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Last updated at Posted at 2020-02-08


  • cubeデータを様々な方法で軸を減らすことができるcasaのtaskの一つ
    • 例えば、cubeを積分強度や速度場、速度分散などにできる
  • 公式ドキュメントはこちら


imagename           =         ''        #  Name of the input image
moments             =        [0]        #  List of moments you would like to compute
axis                = 'spectral'        #  The momement axis: ra, dec, lat, long, spectral, or stokes
region              =         ''        #  Region selection. Default is to use the full image.
box                 =         ''        #  Rectangular region(s) to select in direction plane. Default is to use the entire direction plane.
chans               =         ''        #  Channels to use. Default is to use all channels.
stokes              =         ''        #  Stokes planes to use. Default is to use all Stokes planes.
mask                =         ''        #  Mask to use. Default is none.
includepix          =         -1        #  Range of pixel values to include
excludepix          =         -1        #  Range of pixel values to exclude
outfile             =         ''        #  Output image file name (or root for multiple moments)


  • imagename
  • moments
  • outfile



moments=0   - 積分強度  
moments=1   - 速度場
moments=2   - 速度分散  
moments=3   - 強度の中央値  
moments=4   - coordinateの中央値
moments=5   - スペクトルの平均の標準偏差  
moments=6   - root mean square of the spectrum  
moments=7   - absolute mean deviation of the spectrum  
moments=8   - スペクトルの最大値  
moments=9   - coordinate of the maximum value of the spectrum  
moments=10  - スペクトルの最小値  
moments=11  - coordinate of the minimum value of the spectrum


  • 積分強度を作成し、imageを出力
import os
import pyfits

fname = "oooo.image" or "xxxxx.fits"

fn = os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
outfile = fn+"_mom0"
immoments(imagename = fname,
          moments = [0],
          outfile = outfile+".image")

exportfits(imagename = outfile+".image",
           fitsimage = outfile+".fits",
           dropdeg = True,
           overwrite = True,
           history = False)



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