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-34018 キーチェーンエラーに関して

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-15

Developer Technical Supportに問い合わせたところ、調査して頂いた結果、



macOS 13.2 (22D49) で解消されました。

Developer Technical Support からの解析内容

macOS 12ではentitlements validatedとなってるが、なぜかmacOS 13ではそれがない。
iOSアプリ自体は正常にprovisioning profileも含まれており、問題なくアプリが作成されていた。

I looked at your issue in depth yesterday and I now understand its immediate cause. I ran your app on macOS 12 and macOS 13 and observed a key difference. Consider this on macOS 12:

code signing info = valid
refuse invalid pages
kill on invalid pages
require enforcement
require library validation
allowed mach-o
platform dyld
entitlements validated

Now compare it with macOS 13:

code signing info = valid
refuse invalid pages
kill on invalid pages
require enforcement
require library validation
allowed mach-o
platform dyld

Note that the entitlements validated property is missing. This indicates that your app claims a restricted entitlement but macOS was unable to find a provisioning profile to authorise that use.

Based on this information I had a look at how TestFlight installs the provisioning profile necessary to run your app. AFAICT it has correctly created, downloaded, and installed that profile. For example, I see system log entries like this:

type: default
time: 2022-11-21 17:38:23.707839 +0000
process: com.apple.MobileInstallationHelperService
subsystem: com.apple.mis
category: mis
message: EF044D94-1FAF-46BA-9443-779EC2896B3B was picked for validation

where the UUID is the UUID of your profile and like this:

type: default
time: 2022-11-21 17:38:23.474286 +0000
process: kernel
message: AMFI: profile validated the code signature

I even found out where the profile is stored on the system [1], extracted it, and checked it manually. As far as I can tell it’s fine.

In summary, it’s a mystery to me why your app isn’t able to use the entitlements it claims.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

Developer Technical Support からの回答


I discussed your issue in depth with one of our trusted execution system engineers and he confirmed my analysis. This is a bug with how the system validates entitlements for iOS apps running on Mac.

We hope to fix this sooner rather than later, but I don’t have any concrete information to share as to when that’ll happen. Right now we’re not seeding any beta releases of macOS (we just finished the seed program for macOS 13.1). When we next start seeding macOS beta releases again, drop me a line and I’ll check on the status of your bug.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

Developer Technical Support からの回答

macOS 13.2 betaでバグ修正に取り掛かります。

Right now we’re not seeding any beta releases of macOS

And a few hours later we started seeding macOS 13.2 beta (-:

The fix for this problem is /not/ in the current seed, macOS 13.2b1 (22D5027d). I recommend that you continue testing with beta releases as we seed them.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware


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