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オフラインリアルタイムどう書く E27「とあるカードゲーム」を力業だけで解いた・再

Last updated at Posted at 2018-10-06

https://qiita.com/emattsan/items/05e36f14578e3cb4e396 で書いた C++ 版の Prolog 翻訳版です。

問題: http://nabetani.sakura.ne.jp/hena/orde27cardgame/
みんなの解答: https://qiita.com/Nabetani/items/cdc102d186faaf542574

% 処理系には GNU-Prolog を利用しています。
% 実行方法:
% $ gprolog --consult-file orde27.prolog --query-goal main

split([S, R], [(S, R)]).
split([S, R, 0', | Rest], [(S, R) | Cards]) :-
  split(Rest, Cards).

story([(S1, R), (S2, R)]) :-
  succ(S1, S2),
story([(S1, R), (S2, R) | Rest]) :-
  succ(S1, S2),
  story([(S2, R) | Rest]).
kind([(S, R1), (S, R2)]) :-
  succ(R1, R2),
kind([(S, R1), (S, R2) | Rest]) :-
  succ(R1, R2),
  kind([(S, R2) | Rest]).

story_or_kind(Cards) :-

score(Cards, "49") :-
  permutation(Cards, [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8]),
  story_or_kind([C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8]),

score(Cards, "26") :-
  permutation(Cards, [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8]),
  story_or_kind([C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6]),
  story_or_kind([C7, C8]),

score(Cards, "20") :-
  permutation(Cards, [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8]),
  story_or_kind([C1, C2, C3, C4, C5]),
  story_or_kind([C6, C7, C8]),

score(Cards, "18") :-
  permutation(Cards, [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8]),
  story_or_kind([C1, C2, C3, C4]),
  story_or_kind([C5, C6, C7, C8]),

score(Cards, "11") :-
  permutation(Cards, [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8]),
  story_or_kind([C1, C2, C3, C4]),
  story_or_kind([C5, C6]),
  story_or_kind([C7, C8]),

score(Cards, "9") :-
  permutation(Cards, [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8]),
  story_or_kind([C1, C2, C3]),
  story_or_kind([C4, C5, C6]),
  story_or_kind([C7, C8]),

score(Cards, "4") :-
  permutation(Cards, [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8]),
  story_or_kind([C1, C2]),
  story_or_kind([C3, C4]),
  story_or_kind([C5, C6]),
  story_or_kind([C7, C8]),

score(_, "-") :-

solve(Input, Score) :-
  split(Input, Cards),
  score(Cards, Score),

judge(Number, _, E, E) :-
  format("#~d passed~n", [Number]).
judge(Number, Input, Expected, Actual) :-
  format("#~d failed  input: ~s, expected: ~s, actual: ~s~n", [Number, Input, Expected, Actual]).

test(Number, Input, Expected) :-
  solve(Input, Actual),
  judge(Number, Input, Expected, Actual),

