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TensorFlow > TFReocrdsを読込んで(mean, stddev)を表示する

Last updated at Posted at 2017-08-12
GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB)
ASRock Z170M Pro4S [Intel Z170chipset]
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS desktop amd64
TensorFlow v1.1.0
cuDNN v5.1 for Linux
CUDA v8.0
Python 3.5.2
IPython 6.0.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 5.4.0 20160609
GNU bash, version 4.3.48(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

関連: TensorFlow > 複数のTFRecordsファイルを1つにまとめる v0.1,v0.2


This article is related to ADDA (light scattering simulator based on the discrete dipole approximation).

  • TFRecordsを読込んで学習する
  • input: 5 nodes
  • output: 6 nodes
  • サンプル数: 223,872
  • 学習データ: ADDAにより計算した値
    • #input
    • x,y,z: dipole position
    • refractive index: real and imaginary part
    • #output
    • initial values for linear equation solution for (x,y,z),(real,imaginary)


TensorFlow | ADDA > 線形方程式の初期値用データの学習 (TFRecords版) > 出力層を1ノードにした場合のlossの経過 | データの正規化が必要?

EXR, EXI, EYR, EYI, EZR, EZIに関してそれぞれ(mean, stddev)を計算してみる。

関連: Matplotlib | numpy > データの標準化(standardization)と結果の図示 | Error:AttributeError while adding colorbar in matplotlib


読込みファイル: combined_IntField-Y_170722.tfrecords

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import sys

v0.1 Aug. 12, 2017
  - calculate [mean], [stddev]

=== branched from [test_readCombined_170722.py] ===
v0.2 Jul. 09, 2017
  - read [mr] and [mi]
v0.1 Jul. 09, 2017
  - read position and Ex, Ey, Ez
     + add get_feature_float32()

# on
#   Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
#   TensorFlow v1.1
#   Python 3.5.2

# codingrule: PEP8

def print_mean_stddev(xs, label):
    print('%s mean:%f std:%f' % (label, xs.mean(), xs.std()))

def get_feature_float32(example, feature_name):
    wrk_raw = (example.features.feature[feature_name]
    wrk_1d = np.fromstring(wrk_raw, dtype=np.float32)
    wrk_org = wrk_1d.reshape([1, -1])
    return wrk_org

INP_FILE = 'combined_IntField-Y_170722.tfrecords'

record_iterator = tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator(path=INP_FILE)

exrs, exis = np.array([]), np.array([])
eyrs, eyis = np.array([]), np.array([])
ezrs, ezis = np.array([]), np.array([])

for record in record_iterator:
    example = tf.train.Example()

    xpos_org = get_feature_float32(example, 'xpos_raw')
    ypos_org = get_feature_float32(example, 'ypos_raw')
    zpos_org = get_feature_float32(example, 'zpos_raw')
    mr_org = get_feature_float32(example, 'mr_raw')
    mi_org = get_feature_float32(example, 'mi_raw')
    exr_org = get_feature_float32(example, 'exr_raw')
    exi_org = get_feature_float32(example, 'exi_raw')
    eyr_org = get_feature_float32(example, 'eyr_raw')
    eyi_org = get_feature_float32(example, 'eyi_raw')
    ezr_org = get_feature_float32(example, 'ezr_raw')
    ezi_org = get_feature_float32(example, 'ezi_raw')

    exrs, exis = np.append(exrs, exr_org), np.append(exis, exi_org)
    eyrs, eyis = np.append(eyrs, eyr_org), np.append(eyis, eyi_org)
    ezrs, ezis = np.append(ezrs, ezr_org), np.append(ezis, ezi_org)

print_mean_stddev(exrs, 'exr')
print_mean_stddev(exis, 'exi')

print_mean_stddev(eyrs, 'eyr')
print_mean_stddev(eyis, 'eyi')

print_mean_stddev(ezrs, 'ezr')
print_mean_stddev(ezis, 'ezi')

$ python3 calc_mean_std_170812.py 
exr mean:0.000000 std:0.108670
exi mean:0.000000 std:0.079414
eyr mean:-0.018333 std:0.704788
eyi mean:0.011257 std:0.579868
ezr mean:-0.000000 std:0.167189
ezi mean:0.000000 std:0.271590



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