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TensorFlow | ADDA > 線形方程式を解き直してみた > 計算効率の改善は大きくない

Last updated at Posted at 2017-07-29
GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB)
ASRock Z170M Pro4S [Intel Z170chipset]
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS desktop amd64
TensorFlow v1.1.0
cuDNN v5.1 for Linux
CUDA v8.0
Python 3.5.2
IPython 6.0.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 5.4.0 20160609
GNU bash, version 4.3.48(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

学習コードv0.1 http://qiita.com/7of9/items/5819f36e78cc4290614e



This article is related to ADDA (light scattering simulator based on the discrete dipole approximation).

  • TFRecordsを読込んで学習する
  • input: 5 nodes
  • output: 6 nodes
  • サンプル数: 223,872
  • 学習データ: ADDAにより計算した値
    • #input
    • x,y,z: dipole position
    • refractive index: real and imaginary part
    • #output
    • initial values for linear equation solution for (x,y,z),(real,imaginary)


上記のパラメータのうち、refractive index は以下の値を用いた。

real part [1.45, 1.5, 1.33, 1.4]
imaginary part [0.001, 0.050000001, 0.029999999, 0.1, 0.0099999998, 9.9999997e-05]

ネットワークはhidden layerが30x100x100の3層とした。


前回: http://qiita.com/7of9/items/49d073f964e5689d9b96


refractive indexの実部、虚部、dipoleの分割通の指定。

./adda -m 1.45 0.0001 -grid 26 


./adda -m 1.45 0.0001 -grid 26 -init_field read REPLACE_NN_170729/IntField-Y.out_170729


refractive indexは1.45 + 0.0001i固定としている。

LN-IntField-Y.inを読込んで、EXR, EXI, EYR, EYI, EZR, EZIを学習結果に置き換えたファイルIntField-Y.out_170729を出力する。

ネットワークファイルはlearning rate=0.0001, batch size=2, step=3,000,000のファイルを用いた (プリフィックス: 170728_t2311)。

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim
import sys
import os
import math

v0.4 Aug. 05, 2017
  - remove os.remove() and use open(OUT_FILE, 'wb+')
v0.3 Jul. 29, 2017
  - replace [exr, exi, eyr, eyi, ezr, ezi]
  - add convolution calculations
    + calc_sigmoid()
    + add calc_conv()
v0.2 Jul. 29, 2017
  -  add calc_e2()
v0.1 Jul. 29, 2017
  - read and output IntField-Y file without modification

# on
#   Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
#   TensorFlow v1.1
#   Python 3.5.2
#   IPython 6.0.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

def calc_sigmoid(x):
    return 1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(-x))

def calc_conv(src, weight, bias, applyActFnc):
    wgt = weight.shape
    conv = [0.0] * bias.size

    # weight
    for idx2 in range(wgt[1]):
        tmp_vec = weight[:, idx2] * src[:]
        conv[idx2] = tmp_vec.sum()

    # bias
    for idx2 in range(wgt[1]):
        conv[idx2] = conv[idx2] + bias[idx2]
    # activation function
    if applyActFnc:
        for idx2 in range(wgt[1]):
            conv[idx2] = calc_sigmoid(conv[idx2])
    return conv  # return list

def calc_e2(xr, xi, yr, yi, zr, zi):
    xx = xr*xr + xi*xi
    yy = yr*yr + yi*yi
    zz = zr*zr + zi*zi
    return (xx + yy + zz)

INP_FILE = 'LN-IntField-Y.in'
OUT_FILE = 'IntField-Y.out_170729'
NETWORK_FILE = 'LN-model_variables_170722.npy'

HEADER_TXT = 'x y z |E|^2 Ex.r Ex.i Ey.r Ey.i Ez.r Ez.i'

dat = np.genfromtxt(INP_FILE, delimiter=' ',
                    skip_header=1)  # skip header line

model_var = np.load(NETWORK_FILE)

# TODO: 0m > runtime parameter for real(m) and imag(m)
amr = 1.5
ami = 0.1

with open(OUT_FILE, 'wb+') as fhndl:
    # line 1
    hdr = np.array(HEADER_TXT).reshape(1,)
    np.savetxt(fhndl, hdr, delimiter=' ', fmt='%s')
    # line 2 ..
    for aline in dat:
        ax, ay, az = aline[0:3]
        # e2 = aline[3]
        exr, exi = aline[4:6]
        eyr, eyi = aline[6:8]
        ezr, ezi = aline[8:10]

        # input layer (5 nodes)
        inlist = (ax, ay, az, amr, ami)
        # hidden layer 1
        cnv = calc_conv(inlist, model_var[0], model_var[1], applyActFnc=True)
        # hidden layer 2
        cnv = calc_conv(cnv, model_var[2], model_var[3], applyActFnc=True)
        # hidden layer 3
        cnv = calc_conv(cnv, model_var[4], model_var[5], applyActFnc=True)
        # output layer
        cnv = calc_conv(cnv, model_var[6], model_var[7], applyActFnc=False)

