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kops error checking if instance type "m3.medium" is supported in region

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kopsを使ってKubernetesクラスタをAWS上で構成 | Amazon Web Services ブログ


kops create cluster \
  --name example.cluster.k8s.local \
  --zones us-east-1a,us-east-1c \
I0729 13:29:50.169624   39475 create_cluster.go:1318] Using SSH public key: /Users/paper2/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
I0729 13:29:52.155355   39475 create_cluster.go:472] Inferred --cloud=aws from zone "us-east-1a"
I0729 13:29:53.312934   39475 subnets.go:184] Assigned CIDR to subnet us-east-1a
I0729 13:29:53.313013   39475 subnets.go:184] Assigned CIDR to subnet us-east-1c

error assigning default machine type for masters: error finding default machine type: error checking if instance type "m3.medium" is supported in region "us-east-1": UnauthorizedOperation: You are not authorized to perform this operation.
    status code: 403, request id: 1ec664cf-0908-4aa3-9fdd-e18ba770acab


--master-size="t2.micro" --node-size="t2.micro"をつける。

kops create cluster \
  --name example.cluster.k8s.local \
  --zones us-east-1a,us-east-1c \
  --yes --master-size="t2.micro" --node-size="t2.micro"
I0729 13:30:10.542413   39502 create_cluster.go:1318] Using SSH public key: /Users/paper2/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
I0729 13:30:12.469725   39502 create_cluster.go:472] Inferred --cloud=aws from zone "us-east-1a"
I0729 13:30:13.561972   39502 subnets.go:184] Assigned CIDR to subnet us-east-1a
I0729 13:30:13.562056   39502 subnets.go:184] Assigned CIDR to subnet us-east-1c
I0729 13:30:19.389589   39502 apply_cluster.go:456] Gossip DNS: skipping DNS validation
I0729 13:30:20.953409   39502 executor.go:91] Tasks: 0 done / 79 total; 30 can run
I0729 13:30:23.603012   39502 vfs_castore.go:731] Issuing new certificate: "apiserver-aggregator-ca"
I0729 13:30:23.930083   39502 vfs_castore.go:731] Issuing new certificate: "ca"
I0729 13:30:25.809802   39502 executor.go:91] Tasks: 30 done / 79 total; 25 can run
I0729 13:30:28.461254   39502 vfs_castore.go:731] Issuing new certificate: "kube-proxy"
I0729 13:30:28.529271   39502 vfs_castore.go:731] Issuing new certificate: "kube-controller-manager"
I0729 13:30:28.730947   39502 vfs_castore.go:731] Issuing new certificate: "kubelet-api"
I0729 13:30:28.978365   39502 vfs_castore.go:731] Issuing new certificate: "apiserver-aggregator"
I0729 13:30:29.000473   39502 vfs_castore.go:731] Issuing new certificate: "kubecfg"
I0729 13:30:29.068783   39502 vfs_castore.go:731] Issuing new certificate: "apiserver-proxy-client"
I0729 13:30:29.225226   39502 vfs_castore.go:731] Issuing new certificate: "kops"
I0729 13:30:29.286799   39502 vfs_castore.go:731] Issuing new certificate: "kubelet"
I0729 13:30:29.882465   39502 vfs_castore.go:731] Issuing new certificate: "kube-scheduler"
I0729 13:30:31.824246   39502 executor.go:91] Tasks: 55 done / 79 total; 20 can run
I0729 13:30:34.766318   39502 executor.go:91] Tasks: 75 done / 79 total; 3 can run
I0729 13:30:37.090722   39502 vfs_castore.go:731] Issuing new certificate: "master"
I0729 13:30:38.441361   39502 executor.go:91] Tasks: 78 done / 79 total; 1 can run
I0729 13:30:39.172624   39502 executor.go:91] Tasks: 79 done / 79 total; 0 can run
I0729 13:30:39.815921   39502 update_cluster.go:291] Exporting kubecfg for cluster
I0729 13:30:39.930644   39502 logging_retryer.go:60] Retryable error (RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Post https://ec2.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/: EOF) from ec2/DescribeAvailabilityZones - will retry after delay of 44ms
kops has set your kubectl context to example.cluster.k8s.local

Cluster is starting.  It should be ready in a few minutes.

 * validate cluster: kops validate cluster
 * list nodes: kubectl get nodes --show-labels
 * ssh to the master: ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa admin@api.example.cluster.k8s.local
 * the admin user is specific to Debian. If not using Debian please use the appropriate user based on your OS.
 * read about installing addons at: https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/blob/master/docs/addons.md.



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