
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

gcloud components update さん 2017-03-30

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今回は Google Cloud Datalab さんが頑張っている印象。

gcloud components update

Your current Cloud SDK version is: 141.0.0
You will be upgraded to version: 149.0.0

│                     These components will be updated.                      │
│                         Name                        │  Version   │   Size  │
│ BigQuery Command Line Tool                          │     2.0.24 │ < 1 MiB │
│ BigQuery Command Line Tool (Platform Specific)      │     2.0.24 │ < 1 MiB │
│ Cloud SDK Core Libraries                            │ 2017.03.24 │ 5.8 MiB │
│ Cloud SDK Core Libraries (Platform Specific)        │ 2017.03.24 │ < 1 MiB │
│ Cloud Storage Command Line Tool                     │       4.23 │ 2.8 MiB │
│ Cloud Storage Command Line Tool (Platform Specific) │       4.23 │ < 1 MiB │
│          These components will be installed.          │
│              Name              │  Version   │   Size  │
│ gcloud cli dependencies        │ 2017.03.24 │ 1.5 MiB │
│ gcloud-deps (Mac OS X, x86_64) │ 2017.03.24 │ 2.1 MiB │

The following release notes are new in this upgrade.
Please read carefully for information about new features, breaking changes,
and bugs fixed.  The latest full release notes can be viewed at:

149.0.0 (2017-03-29)
  Breaking Changes
      ▪ The Cloud SDK installer on nix will no longer attempt to update your
        RC files in non-interactive mode.
      ▪ Support for creating/updating legacy sinks has been removed from
        gcloud beta logging.

  Cloud SDK
      ▪ SHA256 checksums, instead of SHA1 checksums, are now being published
        for Cloud SDK versioned archives and other downloadable assets.

  Firebase Test Lab
      ▪ The gcloud test commands have been promoted to GA and renamed gcloud
        firebase test .... All gcloud beta test ... commands are deprecated.
      ▪ The preferred way to specify test devices is the new --device
        argument, which allows more precise control over which device
        dimensions are included in a test matrix. See gcloud firebase test
        android run --help and gcloud topic arg-files for details.

  Google App Engine
      ▪ Updated Python SDK to version 1.9.51.
      ▪ Support Server Name Indication (SNI) for remote API shell.

  Google Cloud Datalab
      ▪ Update the datalab component to the 20170323 build. With this
        release, the entire /content directory of newly created instances will
        be persisted to the attached disk rather than just the /content/datalab

  Google Cloud Natural Language
      ▪ The gcloud beta ml language command group is now available. Use
        commands in this group to analyze text with the Natural Language API.
        For more information, see: https://cloud.google.com/natural-language/.

  Google Cloud Runtime Configuration
      ▪ The optional flag --values has been added to gcloud beta
        runtime-config configs variables list; it can be used to return values
        along with variables.

  Google Cloud SQL
      ▪ Argument validation for instance arguments has been added to gcloud
        beta sql instances create, gcloud sql instances create, and gcloud sql
        instances set-root-password

  Google Compute Engine
      ▪ gcloud alpha compute ssh can now connect to instances using private
        IP addresses.
      ▪ gcloud alpha compute images create now has a --force-creation flag.

  Google Container Engine
      ▪ gcloud container images delete has been modified to delete the
        underlying image, and all associated tags, when given a tag reference.
        For the remainder of beta, --resolve-tag-to-digest will be required
        when deleting an image by tag, to avoid accidental deletion. This will
        become default behavior when the command graduates from beta.

148.0.0 (2017-03-22)
  Breaking Changes
      ▪ The gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training command is now asynchronous
        by default; pass --stream-logs to get the old behavior.
      ▪ gcloud ml-engine local predict now only supports prediction using
        models in SavedModel format. For details, see:

  Cloud SDK
      ▪ Windows users upgrading to the new version might see an error after
        running gcloud components update. This is because the update modifies
        the gcloud.cmd file. The update should have finished successfully
        regardless of the error. To make sure, run gcloud components update
        again. It should say it's already up to date.

  Google Cloud BigQuery
      ▪ Added support for updating field descriptions on query destination
        table. See the destination_schema flag within the query command.
      ▪ Added support for showing only a subset of selected table fields. See
        the selected_fields flag within the head command.
      ▪ Added support for setting labels on tables. See the label flag within
        the mk command.

