

Last updated at Posted at 2021-11-07



self.title = "タイトル"
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = [
    NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.white
    NSAttributedString.Key.font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 30)


static let attachment: NSAttributedString.Key
The attachment for the text.

static let backgroundColor: NSAttributedString.Key
The color of the background behind the text.

static let baselineOffset: NSAttributedString.Key
The vertical offset for the position of the text.

static let cursor: NSAttributedString.Key
The cursor object.

static let expansion: NSAttributedString.Key
The expansion factor of the text.

static let font: NSAttributedString.Key
The font of the text.

static let foregroundColor: NSAttributedString.Key
The color of the text.

static let glyphInfo: NSAttributedString.Key
The name of a glyph info object.

static let kern: NSAttributedString.Key
The kerning of the text.
static let ligature: NSAttributedString.Key
The ligature of the text.

static let link: NSAttributedString.Key
The link for the text.

static let markedClauseSegment: NSAttributedString.Key
The index of the marked clause segment.

static let obliqueness: NSAttributedString.Key
The obliqueness of the text.

static let paragraphStyle: NSAttributedString.Key
The paragraph style of the text.

static let shadow: NSAttributedString.Key
The shadow of the text.

static let spellingState: NSAttributedString.Key
The spelling state of the text.

static let strikethroughColor: NSAttributedString.Key
The color of the strikethrough.

static let strikethroughStyle: NSAttributedString.Key
The strikethrough style of the text.

static let strokeColor: NSAttributedString.Key
The color of the stroke.

static let strokeWidth: NSAttributedString.Key
The width of the stroke.

static let superscript: NSAttributedString.Key
The superscript of the text.

static let textAlternatives: NSAttributedString.Key
The alternatives for the text.

static let textEffect: NSAttributedString.Key
The text effect.

static let toolTip: NSAttributedString.Key
The tooltip text.

static let underlineColor: NSAttributedString.Key
The color of the underline.

static let underlineStyle: NSAttributedString.Key
The underline style of the text.

static let verticalGlyphForm: NSAttributedString.Key
The vertical glyph form of the text.

static let writingDirection: NSAttributedString.Key
The writing direction of the text.





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