@7mpy.htaccessを設置するとhttp://example/.well-known/acme-challenge/<TOKEN>にアクセスできなくなるパターンApache初心者htaccess初学者向けLet’sEncryptPosted at 2024-12-04 Redirect RewriteRule IPアドレスでアクセス制限 Basic認証 HTTPS強制 キャッシュコントロール( fileauth.txtが更新されない場合 ) TXTファイルへのアクセスを拒否 0Go to list of users who liked0comment0Go to list of commentsRegister as a new user and use Qiita more convenientlyYou get articles that match your needsYou can efficiently read back useful informationYou can use dark themeWhat you can do with signing upSign upLogin