  Google Cloud Datalab
      ▪ Updated the datalab component to the 20170316 build. This release
        includes two bug fixes in how the tool looks up Datalab instances:

        1. No longer prompt for a zone if the specified instance does not exist.
        2. Report an error if the specified instance was not created by the tool.

  Deployment Manager
      ▪ Promote gcloud alpha deployment-manager commands to the beta release

  Google Cloud ML Engine
      ▪ The default log polling interval for logs has been raised; this
        should prevent streaming from using too much quota.

  Google Container Engine
      ▪ Update Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.5.3 to 1.5.4.

  Google Container Registry
      ▪ untag has been added to the container images command group. In the
        future, container images delete will be modified to delete the
        underlying image (and all associated tags) and this will be the primary
        method of removing tags from images.

  Google Service Management
      ▪ --validate-only flag added to service-management deploy command

  Google Cloud Key Management Service
      ▪ gcloud beta kms commands have been promoted to general availability
        as gcloud kms.

  Google Cloud Storage
      ▪ Promote compute backend-buckets commands to general availability.
      ▪ Update gsutil component to 4.23

147.0.0 (2017-03-15)
  Breaking Changes
      ▪ Modified argument parsing for commands that pass arguments through to
        another program. The -- argument must be specified between gcloud
        specific args on the left and the rest of the command on the right.
        Commands will no longer allow the omission of the --, and unparsed
        arguments will not be treated as implementation args.
      ▪ Made the --config-name flag mandatory for runtime-config configs
        variables and runtime-config configs waiters commands.
      ▪ Renamed gcloud kms cryptokeys as gcloud kms keys. Renamed the
        --cryptokey flag as --key. Deprecated the cryptokey variants.
      ▪ Modified alpha source repos clone to produce an error message if the
        repository being cloned is a mirror. The command no longer asks to
        create the repo if it does not exist.

  Cloud SDK
      ▪ The gcloud interactive shell auto completes gcloud commands and
        flags, and displays help, as command lines are typed into the shell.
        Run gcloud alpha shell to launch the shell.

  Google Compute Engine
      ▪ Promoted custom cache keys to beta.
      ▪ Promoted gcloud compute networks subnets to beta.

  Google App Engine
      ▪ Modified Google App Engine Flexible Environment runtimes that require
        entrypoint: to automatically prepend exec to entrypoints, to ensure
        signals are passed through to the application process.
      ▪ Java SDK updated to 1.9.50. For more details, please see
        ◆ https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/java/release-notes

  Google Cloud Bigtable
      ▪ Updated binaries for the cbt commandline tool to allow for creation
        of tables with initial splits.

  Google Cloud Datalab
      ▪ Updated the datalab component to the 20170309 build. This is a small
        update that only updates the name of the project from which we fetch
        the Container OS images to the new cos-cloud project.

  Google Container Engine
      ▪ Added --enable-autorepair flag to gcloud beta container clusters
        create and gcloud beta container node-pools create.

  Google Cloud Resource Manager
      ▪ Promoted the gcloud projects create command to GA.

  Google Cloud Vision
      ▪ The gcloud beta ml vision command group is now available. These
        commands allow you to analyze images with Google Cloud Vision:

      ▪ gcloud beta ml vision detect-documents
      ▪ gcloud beta ml vision detect-faces
      ▪ gcloud beta ml vision detect-image-properties
      ▪ gcloud beta ml vision detect-labels
      ▪ gcloud beta ml vision detect-landmarks
      ▪ gcloud beta ml vision detect-logos
      ▪ gcloud beta ml vision detect-safe-search
      ▪ gcloud beta ml vision detect-text
      ▪ gcloud beta ml vision detect-web

  Google Service Management
      ▪ Modified --format flag for gcloud service-management deploy to make
        the new service configuration available for formatting with --format

  Google Cloud Source Repositories
      ▪ Mirrored respositories now display the url of the repository being

  Cloud Tools for PowerShell
      ▪ Added beta cmdlets for managing access control and visibility of
        Google Cloud IAM bindings. For more information, see

  Google Container Registry
      ▪ Updated docker-credential-gcr to support the Docker client's new
        chronological version numbering during configure-docker for Docker
        client versions of 17.03.xx and above.