main :-
  test(0, "A1,A2,A3,A4,B3,C3,D5,E5", "11"),
  test(1, "A1,B2,C3,D4,E5,F6,G7,A8", "-"),
  test(2, "A3,A5,A4,A6,A7,A1,A2,A8", "49"),
  test(3, "G2,G1,A1,F1,C1,E1,B1,D1", "26"),
  test(4, "E3,G3,D4,F3,D3,C3,B3,A3", "9"),
  test(5, "A1,C1,C2,E3,B1,B2,A2,D3", "9"),
  test(6, "D2,E2,C1,B2,C2,B1,A2,A1", "20"),
  test(7, "C2,B3,B4,A1,A2,B2,B1,C1", "11"),
  test(8, "D1,B1,D3,C3,D2,B2,C1,B3", "4"),
  test(9, "C1,F5,F6,B2,C2,D2,F4,C3", "-"),
  test(10, "D2,A2,C2,E2,F2,B2,C3,C1", "9"),
  test(11, "D6,E7,D8,F7,C7,G7,D7,D5", "-"),
  test(12, "B2,B3,B4,D5,D2,D4,D3,C3", "-"),
  test(13, "C3,D3,B2,B1,E4,E5,D4,C2", "4"),
  test(14, "D3,E4,E2,C1,F4,D2,E3,C2", "4"),
  test(15, "B4,C3,D5,C4,A4,C5,B5,B6", "4"),
  test(16, "E9,D8,D9,D7,F8,F9,E8,E7", "9"),
  test(17, "F9,C9,D7,D9,D8,E7,E9,F8", "-"),
  test(18, "D4,C5,B5,B6,D3,D2,D5,B7", "11"),
  test(19, "B8,D8,D7,A7,A8,D9,C8,A9", "9"),
  test(20, "F3,E3,F7,E5,E6,E4,E7,F6", "11"),
  test(21, "A9,G9,B8,A7,G7,C8,A8,G8", "9"),
  test(22, "G8,G2,G3,G9,G6,G4,G5,G7", "49"),
  test(23, "E9,E1,B9,D1,C9,G9,D9,F9", "26"),
  test(24, "B9,B7,G3,A7,G4,B1,B8,B2", "4"),
  test(25, "A1,B4,B3,A4,A2,B5,A3,A5", "20"),
  test(26, "B3,D3,F3,G2,C3,A3,E3,G3", "26"),
  test(27, "E8,D8,E7,D7,G8,G7,F7,F8", "18"),
  test(28, "D4,B3,E4,A3,C4,E3,D3,C3", "20"),
  test(29, "B7,B5,E4,B6,D4,A4,B4,C4", "20"),
  test(30, "B2,B1,B7,C8,F2,B9,B8,F1", "-"),
  test(31, "C4,C3,C5,E3,E1,E2,E4,C2", "18"),
  test(32, "G1,E1,D1,A1,F1,A2,B1,C1", "26"),
  test(33, "E4,C5,C4,B4,D4,D5,E5,F5", "18"),
  test(34, "D4,G4,A4,F4,C4,A3,E4,B4", "26"),
  test(35, "B3,A9,G4,F4,A8,B4,G8,A3", "-"),
  test(36, "B4,E3,F4,E4,G3,A4,G4,F3", "9"),
  test(37, "E4,B3,E3,C3,A3,G3,F3,A2", "4"),
  test(38, "C5,C4,C6,C8,C1,C2,C7,C3", "49"),
  test(39, "C4,D4,E4,F3,E3,F4,D3,G4", "20"),
  test(40, "F2,F6,F9,F7,F5,F3,F8,F4", "49"),
  test(41, "A9,A3,A8,A2,B9,B8,A7,A1", "9"),
  test(42, "G9,A8,G8,A6,A9,G6,G7,A7", "18"),
  test(43, "B8,C4,D5,D4,C8,D8,E8,B4", "11"),
  test(44, "B1,B2,F6,E4,C1,C2,F4,F5", "4"),
  test(45, "B4,B3,B5,B1,B7,B8,B6,B2", "49"),
  test(46, "G8,A8,G7,A7,F7,G6,A6,F8", "9"),
  test(47, "B7,E7,D7,G7,C7,A7,F7,E8", "11"),
  test(48, "F3,D7,B7,D3,C3,G3,E3,D9", "-"),
  test(49, "B3,A6,C5,A3,A4,A2,B5,A5", "-"),
  test(50, "A8,D6,B8,C8,D7,C7,D8,E8", "4"),
  test(51, "B4,D9,C4,E9,E2,G9,F9,D2", "11"),
  test(52, "B3,G9,A9,G1,A1,F1,F9,A3", "-"),
  test(53, "G1,B1,A2,G2,B2,A1,A4,A3", "11"),
  test(54, "A7,A6,C7,B7,B5,G5,A5,F5", "4"),
  test(55, "D1,D9,D4,E4,E8,B4,F8,F4", "-"),
  test(56, "B4,A8,C8,G8,B7,A3,B3,C7", "-"),
  test(57, "D3,G3,D7,F3,D9,B7,E3,C3", "-"),
  test(58, "B9,B1,F2,B7,B2,C8,F1,B8", "-"),
  test(59, "F6,E4,F4,F5,B1,B2,C1,C2", "4"),
  test(60, "A5,G5,B5,B4,G6,C4,G7,A6", "-"),
  test(61, "C4,G3,F4,B7,A1,G4,D4,D5", "-"),
  test(62, "D7,G2,A4,A3,A7,A5,A6,F7", "-"),
  test(63, "F7,E5,E4,E3,E7,F3,F6,E6", "11"),
  test(64, "C1,E9,D4,G5,A5,C5,C6,B5", "-"),
  test(65, "E4,B6,A4,B4,B7,B5,C4,D4", "20"),
  test(66, "G9,B4,D9,D2,E2,C4,F9,E9", "11"),
  test(67, "B9,B2,B7,B1,G3,A7,B8,G4", "4"),
  test(68, "B2,C1,E7,E6,A2,D2,C2,A1", "-"),
  test(69, "A4,B4,F4,G4,E3,G3,E4,F3", "9"),
  test(70, "A8,D8,D6,D7,C8,B8,E8,C7", "4"),

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