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$ brew install platformsh/tap/platformsh-cli



$ platform

スクリーンショット 2023-12-08 10.46.44.png

スクリーンショット 2023-12-08 10.47.03.png

スクリーンショット 2023-12-08 10.47.18.png


確かに、自分の ~/.ssh/config にplatform.sh認証用の記述が追加されていました。

# BEGIN: Platform.sh certificate configuration
Host *.platform.sh
  Include /path/to/my/home/.platformsh/ssh/*.config
Host *
# END: Platform.sh certificate configuration



platform list コマンドを実行すると利用可能なコマンドを一覧で見ることができます。(めちゃ多い!!)

Platform.sh CLI 4.10.4

Global options:
  --help           -h Display this help message
  --verbose        -v|vv|vvv Increase the verbosity of messages
  --version        -V Display this application version
  --yes            -y Answer "yes" to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction
  --no-interaction    Do not ask any interactive questions; accept default values. Equivalent to using the environment variable: PLATFORMSH_CLI_NO_INTERACTION=1
  --ansi              Force ANSI output
  --no-ansi           Disable ANSI output
  --no             -n Answer "no" to confirmation questions; accept the default value for other questions; disable interaction
  --quiet          -q Do not output any message

Available commands:
  clear-cache (cc)                                  Clear the CLI cache
  decode                                            Decode an encoded string such as PLATFORM_VARIABLES
  docs                                              Open the online documentation
  help                                              Displays help for a command
  list                                              Lists commands
  multi                                             Execute a command on multiple projects
  web                                               Open the project in the Web Console
  activity:cancel                                   Cancel an activity
  activity:get                                      View detailed information on a single activity
  activity:list (activities, act)                   Get a list of activities for an environment or project
  activity:log                                      Display the log for an activity
  app:config-get                                    View the configuration of an app
  app:config-validate (validate)                    Validate the config files of a project
  app:list (apps)                                   List apps in the project
  auth:api-token-login                              Log in to Platform.sh using an API token
  auth:browser-login (login)                        Log in to Platform.sh via a browser
  auth:info                                         Display your account information
  auth:logout (logout)                              Log out of Platform.sh
  auth:verify-phone-number                          Verify your phone number interactively
  backup:create (backup)                            Make a backup of an environment
  backup:delete                                     Delete an environment backup
  backup:get                                        View an environment backup
  backup:list (backups)                             List available backups of an environment
  backup:restore                                    Restore an environment backup
  certificate:add                                   Add an SSL certificate to the project
  certificate:delete                                Delete a certificate from the project
  certificate:get                                   View a certificate
  certificate:list (certificates, certs)            List project certificates
  commit:get                                        Show commit details
  commit:list (commits)                             List commits
  db:dump                                           Create a local dump of the remote database
  db:size                                           Estimate the disk usage of a database
  db:sql (sql)                                      Run SQL on the remote database
  domain:add                                        Add a new domain to the project
  domain:delete                                     Delete a domain from the project
  domain:get                                        Show detailed information for a domain
  domain:list (domains)                             Get a list of all domains
  domain:update                                     Update a domain
  environment:activate                              Activate an environment
  environment:branch (branch)                       Branch an environment
  environment:checkout (checkout)                   Check out an environment
  environment:delete                                Delete one or more environments
  environment:drush (drush)                         Run a drush command on the remote environment
  environment:http-access (httpaccess)              Update HTTP access settings for an environment
  environment:info                                  Read or set properties for an environment
  environment:init                                  Initialize an environment from a public Git repository
  environment:list (environments, env)              Get a list of environments
  environment:logs (log)                            Read an environment's logs
  environment:merge (merge)                         Merge an environment
  environment:pause                                 Pause an environment
  environment:push (push)                           Push code to an environment
  environment:redeploy (redeploy)                   Redeploy an environment
  environment:relationships (relationships, rel)    Show an environment's relationships
  environment:resume                                Resume a paused environment
  environment:scp (scp)                             Copy files to and from an environment using scp
  environment:ssh (ssh)                             SSH to the current environment
  environment:synchronize (sync)                    Synchronize an environment's code and/or data from its parent
  environment:url (url)                             Get the public URLs of an environment
  environment:xdebug (xdebug)                       Open a tunnel to Xdebug on the environment
  integration:activity:get                          View detailed information on a single integration activity
  integration:activity:list (int:act)               Get a list of activities for an integration
