

Field files

$ ./adda -grid 25 -store_int_field -maxiter 100
x y z |E|^2 Ex.r Ex.i Ey.r Ey.i Ez.r Ez.i
-0.2094395102 -1.466076572 -5.235987756 1.117036835 -0.02405501404 0.01851210121 0.4265089085 0.9619413614 0.0789243352 -0.05143356113
0.2094395102 -1.466076572 -5.235987756 1.117036835 0.02405501406 -0.01851210123 0.4265089085 0.9619413614 0.0789243352 -0.05143356113
-1.047197551 -1.047197551 -5.235987756 1.080829273 -0.03701212691 0.09467516163 0.4467058558 0.9303997369 0.0629824475 -0.0365979255
-0.6283185307 -1.047197551 -5.235987756 0.8888575386 -0.01687903824 -0.0712841231 0.4031262231 0.8443906708 0.08152662539 -0.0365822794

@ manual.pdf > B.7 Field files

For each following data line first four numbers are ignored and next six numbers define the complex vector field in the following order: real and imaginary parts of x-component, the same for y-component, and then for z-component (all in particle reference frame).

It should be stressed that dipole coordinates (first three numbers) are ignored, and correspondence between a field value and a dipole is based solely on the order of lines in the file. In other words, index of non-trivial data line exactly equals index of dipole.

IntField, DipPol, and IncBeam

@ manual.pdf > C.9 IntField, DipPol, and IncBeam

Internal fields, dipole polarizations (§11.7), and incident fields (§9) are saved to files IntField-X , DipPol-X , and IncBeam-X respectively. A separate file is used for each simulated incident polarization, their names end with different suffixes (X or Y ).

x y z |E|^2 Ex.r Ex.i ... Ez.i

suffixes r and i denote real and imaginary parts respectively.

All values are specified in the particle reference frame (§6.1).

Symbol used in the first row for column labels is different for different fields. It is “ E ” for the
internal field, “ P ” for the dipole polarization, and “ Einc ” for the incident field.


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