
More than 3 years have passed since last update.

Fedora 31 各種確認

Posted at


参考:Fedora 31 is officially here! - Fedora Magazine
   Releases/31/ChangeSet - Fedora Project Wiki


Windows10 - HyperV上で動作しているCoreOS(ContainerOS)で起動


core@coreos ~ $ docker pull fedora:31
31: Pulling from library/fedora
d318c91bf2a8: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:d4f7df6b691d61af6cee7328f82f1d8afdef63bc38f58516858ae3045083924a
Status: Downloaded newer image for fedora:31


core@coreos ~ $ docker run -it --rm fedora:31
[root@e8d108e55911 /]# yum update -y
... 略
[root@e8d108e55911 /]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 31 (Thirty One)
[root@e8d108e55911 /]# cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="31 (Container Image)"
PRETTY_NAME="Fedora 31 (Container Image)"
VARIANT="Container Image"


[root@e8d108e55911 /]# dnf module list
Fedora 31 - x86_64                                                            8.6 kB/s | 6.3 kB     00:00
Fedora Modular 31 - x86_64
Name                 Stream               Profiles           Summary
afterburn            rolling [d]          default [d]        Simple cloud provider agent
ant                  1.10 [d]             default [d]        Java build tool
askalono-cli         rolling [d]          default [d]        Tool to detect the contents of license files
avocado              latest               default [d], minim Framework with tools and libraries for Automated
                                          al                 Testing
avocado              69lts [d]            default [d], minim Framework with tools and libraries for Automated
                                          al                 Testing
bat                  latest [d]           default [d]        cat(1) clone with wings
cbindgen             rolling [d]          default [d]        Tool for generating C bindings to Rust code
cri-o                1.11                 default            Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface for OCI-ba
                                                             sed containers
cri-o                1.12                 default            Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface for OCI-ba
                                                             sed containers
cri-o                1.14                 default            Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface for OCI-ba
                                                             sed containers
django               1.6                  default [d], pytho A high-level Python Web framework
dutree               rolling [d]          default [d]        Command line tool to analyze disk usage
dwm                  latest               user, default [d]  Dynamic window manager for X
dwm                  6.0                  user, default [d]  Dynamic window manager for X
dwm                  6.1                  user, default [d]  Dynamic window manager for X
dwm                  6.2 [d]              user, default [d]  Dynamic window manager for X
eclipse              latest               java [d], c, every An open, extensible IDE and application platform
eclipse              2019-06              java [d], c, every An open, extensible IDE and application platform
exa                  latest [d]           default [d]        Modern replacement for ls
fd-find              rolling [d]          default [d]        Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to fin
fedora-coreos-pinger rolling [d]          default [d]        Telemetry service for Fedora CoreOS
ffsend               latest [d]           default [d]        Easily and securely share files from the command
fish                 3 [d]                default [d]        Friendly interactive shell
ghc                  8.4                  default [d], minim Haskell GHC 8.4
                                          al, small
ghc                  8.6                  default [d], minim Haskell GHC 8.6
                                          al, small
ghc                  8.8                  default [d], minim Haskell GHC 8.8
                                          al, small
gimp                 2.10 [d]             devel, default [d] GIMP
heatseeker           latest [d]           default [d]        Fast, robust, and portable fuzzy finder
httpd                2.4                  devel, common [d], Apache HTTP Server
hub                  pre-release          default            A command-line wrapper for git with github shortc
hyperfine            latest [d]           default [d]        Command-line benchmarking tool
jmc                  latest               core, default [d]  Java Mission Control is a profiling and diagnosti
                                                             cs tool for the Hotspot JVM
jmc                  7                    core, default [d]  Java Mission Control is a profiling and diagnosti
                                                             cs tool for the Hotspot JVM
libgit2              0.26                                    Library implementation of Git
libgit2              0.27                                    Library implementation of Git
libgit2              0.28                                    Library implementation of Git
librealsense         rolling              default, dev       Cross-platform camera capture for Intel RealSense
lizardfs             devel                chunkserver, metal Distributed, fault tolerant file system
                                          ogger, default, me
lsd                  rolling [d]          default [d]        Ls command with a lot of pretty colors and some o
                                                             ther stuff
mariadb              10.3                 devel, client, gal MariaDB: a very fast and robust SQL database serv
                                          era, server [d]    er
