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[C++] Some useful method or tips in c++ (updating)

Last updated at Posted at 2015-07-17
  • Initialize a two dimension vector with some value
vector<vector<int>> dp(n, vector<int>(m, 2));
  • Get next iterator
//std::set<int>::iterator it;
std::next(it, 1)
  • Initialize any value for array/vector
//Fill a array with value
//int a[10]
fill(a, a + 10, 10);
//vector<int> b;
fill(b.begin(), b.end(), 10);
  • Get the max/min element
//Find the min/max value in array
*min_element(a, a + 7);
*max_element(a, a + 7);
  • Lower bound in set
//Find the value not less/greater than x in set(Ologn)
//std::set s;
  • Sum
//Sum values between i and j
accumulate(a, a+10, 0)
  • Lower bound in vector/array
//Find the value not less/greater than x in array/vector
upper_bound(a, a + 10, 5)
lower_bound(a, a + 10, 7)
  • Array copy
//Copy an array to another array
//int a[10], b[10]
copy(a, a + 10, b)
  • Substring
//sub string
s.substr(0, 10) // start position, length
  • Reverse string
//reverse string or vector
//string s;
reverse(s.begin(), s.end());
  • Sort in descending order
//sort in descending order of vector
//vector<int> a;
sort(a.begin(), a.end(), greater<int>());

//priority queue in increasing order.
priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int> > q;

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