  Firebase Test Lab
      ▪ Added new --results-dir flag for the gcloud test android run command
        to specify a predetermined storage location for test results. The value
        must be unique per each test matrix created. This avoids the need to
        parse stderr to find the path to the raw test results.
      ▪ Added new commands beta test android versions describe and beta test
        android locales describe.

  Google Cloud Key Management Service (Beta)
      ▪ Tab completion for the Cloud KMS --location flag is now supported.

146.0.0 (2017-03-02)
  Google Cloud ML
      ▪ gcloud ml has been promoted to GA and renamed gcloud ml-engine
      ▪ Add --max-worker-count to gcloud ml-engine jobs submit prediction to
        specify maximum number of workers to use.
      ▪ Add --model-dir in gcloud ml-engine jobs submit prediction to use
        model files saved in Google Cloud Storage.

  Google Cloud Source Repositories
      ▪ gcloud source repos set-iam-policy and gcloud source repos
        get-iam-policy commands now available on alpha release track.

  Google Cloud Datalab
      ▪ Add a --verbosity flag to gcloud datalab command
      ▪ Change gcloud datalab to use the latest Docker image by default,
        rather than the local image.
      ▪ Fix bug where gcloud datalab connect would seemingly hang until ENTER
        was pressed.

  Google Cloud Bigtable
      ▪ Add support for development instances that can be upgraded to
        production instances later.

  Google Compute Engine/Networking
      ▪ gcloud compute xpn commands now available in the beta release track.
        These commands configure cross-project networking.
      ▪ gcloud compute disks snapshot --guest-flush flag now generally
        available for creating application-consistent snapshots. Currently only
        supported on Windows instances using the Volume Shadow Copy Service
      ▪ Add gcloud compute networks subnets list-usable to alpha release
        track for listing subnetworks that the user has compute.subnetworks.use
        permission on.
      ▪ Add support for multiple network interface cards in gcloud compute
        instances create and gcloud compute instance-templates create command
        on the beta release track.

  Google Container Engine
      ▪ Updated Google Container Engine's kubectl from version 1.5.2 to

  Google Cloud Container Builder
      ▪ gcloud container builds submit now takes a --substitutions flag for
        user-defined templating; see
        for more details.

  Google Cloud SQL
      ▪ gcloud sql instances create now shows a clear error message if user
        tries to exceed instance limit.

  Firebase Test Lab
      ▪ gcloud test android run now directs the user to the test results page
        within the Firebase console instead of the deprecated Test Lab section
        of the Google Developer's Console.

145.0.0 (2017-02-22)
  Breaking Changes
      ▪ The gcloud beta runtime-configs group has been renamed gcloud beta
        runtime-config. All commands previously under gcloud beta
        runtime-configs have been moved to the gcloud beta runtime-config
        configs command group.

  Google App Engine
      ▪ gcloud app deploy now deploys Go apps for both Standard and Flexible
        environments. All usage of aedeploy can now use gcloud app deploy
        directly instead.
      ▪ When passing a directory to dev_appserver.py, dev_appserver.py
        searches for yaml in the directory so that gcloud can check missing
        components and prompt to install.
      ▪ Java SDK updated to 1.9.49. For more details, please see
        ◆ https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/java/release-notes
      ▪ gcloud app logs tail is now available in GA.

  Google Cloud Datalab
      ▪ Update the datalab command line tool to the 20170215 build. This
        incorporates the following changes to the datalab tool: 1. Allow
        specifying a service account when creating a Datalab instance. 2. Move
        the /tmp directory outside of the VM's boot disk.

  Google Cloud Dataproc
      ▪ Cluster and job labels support in gcloud dataproc is now available in
      ▪ The --network-tier flag has been added to the following commands:
        ◆ gcloud alpha compute addresses create
        ◆ gcloud alpha compute forwarding-rules create
        ◆ gcloud alpha compute instance-templates create
        ◆ gcloud alpha compute instances add-access-config
        ◆ gcloud alpha compute instances create
        ◆ gcloud alpha compute instances create-from-container
        ◆ gcloud alpha compute instances update-access-config