mariadb              10.4                 devel, client, gal MariaDB: a very fast and robust SQL database serv
                                          era, server [d]    er
maven                3.5 [d]              default [d]        Java project management and project comprehension
maven                3.6                  default [d]        Java project management and project comprehension
meson                latest [d]           default [d]        The Meson Build system
minetest             5 [d]                client [d], server Infinite-world block sandbox game engine with sup
                                                             port for survival and crafting
mysql                8.0                  devel, client, ser MySQL Module
nest                 2.16.0               default [d], mpich The neural simulation tool
                                          , openmpi
nest                 2.18.0               default [d], mpich The neural simulation tool
                                          , openmpi
newsboat             latest [d]           default [d]        RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console
nginx                mainline             common [d]         nginx webserver
nginx                1.14                 common [d]         nginx webserver
nginx                1.16                 common [d]         nginx webserver
ninja                latest [d]           default [d]        Small build system with a focus on speed
nodejs               10                   development, defau Javascript runtime
                                          lt [d], minimal
nodejs               11                   development, defau Javascript runtime
                                          lt, minimal
nodejs               12                   development, defau Javascript runtime
                                          lt [d], minimal
openmpi              3.1                  buildroot, default Open Message Passing Interface
openmpi              4.0                  buildroot, default Open Message Passing Interface
perl                 5.28                 default [d], minim Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl                 5.30                 common, default [d Practical Extraction and Report Language
                                          ], minimal
perl-bootstrap       5.28                                    Perl bootstrap module for bootrapping Perl module
perl-bootstrap       5.30                                    Perl bootstrap module for bootstrapping Perl modu
postgresql           9.6                  client, server [d] PostgreSQL module
postgresql           10                   client, server [d] PostgreSQL module
postgresql           11                   client, server [d] PostgreSQL module
postgresql           12                   client, libpq, ser PostgreSQL module
pretty-git-prompt    rolling [d]          default [d]        Your current git repository information inside a
                                                             beautiful shell prompt
ripgrep              latest [d]           default [d]        Line oriented search tool using Rust's regex libr
rpick                latest [d]           default [d]        Helps you pick items from a list by various algor
rpm                  4.15                                    RPM Package Manager
ruby                 master               default            An interpreter of object-oriented scripting langu
ruby                 2.5                  default [d]        An interpreter of object-oriented scripting langu
ruby                 2.6                  default [d]        An interpreter of object-oriented scripting langu
rust                 stable               srpm-buildroot     The Rust programming Language
sd                   rolling [d]          default [d]        Intuitive find & replace CLI
setools              4.2                  default            Policy analysis tools for SELinux
setools              4.2.0                default            Policy analysis tools for SELinux
silver               rolling [d]          default [d]        Cross-shell customizable powerline-like prompt wi
                                                             th icons
skim                 rolling [d]          default [d]        Fuzzy Finder in Rust
squid                4                    common [d]         Squid - Optimising Web Delivery
stratis              1 [d]                default [d]        Stratis Storage
subversion           1.10                 common [d], server Apache Subversion
sway                 rolling              full, default      i3-compatible window manager for Wayland
swig                 3.0                  default [d], compl Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level pro
                                          ete                gramming languages
swig                 4.0                  default [d], compl Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level pro
                                          ete                gramming languages
testmodule           master               default            A test module in all its beautiful beauty.
tokei                rolling [d]          default [d]        Utility that allows you to count code, quickly
tomcat               stream-tomcat-201908 default            Apache Servlet/JSP Engine, RI for Servlet 4.0/JSP
                                                              2.3 API
varnish              6                    default            Varnish HTTP cache
zincati              rolling [d]          default [d]        Update agent for Fedora CoreOS
zola                 rolling [d]          default [d]        Fast static site generator with everything built-
zram-generator       rolling [d]          default [d]        Systemd unit generator for zram devices

