$ brew install platformsh/tap/platformsh-cli
$ platform
確かに、自分の ~/.ssh/config
# BEGIN: Platform.sh certificate configuration
Host *.platform.sh
Include /path/to/my/home/.platformsh/ssh/*.config
Host *
# END: Platform.sh certificate configuration
platform list
Platform.sh CLI 4.10.4
Global options:
--help -h Display this help message
--verbose -v|vv|vvv Increase the verbosity of messages
--version -V Display this application version
--yes -y Answer "yes" to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction
--no-interaction Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1
--ansi Force ANSI output
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output
--no -n Answer "no" to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction
--quiet -q Do not output any message
Available commands:
clear-cache (cc) Clear the CLI cache
decode Decode an encoded string such as PLATFORM_VARIABLES
docs Open the online documentation
help Displays help for a command
list Lists commands
multi Execute a command on multiple projects
web Open the project in the Web Console
activity:cancel Cancel an activity
activity:get View detailed information on a single activity
activity:list (activities, act) Get a list of activities for an environment or project
activity:log Display the log for an activity
app:config-get View the configuration of an app
app:config-validate (validate) Validate the config files of a project
app:list (apps) List apps in the project
auth:api-token-login Log in to Platform.sh using an API token
auth:browser-login (login) Log in to Platform.sh via a browser
auth:info Display your account information
auth:logout (logout) Log out of Platform.sh
auth:verify-phone-number Verify your phone number interactively
backup:create (backup) Make a backup of an environment
backup:delete Delete an environment backup
backup:get View an environment backup
backup:list (backups) List available backups of an environment
backup:restore Restore an environment backup
certificate:add Add an SSL certificate to the project
certificate:delete Delete a certificate from the project
certificate:get View a certificate
certificate:list (certificates, certs) List project certificates
commit:get Show commit details
commit:list (commits) List commits
db:dump Create a local dump of the remote database
db:size Estimate the disk usage of a database
db:sql (sql) Run SQL on the remote database
domain:add Add a new domain to the project
domain:delete Delete a domain from the project
domain:get Show detailed information for a domain
domain:list (domains) Get a list of all domains
domain:update Update a domain
environment:activate Activate an environment
environment:branch (branch) Branch an environment
environment:checkout (checkout) Check out an environment
environment:delete Delete one or more environments
environment:drush (drush) Run a drush command on the remote environment
environment:http-access (httpaccess) Update HTTP access settings for an environment
environment:info Read or set properties for an environment
environment:init Initialize an environment from a public Git repository
environment:list (environments, env) Get a list of environments
environment:logs (log) Read an environment's logs
environment:merge (merge) Merge an environment
environment:pause Pause an environment
environment:push (push) Push code to an environment
environment:redeploy (redeploy) Redeploy an environment
environment:relationships (relationships, rel) Show an environment's relationships
environment:resume Resume a paused environment
environment:scp (scp) Copy files to and from an environment using scp
environment:ssh (ssh) SSH to the current environment
environment:synchronize (sync) Synchronize an environment's code and/or data from its parent
environment:url (url) Get the public URLs of an environment
environment:xdebug (xdebug) Open a tunnel to Xdebug on the environment
integration:activity:get View detailed information on a single integration activity
integration:activity:list (int:act) Get a list of activities for an integration
integration:activity:log Display the log for an integration activity
integration:add Add an integration to the project
integration:delete Delete an integration from a project
integration:get View details of an integration
integration:list (integrations) View a list of project integration(s)
integration:update Update an integration
integration:validate Validate an existing integration
local:build (build) Build the current project locally
local:dir (dir) Find the local project root
local:drush-aliases (drush-aliases) Find the project's Drush aliases
metrics:all (metrics, met) BETA Show CPU, disk and memory metrics for an environment
metrics:cpu (cpu) BETA Show CPU usage of an environment
metrics:disk-usage (disk) Show disk usage of an environment
metrics:memory (mem, memory) BETA Show memory usage of an environment
mount:download Download files from a mount, using rsync
mount:list (mounts) Get a list of mounts
mount:size Check the disk usage of mounts
mount:upload Upload files to a mount, using rsync
operation:list (ops) BETA List runtime operations on an environment
operation:run BETA Run an operation on the environment
organization:billing:address View or change an organization's billing address
organization:billing:profile View or change an organization's billing profile
organization:create Create a new organization
organization:delete Delete an organization
organization:info View or change organization details
organization:list (orgs, organizations) List organizations
organization:subscription:list (org:subs) List subscriptions within an organization
organization:user:add Invite a user to an organization
organization:user:delete Remove a user from an organization
organization:user:get View an organization user
organization:user:list (org:users) List organization users
organization:user:projects (oups) List the projects a user can access
organization:user:update Update an organization user
project:clear-build-cache Clear a project's build cache
project:create (create) Create a new project
project:delete Delete a project
project:get (get) Clone a project locally
project:info Read or set properties for a project
project:init (ify) Initialize a project
project:list (projects, pro) Get a list of all active projects
project:set-remote (set-remote) Set the remote project for the current Git repository
repo:cat Read a file in the project repository
repo:ls List files in the project repository
repo:read (read) Read a directory or file in the project repository
route:get View detailed information about a route
route:list (routes) List all routes for an environment
service:list (services) List services in the project
service:mongo:dump (mongodump) Create a binary archive dump of data from MongoDB
service:mongo:export (mongoexport) Export data from MongoDB
service:mongo:restore (mongorestore) Restore a binary archive dump of data into MongoDB
service:mongo:shell (mongo) Use the MongoDB shell
service:redis-cli (redis) Access the Redis CLI
source-operation:list (source-ops) List source operations on an environment
source-operation:run Run a source operation
ssh-cert:load Generate an SSH certificate
ssh-key:add Add a new SSH key
ssh-key:delete Delete an SSH key
ssh-key:list (ssh-keys) Get a list of SSH keys in your account
subscription:info Read or modify subscription properties
tunnel:close Close SSH tunnels
tunnel:info View relationship info for SSH tunnels
tunnel:list (tunnels) List SSH tunnels
tunnel:open Open SSH tunnels to an app's relationships
tunnel:single Open a single SSH tunnel to an app relationship
user:add Add a user to the project
user:delete Delete a user from the project
user:get View a user's role(s)
user:list (users) List project users
user:update Update user role(s) on a project
variable:create Create a variable
variable:delete Delete a variable
variable:get (vget) View a variable
variable:list (variables, var) List variables
variable:update Update a variable
worker:list (workers) Get a list of all deployed workers