
More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2015-02-02


Public Cloudの現状をおさらいするために表を作ってみました。


Service List

Amazon Web Service Microsoft Azure Google Cloud Platform IBM Softlayer 備考
当記事での略称 AWS Azure GCP Softlayer -
 - ServerLess AWS Lambda Azure Functions Cloud Functions - -
 - Container Orchestration Amazon EC2 Container Service(ECS) Azure Container Service(ACS) Google Container Engine(GKE) - 備考
 - SaaS - SaaSのフロントエンドとしてのApp Service -> わかりやすい図 -
 - PaaS AWS Elastic Beanstalk Websites -> Web Apps / Cloud Services App Engine
 - IaaS Amazon EC2 Virtual Machines Compute Engine Virtual server
 - Physical - - - Bare metal server
 - Container AWS Elastic Beanstalk / Amazon EC2 Container Service Virtual Machines / (Nano Server) Container Engine
 - Backup/Recovery - Backup(only WindowsServer) -
 - Disaster Recovery - Site Recovery/StorSimple -
 - Object Storage Amazon S3 Azure Storage BLOB Cloud Storage Object Storage
 - CDN CloudFront CDN(中身はEdgeCast) Tips App Engine(スパイク対策が楽) CDN(中身はEdgeCast)
 - Archive Glacier - Nearline
 - Integration Storage Gateway StorSimple -
 - Block Storage(like NAS) Elastic Block Storage Storage BLOB Persistent Disk (Compute Engine)
 - Others Import/Export - -
Data Service
 - RDBMS(DaaS) Amazon RDS SQL Database Cloud SQL
 - NoSQL DynamoDB DocumentDB / Azure Storage Table Cloud Datastore
 - Data WareHouse Redshift HDInsight BigQuery
 - Cache ElasticCache Cache/Redis cache Memcache (AppEngineのみ)
Data Proccessing
 - Batch Elastic MapReduce(Hadoop) HDInsignt(Hadoop) Cloud Dataflow
 - Interactive/MPP Redshift Azure SQL Data Warehouse BigQuery
 - Stream Kinesis Stream Analytics Cloud Pub/Sub(?)
 - Prediction(Machine Learning) Amazon Machine Learning Machine Learning Prediction API
 - Workload Data Pipeline Batch/Data Factory Dataflow
 - DNS Route 53 - Cloud DNS
 - Load Balancer Elastic Load Balancing Traffic Manager Network Load Balancing
 - L7 Load Balancer Elastic Load Balancing - HTTP Load Balancing
 - Virtual Network VPC Virtual Network -
 - Private Line Direct Connect ExpressRoute Interconnect(?)
 - Directory Service Directory Service Active Directory Google Apps Directory
 - Identification/Authentication IAM Azure ID/Multi-Factor Authentication Google Account
 - Authorization Key Management Service Key Vault -
 - Security Token Security Token Service Azure AD Access Control OAuth2
 - 監査証跡 CloudTrail - -
 - 構成の可視化 Config -
 - Data Security CloudHSM -
 - Key Management Key Management Service Key Vault
 - Orchestration AWS OpsWorks Resource Manager Cloud Deployment Manager
 - Deployment CodeDeploy - (VCSをHookするorPowerShellで自作orOSS導入) Cloud Deployment Manager
 - Configulation AWS OpsWorks / CloudFormation Automation / [preview]Service Fabric Cloud Deployment Manage
 - Application Monitoring - Application Insights Cloud Monitoring
 - Resource Monitoring CloudWatch APIはあるので、PowerShellで自作orOSS導入。WindowsServerのみOperational Insights Cloud Monitoring
 - Service Monitoring - - -
Application Service
 - Messaging Simple Queue Service Storage Queue/Service Bus Cloud Pub/Sub
 - Job Scheduler Simple Workflow Service WebJob/Scheduler/Batch -
 - Streaming AppStream - -
 - Media Transcoder Elastic Transcoder Media Services -
 - Mail Simple Email Service - (MarketplaceにもあるSendGridを使うこと多し) (SendGrid推奨)
 - Fulltext Search/Indexing unit CloudSearch Search TextSearch (AppEngineからのみ)
 - Notification Simple Notification Service Notification Hubs Push notifications
 - API as a Service - API Management Cloud Endpoints
 - Payment Flexible Payment Service - -
 - Mutilingual Support - - Translate API
Mobile Service
 - Identification Cognito Azure ID/Multi-Factor Authentication -
 - Analytics Mobile Analytics Application Insights -
 - Notification Simple Notification Service Notification Hubs Cloud Messaging
 - API as a Service - API Management Cloud Endpoints
 - MBaaS - Mobile Services -> Mobile Apps Cloud Endpoints
Enterprise Application
 - Thin Client WorkSpaces RemoteAPP(Local resourceも使えます) -
 - File Storage Zocalo StorSimple -
 - Integration - BizTalk Services -
Customer Service
 - Support AWS Support/Trusted Advisor 電話サポート有り 有り
 - Marketplace Marketplace Marketplace -
Other Services
 - Alexa Alexa Web Information Service - -
 - Human Inteligence Amazon Mechanical Turk - -


Container Service

  • ACSはDocker Swarm、Apache MESOS(DC/OS)、Kubernetesを選択してデプロイする。昔(2016年)はAzure ARM Templateでデプロイする形だったけど、今はドキュメントもGUIも整備されつつあるみたい。
  • GKEはkubernetesベース
  • ECSは何かベースになっているものがあるのでしょうか?Amazonオリジナル?
  • CNCFにAWSが加入したけど、今後どうなっていくのでしょうねー



Azure, AWS, etc.. のicon。構成図やプレゼン資料作りに使うやつ

Microsoft Azure

SaaSのフロントエンドとしてのApp Service



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