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Spring Web MVC WebApplicationContext で特別扱いされる Bean

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16.2.1 Special Bean Types In the WebApplicationContext
Table 16.1. Special bean types in the WebApplicationContext
Bean type Explanation
HandlerMapping リクエストをハンドラに結びつけるために利用。また、事前・事後処理を handler interceptors として挟み込むこともできる。最もよく利用される実装はアノテーションベース。
Maps incoming requests to handlers and a list of pre- and post-processors (handler interceptors) based on some criteria the details of which vary by HandlerMapping implementation. The most popular implementation supports annotated controllers but other implementations exists as well.
HandlerAdapter DispatcherServlet が HandlerMapping により map されたメソッドを呼び出すことを助けるアダプタ。
Helps the DispatcherServlet to invoke a handler mapped to a request regardless of the handler is actually invoked. For example, invoking an annotated controller requires resolving various annotations. Thus the main purpose of a HandlerAdapter is to shield the DispatcherServlet from such details.
HandlerExceptionResolver 例外をビューにマップしたり、更に複雑な処理を行う
Maps exceptions to views also allowing for more complex exception handling code.
ViewResolver 論理的な(文字列表現の)ビュー名を実際のビューにマップする
Resolves logical String-based view names to actual View types.
LocaleResolver & LocaleContextResolver クライアントのアクセスから、ロケールを決定する。ContextResolver はタイムゾーンも決定する
Resolves the locale a client is using and possibly their time zone, in order to be able to offer internationalized views
ThemeResolver テーマを解決する
Resolves themes your web application can use, for example, to offer personalized layouts
MultipartResolver マルチパートリクエスト(HTML form からの file アップロード)をよしなに扱う
Parses multi-part requests for example to support processing file uploads from HTML forms.
FlashMapManager HTTP redirect を挟んでデータを保存する FlashMap を扱う。実装は大抵 Session に依存している。
Stores and retrieves the "input" and the "output" FlashMap that can be used to pass attributes from one request to another, usually across a redirect.

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