Fedora Modular 31 - x86_64 - Updates
Name                 Stream               Profiles           Summary
afterburn            rolling [d]          default [d]        Simple cloud provider agent
ant                  1.10 [d]             default [d]        Java build tool
askalono-cli         rolling [d]          default [d]        Tool to detect the contents of license files
avocado              latest               default [d], minim Framework with tools and libraries for Automated
                                          al                 Testing
avocado              69lts [d]            default [d], minim Framework with tools and libraries for Automated
                                          al                 Testing
bat                  latest [d]           default [d]        cat(1) clone with wings
cbindgen             rolling [d]          default [d]        Tool for generating C bindings to Rust code
cri-o                1.11                 default            Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface for OCI-ba
                                                             sed containers
cri-o                1.12                 default            Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface for OCI-ba
                                                             sed containers
cri-o                1.14                 default            Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface for OCI-ba
                                                             sed containers
cri-o                1.16                 default            Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface for OCI-ba
                                                             sed containers
django               1.6                  default [d], pytho A high-level Python Web framework
dutree               rolling [d]          default [d]        Command line tool to analyze disk usage
dwm                  latest               user, default [d]  Dynamic window manager for X
dwm                  6.0                  user, default [d]  Dynamic window manager for X
dwm                  6.1                  user, default [d]  Dynamic window manager for X
dwm                  6.2 [d]              user, default [d]  Dynamic window manager for X
eclipse              latest               java [d], c, every An open, extensible IDE and application platform
eclipse              2019-06              java [d], c, every An open, extensible IDE and application platform
exa                  latest [d]           default [d]        Modern replacement for ls
fd-find              rolling [d]          default [d]        Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to fin
fedora-coreos-pinger rolling [d]          default [d]        Telemetry service for Fedora CoreOS
ffsend               latest [d]           default [d]        Easily and securely share files from the command
fish                 3 [d]                default [d]        Friendly interactive shell
ghc                  8.4                  default [d], minim Haskell GHC 8.4
                                          al, small
ghc                  8.6                  default [d], minim Haskell GHC 8.6
                                          al, small
ghc                  8.8                  default [d], minim Haskell GHC 8.8
                                          al, small
gimp                 2.10 [d]             devel, default [d] GIMP
heatseeker           latest [d]           default [d]        Fast, robust, and portable fuzzy finder
httpd                2.4                  devel, common [d], Apache HTTP Server
hub                  pre-release          default            A command-line wrapper for git with github shortc
hyperfine            latest [d]           default [d]        Command-line benchmarking tool
jmc                  latest               core, default [d]  Java Mission Control is a profiling and diagnosti
                                                             cs tool for the Hotspot JVM
jmc                  7                    core, default [d]  Java Mission Control is a profiling and diagnosti
                                                             cs tool for the Hotspot JVM
libgit2              0.26                                    Library implementation of Git
libgit2              0.27                                    Library implementation of Git
libgit2              0.28                                    Library implementation of Git
librealsense         rolling              default, dev       Cross-platform camera capture for Intel RealSense
lizardfs             devel                chunkserver, metal Distributed, fault tolerant file system
                                          ogger, default, me
lsd                  rolling [d]          default [d]        Ls command with a lot of pretty colors and some o
                                                             ther stuff
mariadb              10.3                 devel, client, gal MariaDB: a very fast and robust SQL database serv
                                          era, server [d]    er
mariadb              10.4                 devel, client, gal MariaDB: a very fast and robust SQL database serv
                                          era, server [d]    er
maven                3.5 [d]              default [d]        Java project management and project comprehension
maven                3.6                  default [d]        Java project management and project comprehension
meson                latest [d]           default [d]        The Meson Build system
minetest             5 [d]                client [d], server Infinite-world block sandbox game engine with sup
                                                             port for survival and crafting
mysql                8.0                  devel, client, ser MySQL Module
nest                 2.16.0               default [d], mpich The neural simulation tool
                                          , openmpi
nest                 2.18.0               default [d], mpich The neural simulation tool
                                          , openmpi
newsboat             latest [d]           default [d]        RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console
nginx                mainline             common [d]         nginx webserver
nginx                1.12                 default            nginx webserver
nginx                1.14                 common [d]         nginx webserver
nginx                1.16                 common [d]         nginx webserver
ninja                latest [d]           default [d]        Small build system with a focus on speed
nodejs               10                   development, defau Javascript runtime
                                          lt [d], minimal
nodejs               11                   development, defau Javascript runtime
                                          lt, minimal
nodejs               12                   development, defau Javascript runtime
                                          lt [d], minimal
openmpi              3.1                  buildroot, default Open Message Passing Interface
openmpi              4.0                  buildroot, default Open Message Passing Interface
perl                 5.28                 default [d], minim Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl                 5.30                 common, default [d Practical Extraction and Report Language
                                          ], minimal
perl-bootstrap       5.28                                    Perl bootstrap module for bootrapping Perl module
perl-bootstrap       5.30                                    Perl bootstrap module for bootstrapping Perl modu
postgresql           9.6                  client, server [d] PostgreSQL module
postgresql           10                   client, server [d] PostgreSQL module
postgresql           11                   client, server [d] PostgreSQL module
postgresql           12                   client, libpq, ser PostgreSQL module
pretty-git-prompt    rolling [d]          default [d]        Your current git repository information inside a
                                                             beautiful shell prompt
ripgrep              latest [d]           default [d]        Line oriented search tool using Rust's regex libr
rpick                latest [d]           default [d]        Helps you pick items from a list by various algor
rpm                  4.15                                    RPM Package Manager
ruby                 master               default            An interpreter of object-oriented scripting langu
ruby                 2.5                  default [d]        An interpreter of object-oriented scripting langu
ruby                 2.6                  default [d]        An interpreter of object-oriented scripting langu
rust                 stable               srpm-buildroot     The Rust programming Language
sd                   rolling [d]          default [d]        Intuitive find & replace CLI
setools              4.2                  default            Policy analysis tools for SELinux
setools              4.2.0                default            Policy analysis tools for SELinux
silver               rolling [d]          default [d]        Cross-shell customizable powerline-like prompt wi
                                                             th icons
skim                 rolling [d]          default [d]        Fuzzy Finder in Rust
squid                4                    common [d]         Squid - Optimising Web Delivery
stratis              1 [d]                default [d]        Stratis Storage
subversion           1.10                 common [d], server Apache Subversion
sway                 rolling              full, default      i3-compatible window manager for Wayland
swig                 3.0                  default [d], compl Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level pro
                                          ete                gramming languages
swig                 4.0                  default [d], compl Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level pro
                                          ete                gramming languages
testmodule           master               default            A test module in all its beautiful beauty.
tokei                rolling [d]          default [d]        Utility that allows you to count code, quickly
tomcat               stream-tomcat-201908 default            Apache Servlet/JSP Engine, RI for Servlet 4.0/JSP
                                                              2.3 API
varnish              6                    default            Varnish HTTP cache
zincati              rolling [d]          default [d]        Update agent for Fedora CoreOS
zola                 rolling [d]          default [d]        Fast static site generator with everything built-
zram-generator       rolling [d]          default [d]        Systemd unit generator for zram devices

Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled
[root@e8d108e55911 /]# ll /usr/bin/python*
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root     9 Oct 17 11:54 /usr/bin/python -> ./python3
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root     9 Oct 17 12:21 /usr/bin/python3 -> python3.7
-rwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 15440 Oct 17 12:21 /usr/bin/python3.7
-rwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 15440 Oct 17 12:21 /usr/bin/python3.7m
# yum info php
Last metadata expiration check: 0:03:18 ago on Sun Nov  3 07:14:18 2019.
Available Packages
Name         : php
Version      : 7.3.11
Release      : 1.fc31
Architecture : x86_64
Size         : 2.3 M
Source       : php-7.3.11-1.fc31.src.rpm
Repository   : updates
Summary      : PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
URL          : http://www.php.net/
License      : PHP and Zend and BSD and MIT and ASL 1.0 and NCSA
Description  : PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. PHP attempts to make it
             : easy for developers to write dynamically generated web pages. PHP also
             : offers built-in database integration for several commercial and
             : non-commercial database management systems, so writing a
             : database-enabled webpage with PHP is fairly simple. The most common
             : use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts.
             : The php package contains the module (often referred to as mod_php)
             : which adds support for the PHP language to Apache HTTP Server.
[root@e8d108e55911 /]# yum search openjdk | grep openjdk.x86
Last metadata expiration check: 0:07:52 ago on Sun Nov  3 07:14:18 2019.
java-11-openjdk.x86_64 : OpenJDK Runtime Environment 11
java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 : OpenJDK Runtime Environment 8
java-latest-openjdk.x86_64 : OpenJDK Runtime Environment 13
[root@e8d108e55911 /]# yum info tomcat
Last metadata expiration check: 0:08:41 ago on Sun Nov  3 07:14:18 2019.
Available Packages
Name         : tomcat
Epoch        : 1
Version      : 9.0.26
Release      : 1.fc31
Architecture : noarch
Size         : 89 k
Source       : tomcat-9.0.26-1.fc31.src.rpm
Repository   : fedora
Summary      : Apache Servlet/JSP Engine, RI for Servlet 4.0/JSP 2.3 API
URL          : http://tomcat.apache.org/
License      : ASL 2.0
Description  : Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference
             : Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies.
             : The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications are developed by
             : Sun under the Java Community Process.
             : Tomcat is developed in an open and participatory environment and
             : released under the Apache Software License version 2.0. Tomcat is intended
             : to be a collaboration of the best-of-breed developers from around the world.

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