  Google Cloud SQL
      ▪ A --database-version flag has been added to gcloud sql flags list and
        gcloud beta sql flags list to allow filtering. An 'applies to' column
        has been added to tabular output.
      ▪ Added the following commands:
        ◆ gcloud beta sql databases create
        ◆ gcloud beta sql databases delete
        ◆ gcloud beta sql databases describe
        ◆ gcloud beta sql databases list
        ◆ gcloud beta sql databases patch

  Google Compute Engine
      ▪ The --network-tier flag has been added to the following commands:
        ◆ gcloud alpha compute addresses create
        ◆ gcloud alpha compute forwarding-rules create
        ◆ gcloud alpha compute instance-templates create
        ◆ gcloud alpha compute instances add-access-config
        ◆ gcloud alpha compute instances create
        ◆ gcloud alpha compute instances create-from-container
        ◆ gcloud alpha compute instances update-access-config

144.0.0 (2017-02-15)
  Breaking Changes
      ▪ Many Cloud SQL commands now prompt for confirmation in more
        ◆ gcloud sql instances import
        ◆ gcloud beta sql instances import
        ◆ gcloud beta sql instances failover
        ◆ gcloud sql instances promote-replica
        ◆ gcloud beta sql instances promote-replica
        ◆ gcloud sql instances reset-ssl-config
        ◆ gcloud beta sql instances reset-ssl-config
        ◆ gcloud sql instances restart
        ◆ gcloud beta sql instances restart
        ◆ gcloud sql ssl-certs delete
        ◆ gcloud beta sql ssl-certs delete
        ◆ gcloud beta sql users delete
      ▪ gcloud compute backend-services now requires an explicit scope. Pass
        --global to retain the old behavior.

  Deployment Manager
      ▪ deployment-manager deployments {update,stop,cancel-preview} can take
        --fingerprint flag to ensure optimistic locking.
      ▪ The gcloud deployment-manager runtime-configs command group is now
        available as a top-level command group: gcloud runtime-configs.

  Google App Engine
      ▪ Fixed a bug in gcloud app instances list where instances were always
        listed as NOT in debug mode.
      ▪ Added --container flag to gcloud beta app instances ssh, which lets
        you SSH straight into the app container within the instance VM.
      ▪ Deployments using vm: true have been deprecated. Please update your
        app.yaml to use env: flex. To learn more, please visit
      ▪ Added Google Analytics reporting to the dev_appserver.py binary. This
        is only enabled for users who have opted in during installation.

  Google Cloud Datalab
      ▪ Update the datalab command line tool to the 20170208 build. This
        update includes the following changes: 1. All subcommands of the
        datalab tool now support a --quiet flag for disabling interactive
        prompts. 2. You can now configure the logging threshold for messages
        that Datalab instances write to StackDriver logging. The default is
        warn, but this can be overridden by passing in the --log-level flag. 3.
        The datalab create and datalab connect commands are more intelligent
        about when they should open a browser. In particular, they detect if
        the configured browser is a text-only browser or if the command is
        being run from inside of Google Cloud Shell, and do not attempt to
        launch the browser in those cases. 4. The tool will now detect and warn
        if two users try to share a single Datalab instance, as that use case
        is not supported. 5. Newly created Datalab instances use the Container
        Optimized OS rather than the older Container VM OS.

  Google Cloud Functions
      ▪ The gcloud functions commands are now available in the beta release
        track as gcloud beta functions.

  Google Cloud Spanner
      ▪ Initial (beta track) release of the gcloud beta spanner command

  Google Cloud SQL
      ▪ gcloud sql instances create and gcloud sql instances patch now
        support specifying custom machine types on psql instances by using the
        --memory and --cpu flags.
      ▪ Add ability to delete backups in SQL beta CLI (gcloud beta sql
        backups delete).
      ▪ If a user does not confirm a backup deletion, immediately cancel the
        operation. Also bringing this function into line with others in the SQL
        CLI. Affects one command:
        ◆ gcloud beta sql backups delete

  Google Compute Engine
      ▪ Accelerators (e.g. GPUs) can now be attached to instances by passing
        --accelerator to gcloud beta compute instances create.
      ▪ gcloud beta compute accelerator-types is now available in beta.