  integration:activity:log                          Display the log for an integration activity
  integration:add                                   Add an integration to the project
  integration:delete                                Delete an integration from a project
  integration:get                                   View details of an integration
  integration:list (integrations)                   View a list of project integration(s)
  integration:update                                Update an integration
  integration:validate                              Validate an existing integration
  local:build (build)                               Build the current project locally
  local:dir (dir)                                   Find the local project root
  local:drush-aliases (drush-aliases)               Find the project's Drush aliases
  metrics:all (metrics, met)                         BETA  Show CPU, disk and memory metrics for an environment
  metrics:cpu (cpu)                                  BETA  Show CPU usage of an environment
  metrics:disk-usage (disk)                         Show disk usage of an environment
  metrics:memory (mem, memory)                       BETA  Show memory usage of an environment
  mount:download                                    Download files from a mount, using rsync
  mount:list (mounts)                               Get a list of mounts
  mount:size                                        Check the disk usage of mounts
  mount:upload                                      Upload files to a mount, using rsync
  operation:list (ops)                               BETA  List runtime operations on an environment
  operation:run                                      BETA  Run an operation on the environment
  organization:billing:address                      View or change an organization's billing address
  organization:billing:profile                      View or change an organization's billing profile
  organization:create                               Create a new organization
  organization:delete                               Delete an organization
  organization:info                                 View or change organization details
  organization:list (orgs, organizations)           List organizations
  organization:subscription:list (org:subs)         List subscriptions within an organization
  organization:user:add                             Invite a user to an organization
  organization:user:delete                          Remove a user from an organization
  organization:user:get                             View an organization user
  organization:user:list (org:users)                List organization users
  organization:user:projects (oups)                 List the projects a user can access
  organization:user:update                          Update an organization user
  project:clear-build-cache                         Clear a project's build cache
  project:create (create)                           Create a new project
  project:delete                                    Delete a project
  project:get (get)                                 Clone a project locally
  project:info                                      Read or set properties for a project
  project:init (ify)                                Initialize a project
  project:list (projects, pro)                      Get a list of all active projects
  project:set-remote (set-remote)                   Set the remote project for the current Git repository
  repo:cat                                          Read a file in the project repository
  repo:ls                                           List files in the project repository
  repo:read (read)                                  Read a directory or file in the project repository
  route:get                                         View detailed information about a route
  route:list (routes)                               List all routes for an environment
  service:list (services)                           List services in the project
  service:mongo:dump (mongodump)                    Create a binary archive dump of data from MongoDB
  service:mongo:export (mongoexport)                Export data from MongoDB
  service:mongo:restore (mongorestore)              Restore a binary archive dump of data into MongoDB
  service:mongo:shell (mongo)                       Use the MongoDB shell
  service:redis-cli (redis)                         Access the Redis CLI
  source-operation:list (source-ops)                List source operations on an environment
  source-operation:run                              Run a source operation
  ssh-cert:load                                     Generate an SSH certificate
  ssh-key:add                                       Add a new SSH key
  ssh-key:delete                                    Delete an SSH key
  ssh-key:list (ssh-keys)                           Get a list of SSH keys in your account
  subscription:info                                 Read or modify subscription properties
  tunnel:close                                      Close SSH tunnels
  tunnel:info                                       View relationship info for SSH tunnels
  tunnel:list (tunnels)                             List SSH tunnels
  tunnel:open                                       Open SSH tunnels to an app's relationships
  tunnel:single                                     Open a single SSH tunnel to an app relationship
  user:add                                          Add a user to the project
  user:delete                                       Delete a user from the project
  user:get                                          View a user's role(s)
  user:list (users)                                 List project users
  user:update                                       Update user role(s) on a project
  variable:create                                   Create a variable
  variable:delete                                   Delete a variable
  variable:get (vget)                               View a variable
  variable:list (variables, var)                    List variables
  variable:update                                   Update a variable
  worker:list (workers)                             Get a list of all deployed workers

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