        # print(exr, exi, eyr, eyi, ezr, ezi)
        # print(cnv)
        # sys.exit()
        exr, exi = cnv[0:2]
        eyr, eyi = cnv[2:4]
        ezr, ezi = cnv[4:6]
        e2 = calc_e2(exr, exi, eyr, eyi, ezr, ezi)

        res = ax, ay, az, e2, exr, exi, eyr, eyi, ezr, ezi
        np.savetxt(fhndl, np.c_[res], delimiter=' ', fmt='%.10f')



$ head LN-IntField-Y.in 
x y z |E|^2 Ex.r Ex.i Ey.r Ey.i Ez.r Ez.i
-0.2166615618 -1.516630933 -5.416539045 0.5516786267 -0.02931061187 0.02652841941 0.1694307002 0.7044162375 -0.09245370677 -0.1290700275
0.2166615618 -1.516630933 -5.416539045 0.5516786268 0.0293106112 -0.02652841834 0.1694306999 0.7044162377 -0.09245370673 -0.1290700275
-1.083307809 -1.083307809 -5.416539045 0.5009708155 -0.1210777782 0.1210667177 0.3201499555 0.5959123603 -0.06902233265 -0.09634427508
-0.6499846854 -1.083307809 -5.416539045 0.5264383492 -0.11184864 0.05898299433 0.1712903828 0.6818062435 -0.06862119958 -0.1074254128
-0.2166615618 -1.083307809 -5.416539045 0.7409394521 -0.04313270512 0.006539303629 0.1179657327 0.8426239137 -0.06420657934 -0.1047988574
0.2166615618 -1.083307809 -5.416539045 0.7409394524 0.04313270474 -0.00653930278 0.1179657325 0.8426239139 -0.06420657931 -0.1047988574
0.6499846854 -1.083307809 -5.416539045 0.5264383496 0.1118486397 -0.0589829935 0.1712903821 0.6818062441 -0.0686211995 -0.1074254129
1.083307809 -1.083307809 -5.416539045 0.5009708155 0.1210777777 -0.121066717 0.3201499543 0.5959123613 -0.06902233252 -0.09634427512
-1.083307809 -0.6499846854 -5.416539045 0.6583579786 -0.0961687486 0.04927804902 0.3522909973 0.7189310502 -0.04061949379 -0.0637218901


$ head IntField-Y.out_170729 
x y z |E|^2 Ex.r Ex.i Ey.r Ey.i Ez.r Ez.i
-0.2166615618 -1.5166309330 -5.4165390450 0.5675500801 -0.0193769136 0.0257250985 0.1257248657 0.7376280124 -0.0201897607 -0.0787615494
0.2166615618 -1.5166309330 -5.4165390450 0.5649162936 0.0557718589 -0.0353116427 0.1250714218 0.7332224673 -0.0245850118 -0.0818316035
-1.0833078090 -1.0833078090 -5.4165390450 0.5099061225 -0.1043974991 0.1243685041 0.2900170477 0.6306092703 -0.0021055274 -0.0419211991
-0.6499846854 -1.0833078090 -5.4165390450 0.6183017704 -0.0621416877 0.0667333275 0.1454713949 0.7648010827 -0.0139817942 -0.0608993483
-0.2166615618 -1.0833078090 -5.4165390450 0.7161159885 -0.0154258305 0.0209483584 0.0586382421 0.8403647786 -0.0219150020 -0.0728527733
0.2166615618 -1.0833078090 -5.4165390450 0.7160066138 0.0388290424 -0.0211947038 0.0539279894 0.8395532457 -0.0242294204 -0.0755298526
0.6499846854 -1.0833078090 -5.4165390450 0.6210297700 0.0995246920 -0.0723342541 0.1434001493 0.7617724520 -0.0185808021 -0.0684561446
1.0833078090 -1.0833078090 -5.4165390450 0.5302857067 0.1531068315 -0.1190136232 0.3017937814 0.6316543950 -0.0074256838 -0.0505752936
-1.0833078090 -0.6499846854 -5.4165390450 0.5640130338 -0.0614287574 0.0871006316 0.2572461696 0.6969037454 0.0020706913 -0.0282544088




$./adda -m 1.45 0.0001 -grid 26
all data is saved in 'run389_sphere_g26_m1.45'
box dimensions: 26x26x26
lambda: 6.283185307   Dipoles/lambda: 14.5
Required relative residual norm: 1e-05
Total number of occupied dipoles: 9328
Memory usage for MatVec matrices: 5.3 MB
Calculating Green's function (Dmatrix)
Fourier transform of Dmatrix......
Initializing FFTW3
Total memory usage: 9.0 MB

