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Azure OMSのomsagentでワークスペースを切り換えてみる

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最近AzureのOMS(Microsoft Operations Management Suite)を利用するケースが増えています。



サーバーOS:CentOS release 6.5
クラウド環境:AWS EC2



omsagentは、インストール時に登録したワークスペース ID とプライマリキーのワークスペースにログ(デフォルトではsyslog)を転送します。




    echo "usage: $1 [OPTIONS]"
    echo "Options:"
    echo "  --extract                  Extract contents and exit."
    echo "  --force                    Force upgrade (override version checks)."
    echo "  --install                  Install the package from the system."
    echo "  --purge                    Uninstall the package and remove all related data."
    echo "  --remove                   Uninstall the package from the system."
    echo "  --restart-deps             Reconfigure and restart dependent service(s)."
    echo "  --source-references        Show source code reference hashes."
    echo "  --upgrade                  Upgrade the package in the system."
    echo "  --version                  Version of this shell bundle."
    echo "  --version-check            Check versions already installed to see if upgradable."
    echo "  --debug                    use shell debug mode."
    echo "  --collectd                 Enable collectd."
    echo "  -w id, --id id             Use workspace ID <id> for automatic onboarding."
    echo "  -s key, --shared key       Use <key> as the shared key for automatic onboarding."
    echo "  -d dmn, --domain dmn       Use <dmn> as the OMS domain for onboarding. Optional."
    echo "                             default: opinsights.azure.com"
    echo "                             ex: opinsights.azure.us (for FairFax)"
    echo "  -p conf, --proxy conf      Use <conf> as the proxy configuration."
    echo "                             ex: -p [protocol://][user:password@]proxyhost[:port]"
    echo "  -a id, --azure-resource id Use Azure Resource ID <id>."
    echo "  -? | -h | --help           shows this usage text."



# sh ./omsagent-1.2.0-75.universal.x64.sh --remove
----- Removing package: omsconfig -----
Removing module nx
Removing resource MSFT_nxAvailableUpdatesResource
Removing resource MSFT_nxPackageResource
Removing resource MSFT_nxUserResource
Removing resource MSFT_nxGroupResource
Removing resource MSFT_nxServiceResource
Removing module nxOMSAgent
Removing resource MSFT_nxOMSAgentResource
Removing resource MSFT_nxOMSKeyMgmtResource
Removing resource MSFT_nxOMSSyslogResource
Removing module nxOMSCustomLog
Removing resource MSFT_nxOMSCustomLogResource
Removing module nxOMSPlugin
Removing resource MSFT_nxOMSPluginResource
Starting Operations Management Suite agent: [  OK  ]
----- Removing package: omsagent -----
Unconfiguring rsyslog for OMS logging
Restarting service: rsyslog
システムロガーを停止中: [  OK  ]
システムロガーを起動中: [  OK  ]
Shutting down Operations Management Suite agent: (Forced) [  OK  ]
Unconfiguring OMS agent service ...
警告: /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/sysconf/installinfo.txt は /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/sysconf/installinfo.txt.rpmsave として保存されました。
Shutting down Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
Starting Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
Deleting omsagent service account ...
Removing cross-platform agent(s) ...
----- Removing package: apache-cimprov -----
Apache not previously configured; nothing to unconfigure
警告: /etc/opt/microsoft/apache-cimprov/conf/installinfo.txt は /etc/opt/microsoft/apache-cimprov/conf/installinfo.txt.rpmsave として保存されました。
Shutting down Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
Starting Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
----- Removing package: scx -----
警告: /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/conf/scxconfig.conf は /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/conf/scxconfig.conf.rpmsave として保存されました。
警告: /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/conf/scx-release は /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/conf/scx-release.rpmsave として保存されました。
警告: /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/conf/installinfo.txt は /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/conf/installinfo.txt.rpmsave として保存されました。
Shutting down Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
Starting Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
----- Removing package: omi -----
Shutting down Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
Unconfiguring omid service ...
Deleting omiusers group ...


# sh ./omsagent-1.2.0-75.universal.x64.sh --install -w <ワークスペース ID> -s <プライマリキー>
Checking host architecture ...
Checking for ctypes python module ...
Installing OMS agent ...
----- Installing package: omi (omi-1.1.0-0.universal.x64) -----
----- Installing package: scx (scx-cimprov-1.6.3-13.universal.x64) -----
----- Installing package: omsagent (omsagent-1.2.0-75.universal.x64) -----
Checking for ctypes python module ...
----- Installing package: omsconfig (omsconfig-1.1.1-316.x64) -----
準備中...                ########################################### [100%]
Creating omiusers group ...
   1:omi                    ########################################### [ 25%]

* Warning: The certificate and keyfile were not generated  *
* since they already exist.                                *
Configuring OMI service ...
Starting Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
   2:scx                    ########################################### [ 50%]
Shutting down Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
Starting Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
Creating omsagent group ...
Creating omsagent service account ...
   3:omsagent               ########################################### [ 75%]
info    Reading onboarding params from: /etc/omsagent-onboard.conf
info    Reusing previous agent GUID
info    Onboarding success
Configuring OMS agent service ...
Starting Operations Management Suite agent: [  OK  ]
Shutting down Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
Starting Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
Configuring rsyslog for OMS logging
Restarting service: rsyslog
システムロガーを停止中: [  OK  ]
システムロガーを起動中: [  OK  ]
Checking for ctypes python module...ok!
   4:omsconfig              ########################################### [100%]
Installing resource MSFT_nxAvailableUpdatesResource
Installing resource MSFT_nxPackageResource
Installing resource MSFT_nxUserResource
Installing resource MSFT_nxGroupResource
Installing resource MSFT_nxServiceResource
Installing resource MSFT_nxOMSAgentResource
Installing resource MSFT_nxOMSKeyMgmtResource
Installing resource MSFT_nxOMSSyslogResource
Installing resource MSFT_nxOMSCustomLogResource
gpg: 鍵44BC4178:“Microsoft (Release Signing) <msgpgkey@microsoft.com>”変更なし
gpg:     処理数の合計: 1
gpg:         変更なし: 1
gpg: 鍵DE321294:“Microsoft (Release Signing) <dscgpgkey@microsoft.com>”変更なし
gpg:     処理数の合計: 1
gpg:         変更なし: 1
Shutting down Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
Starting Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
Successfully configured omsconfig.
Shutting down Operations Management Suite agent: (Forced) [  OK  ]
Starting Operations Management Suite agent: [  OK  ]
----- Installing bundled packages -----
Checking if Apache is installed ...
  Apache found, Apache agent will be installed
Installing Apache agent ...
----- Installing package: apache-cimprov (apache-cimprov-1.0.1-7.universal.1.x86_64) -----
Detected Apache v2.2 ...
Shutting down Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
Starting Microsoft OMI Server: [  OK  ]
Checking if Docker is installed...
  Docker not found. Docker agent will not be installed.
Checking if MySQL is installed ...
  MySQL not found, will not install





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