
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2015-07-02


int order;
int count;
int col_num;

float steps;
float diffs;
float cpx[];
float cpy[];
float tempx[][];
float tempy[][];
float bzx[][][];
float bzy[][][];
float col_val;

boolean step_flag;
boolean draw_flag;

void setup () {

    size (1200, 800);
    colorMode (HSB, 256);
    background (0);
    frameRate (60);
    strokeWeight (0.5);

    order = 10;
    count = 0;
    steps = 0.00;
    diffs = 0.01;

    cpx = new float[order + 1];
    cpy = new float[order + 1];
    tempx = new float[order][int (1 / diffs)];
    tempy = new float[order][int (1 / diffs)];
    bzx = new float[order][order][int (1 / diffs)];
    bzy = new float[order][order][int (1 / diffs)];

    step_flag = false;
    draw_flag = false;


void draw () {

    if (step_flag == true && count < int (1 / diffs)) {

        for (int i = 0; i < order; i++) {

            tempx[i][count] = (cpx[i + 1] * (1 - steps)) + (cpx[i] * steps);
            tempy[i][count] = (cpy[i + 1] * (1 - steps)) + (cpy[i] * steps);

            if (i > 0) {

                stroke (255, 40);
                line (tempx[i - 1][count], tempy[i - 1][count], tempx[i][count], tempy[i][count]);

                for (int j = 0; j < order; j++) {
                    if (j == 0) {
                        bzx[j][i][count] = (tempx[i][count] * (1 - steps)) + (tempx[i - 1][count] * steps);
                        bzy[j][i][count] = (tempy[i][count] * (1 - steps)) + (tempy[i - 1][count] * steps);
                    } else {
                        bzx[j][i][count] = (bzx[j - 1][i][count] * (1 - steps)) + (bzx[j - 1][i - 1][count] * steps);
                        bzy[j][i][count] = (bzy[j - 1][i][count] * (1 - steps)) + (bzy[j - 1][i - 1][count] * steps);
                    if (count > 0) {
                        if (i > j) {
                            col_val = map (j, 0, order, 0, 220);
                            stroke (col_val, 255, 255);
                            //stroke (255 / (j + 1), 255 / (j + 1), 255 / (j + 1));
                            line (bzx[j][i][count - 1], bzy[j][i][count - 1], bzx[j][i][count], bzy[j][i][count]);
                    if (count == int (1 / diffs) - 1) {
                        if (i > j) {
                            col_val = map (j, 0, order, 0, 220);
                            stroke (col_val, 255, 255);
                            //stroke (255 / (j + 1), 255 / (j + 1), 255 / (j + 1));
                            line (bzx[j][i][count], bzy[j][i][count], cpx[i - j - 1], cpy[i - j - 1]);



        steps += diffs;
        count += 1;

    } else {

        step_flag = false;



void mouseReleased () {

    background (0);
    steps = 0;
    count = 0;
    cpx = new float[order + 1];
    cpy = new float[order + 1];
    for (int i = 0; i <= order; i++) {
        cpx[i] = random (width);
        cpy[i] = random (height);
        if (i > 0) {
            stroke (255, 80);
            line (cpx[i], cpy[i], cpx[i - 1], cpy[i - 1]);
    step_flag = true;


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