here we go, calc Y

x_0 = 0
RE_000 = 1.0000000000E+00
RE_001 = 9.9949888119E-01  + 
RE_002 = 6.6288438828E-01  + 
RE_003 = 5.7899435298E-01  + 
RE_004 = 3.8132777430E-01  + 
RE_005 = 3.7959771539E-01  + 
RE_006 = 3.7506505878E-01  + 
RE_007 = 3.1110177742E-01  + 
RE_008 = 2.7547296224E-01  + 
RE_009 = 2.7167173776E-01  + 
RE_010 = 2.5735390676E-01  + 
RE_011 = 2.4526366657E-01  + 
RE_012 = 2.4474777355E-01  + 
RE_013 = 1.6142200852E-01  + 
RE_014 = 1.2335888902E-01  + 
RE_015 = 1.2844200469E-01  - 
RE_016 = 9.7791700094E-02  + 
RE_017 = 6.1123861971E-02  + 
RE_018 = 4.9122562721E-02  + 
RE_019 = 5.3089721290E-02  - 
RE_020 = 5.0091507229E-02  -+
RE_021 = 1.5335196047E-02  + 
RE_022 = 1.2012757440E-02  + 
RE_023 = 9.6921655623E-03  + 
RE_024 = 1.0083335345E-02  - 
RE_025 = 4.6322051344E-03  + 
RE_026 = 1.9955243149E-03  + 
RE_027 = 2.1216783263E-03  - 
RE_028 = 1.5285732569E-03  + 
RE_029 = 1.2434615253E-03  + 
RE_030 = 1.4109246275E-03  - 
RE_031 = 4.9466095450E-04  + 
RE_032 = 5.9617103286E-04  - 
RE_033 = 7.0183505780E-04  - 
RE_034 = 6.7331242455E-04  -+
RE_035 = 5.2314565357E-04  -+
RE_036 = 2.7672873054E-04  + 
RE_037 = 1.9327532420E-04  + 
RE_038 = 1.4347435105E-04  + 
RE_039 = 1.1264635015E-04  + 
RE_040 = 6.6036490566E-05  + 
RE_041 = 4.3628388762E-05  + 
RE_042 = 3.0040318652E-05  + 
RE_043 = 2.3526363249E-05  + 
RE_044 = 1.6655541961E-05  + 
RE_045 = 1.2351988965E-05  + 
RE_046 = 1.2181461237E-05  + 
RE_047 = 4.4332533947E-06  + 
Cext    = 357.7373256
Qext    = 3.55623704
Cabs    = 0.2646844797
Qabs    = 0.002631206428


$./adda -m 1.45 0.0001 -grid 26 -init_field read REPLACE_NN_170729/IntField-Y.out_170729 
all data is saved in 'run390_sphere_g26_m1.45'
box dimensions: 26x26x26
lambda: 6.283185307   Dipoles/lambda: 14.5
Required relative residual norm: 1e-05
Total number of occupied dipoles: 9328
Memory usage for MatVec matrices: 5.3 MB
Calculating Green's function (Dmatrix)
Fourier transform of Dmatrix......
Initializing FFTW3
Total memory usage: 9.0 MB

here we go, calc Y

x_0 = from file REPLACE_NN_170729/IntField-Y.out_170729
RE_000 = 1.1679879124E-01
RE_001 = 6.4230412955E-02  + 
RE_002 = 7.1799992180E-02  - 
RE_003 = 4.7224492616E-02  + 
RE_004 = 2.6556103969E-02  + 
RE_005 = 1.7048702747E-02  + 
RE_006 = 1.3900485613E-02  + 
RE_007 = 1.0175642224E-02  + 
RE_008 = 9.7214647819E-03  + 
RE_009 = 8.5396162000E-03  + 
RE_010 = 7.5743086840E-03  + 
RE_011 = 6.9725526454E-03  + 
RE_012 = 5.8677519068E-03  + 
RE_013 = 4.8047038760E-03  + 
RE_014 = 4.0509568037E-03  + 
RE_015 = 4.1032080549E-03  - 
RE_016 = 4.1832924557E-03  - 
RE_017 = 2.5945649758E-03  + 
RE_018 = 1.6861527244E-03  + 
RE_019 = 1.2652969230E-03  + 
RE_020 = 7.2534589225E-04  + 
RE_021 = 6.9663758963E-04  + 
RE_022 = 6.8015398100E-04  + 
RE_023 = 6.7451996447E-04  + 
RE_024 = 7.3766749041E-04  - 
RE_025 = 7.4189053102E-04  - 
RE_026 = 6.1413205555E-04  + 
RE_027 = 4.0672190391E-04  + 
RE_028 = 1.9807999097E-04  + 
RE_029 = 1.3867484335E-04  + 
RE_030 = 1.2718760642E-04  + 
RE_031 = 7.2156403839E-05  + 
RE_032 = 2.5132396270E-05  + 
RE_033 = 2.2675149604E-05  + 
RE_034 = 2.2036500883E-05  + 
RE_035 = 1.9574129179E-05  + 
RE_036 = 1.7800932787E-05  + 
RE_037 = 7.0289329649E-06  + 
Cext    = 357.7374614
Qext    = 3.556238389
Cabs    = 0.2646839962
Qabs    = 0.002631201621


オリジナルの計算はRE_000 = 1.0000000000E+00の誤差から始まる。 
一方で、学習結果を用いた計算はRE_000 = 1.1679879124E-01の誤差から始まる。




線形方程式を解き直すため、両者の結果(Cext, Qext, Cabs, Qabs)の値に差異はない。この点は予定通り。


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