143.0.1 (2017-02-09)
      ▪ Fixed issue in which some downloads of the Cloud SDK were missing
        critical libraries.
        ◆ https://code.google.com/p/google-cloud-sdk/issues/detail?id=1525

143.0.0 (2017-02-08)
  Google App Engine
      ▪ gcloud beta app instances ssh is now available in beta.
      ▪ Updated app-engine-go component to the 1.9.50 SDK.
      ▪ Fixed a bug where gcloud beta app deploy failed while deploying Go
      ▪ Python SDK updated to 1.9.50. For more details, please see

  Google Compute Engine
      ▪ Show Cloud OS Images (COS) in 'gcloud compute images list' output.
      ▪ Added beta for 'compute xpn get-xpn-host' and 'compute xpn
        organizations list-xpn-hosts'.

  Cloud Tools for Powershell
      ▪ Added beta cmdlets for Log Sinks and Log Metrics.

  Google Cloud Pub/Sub
      ▪ The pubsub emulator now adheres to the documented topic and
    name constraints, including support for '+' and '%25' in names via REST.

  Google Cloud ML
      ▪ The --job-dir flag for gcloud beta ml jobs submit training may
    now be used for staging code in the absence of the (now optional)
    --staging-bucket flag.
      ▪ --staging-bucket flag is only required in jobs submit training
    if a file upload is necessary.
      ▪ Add --job-dir flag to ml jobs submit training

  Google Cloud Deployment Manager/Runtime Configuration
      ▪ gcloud beta deployment-manager runtime-configs is now available in

142.0.0 (2017-02-01)
  Breaking Changes
      ▪ (Google Cloud Logging) Renamed --only-project-sinks flag for gcloud
        logging beta sinks list to --only-v2-sinks
      ▪ (Google Cloud ML) Support for space-separated values with the
        --packages flag for gcloud beta ml jobs submit training has been
        removed. Please separate your packages with commas.

  Google App Engine
      ▪ Added gcloud beta app logs tail command.

  Google Cloud Dataproc
      ▪ Cluster labels can now be updated

  Google Cloud IAM
      ▪ gcloud beta iam service-accounts sign-jwt is now available in beta.
      ▪ gcloud beta iam service-accounts keys get-public-key is now available
        in beta.

  Google Cloud Storage
      ▪ Add the backend-buckets command to the beta release track.

  Google Cloud Logging
      ▪ Added support for sinks for organizations, folders and billing

  Google Cloud SQL
      ▪ Prompt for confirmation when user restores an SQL instance from
        backup. Affects three commands:
        ◆ gcloud beta sql backups restore
        ◆ gcloud sql instances restore-backup
        ◆ gcloud beta sql instances restore-backup

  Google Cloud BigQuery
      ▪ Preparation for new API features. If bq ls begins failing, updating
        to this release should fix it.

  Google Cloud Datalab
      ▪ Update the datalab command line tool to the 20170119 build. With this
        update, the datalab create command will ensure that a datalab-notebooks
        Cloud Source Repository exists in the project, and newly created
        persistent disks will include a clone of that repository in the
        datalab/notebooks directory. Creating that repository can be disabled
        by passing in the --no-create-repository flag to the datalab create

Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  Y

╠═ Creating update staging area                             ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: BigQuery Command Line Tool                 ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: BigQuery Command Line Tool (Platform Sp... ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: Cloud SDK Core Libraries                   ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: Cloud SDK Core Libraries (Platform Spec... ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: Cloud Storage Command Line Tool            ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: Cloud Storage Command Line Tool (Platfo... ═╣
╠═ Installing: BigQuery Command Line Tool                   ═╣
╠═ Installing: BigQuery Command Line Tool (Platform Spec... ═╣
╠═ Installing: Cloud SDK Core Libraries                     ═╣
╠═ Installing: Cloud SDK Core Libraries (Platform Specific) ═╣
╠═ Installing: Cloud Storage Command Line Tool              ═╣
╠═ Installing: Cloud Storage Command Line Tool (Platform... ═╣
╠═ Installing: gcloud cli dependencies                      ═╣
╠═ Installing: gcloud-deps (Mac OS X, x86_64)               ═╣
╠═ Creating backup and activating new installation          ═╣

Performing post processing steps...done.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

==> Start a new shell for the changes to take effect.

Update done!

To revert your SDK to the previously installed version, you may run:
  $ gcloud components update --version 141.0.0

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