
More than 1 year has passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2020-11-14




内容 コマンド 実行例・補足
DBS制御ユーティリティの起動 dbscontrol
すべてのDBS制御フィールドを確認 display
一般フィールドの値を確認 display [フィールドグループ名(※)] display general


  1. GENERAL (一般フィールド)
  2. FILESYS (ファイル システム フィールド)
  3. PERFORMANCE (パフォーマンス フィールド)
  4. CHECKSUM (チェックサム フィールド)
  5. COMPRESSION (ブロック レベル圧縮フィールド)
  6. STATISTICS (最適化プログラムの統計フィールド)
  7. STORAGE (ストレージのフィールド)



TDExpress1620_Sles11:~ # dbscontrol

    |                                |              |
    |    ___     __     ____         |    ____    __|__    ____
    |   /      |/  \    ____|    ____|    ____|     |      ____|
    |   ---    |       /    |   /    |   /    |     |     /    |
    |   \___   |       \____|   \____|   \____|     |__   \____|

    Release Version
    DBSControl Utility (Dec 99)

The current DBS Control GDO has been read.

Enter a command, HELP, or QUIT:



DBS Control Record - General Fields:

     1. Version                        = 11
     2. SysInit                        = TRUE        (2020-01-23 16:13)
     3. DeadLockTimeout                = 240         (Seconds)
     4. (Reserved for future use)
     5. HashFuncDBC                    = 6           (Universal)
     6. (Reserved for future use)
     7. (Reserved for future use)
     8. SessionMode                    = 0           (Teradata mode)
     9. LockLogger                     = FALSE       (Disabled)
    10. RollbackPriority               = FALSE       (Disabled)
DBS Control Record - Optimizer Statistics Fields: 

    1.  DefaultTimeThreshold        = 0 (Disabled; Default value)
    2.  DefaultUserChangeThreshold  = 0 (Disabled; Default value)
    3.  SysChangeThresholdOption    = 0 (Enabled with DBQL ObjectUsage; Default value)
    4.  SysSampleOption             = 0 (Enabled; Default value)
    5.  BLCStats                    = 0 (Enabled; Default value)
    7.  BLCStatsForCDS              = 0 (Disabled; Default value)


display general

DBS Control Record - General Fields:

     1. Version                        = 11
     2. SysInit                        = TRUE        (2020-01-23 16:13)
     3. DeadLockTimeout                = 240         (Seconds)
     4. (Reserved for future use)
     5. HashFuncDBC                    = 6           (Universal)
     6. (Reserved for future use)
     7. (Reserved for future use)
     8. SessionMode                    = 0           (Teradata mode)
     9. LockLogger                     = FALSE       (Disabled)
    10. RollbackPriority               = FALSE       (Disabled)
    11. MaxLoadTasks                   = 5
    12. RollForwardLock                = FALSE       (Disabled)
    13. MaxDecimal                     = 15
    14. CenturyBreak                   = 0
    15. DateForm                       = 0           (IntegerDate)
    16. System TimeZone Hour           = 0
    17. System TimeZone Minute         = 0
    18. System TimeZone String         = America Eastern
    19. (Reserved for future use)
    20. RoundHalfwayMagUp              = FALSE
    21. (Reserved for future use)
    22. Target Level Emulation         = FALSE
    23. Export Width Table ID          = 0           (Expected Defaults)
    24. DBQL Log Last Resp             = FALSE
    25. DBQL Options                   = 0           (No options)
    26. ExternalAuthentication         = 0           (On) 
    27. IdCol Batch Size               = 10000
    28. LockLogger Delay Filter        = FALSE
    29. LockLogger Delay Filter Time   = 0           (Seconds; Default value)
    30. ObjectUseCountCollectRate      = 10          (Minutes; Recommended)
    31. LockLogSegmentSize             = 64          (KB; Minimum value)
    32. CostProfileId                  = 0
    33. DBQLFlushRate                  = 600         (Seconds)
    34. Memory Limit Per Transaction   = 2           (Pages)
    35. Client Reset Timeout           = 300         (Seconds)
    36. Temporary Storage Page Size    = 4           (KB)
    37. Spill File Path                = /var/opt/teradata/tdtemp/tdrsg
    38. (Available for future use)
    39. ChecktableTableLockRetryLimit  = 0           (Retry forever)
    40. EnableCostProfileTLE           = FALSE
    41. EnableSetCostProfile           = 0           (Disabled)
    42. (Reserved for future use)
    43. DisableUDTImplCastForSysFuncOp = FALSE
    44. CurHashBucketSize              = 20          (Bits)
    45. NewHashBucketSize              = 20          (Bits)
    46. MaxLoadAWT                     = 0
    47. MaxRowHashBlocksPercent        = 50          (Percent; Default value)
    48. MonSesCPUNormalization         = FALSE
    49. TempLargePageSize              = 64          (KB; Minimum value)
    50. RepCacheSegSize                = 512         (KB; Minimum value)
    51. MaxDownRegions                 = 6           (Default value)
    52. MPS_IncludePEOnlyNodes         = FALSE
    53. PrimaryIndexDefault            = D           (First Column is NUPI)
    54. AccessLockForUncomRead         = FALSE       (Default value)
    55. EnabNonTempoOp                 = TRUE        (Enabled)
    56. InclNTforGrntOrRevokAll        = FALSE
    57. TimeDateWZControl              = 2           (Enabled with UTC)
    58. (Reserved for future use)
    59. SysInitRelease                 = 16200000
    60. DefaultCaseSpec                = FALSE
    61. PMPC_TimeoutSecs               = 60          (Seconds)
    62. ExportOrderBySegmentLimit      = 500
    63. MLoadDiscardDupRowUPI          = FALSE
    64. DBQL CPU/IO Collection         = 0 (Algorithm 1, with step adjustments, default)
    65. NoDot0Backdown                 = TRUE
    66. SnapBypassAggrCache            = TRUE
    67. RedriveProtection              = 1 (Redrive memory-based)
    68. RedriveDefaultParticipation    = 0 (Redrive Participation is OFF)
    69. PMPC_SessionRateThreshold      = 60          (Seconds)
    70. RoundNumberAsDec               = FALSE
    71. DMLStatementShipping           = 0           (Disabled, default value)
    72. SHOW IN XML Formatted Output   = FALSE       (Disabled, default value)
    73. XML_MemoryLimit                = 4           (MB; Default value)
    74. Obsolete (DisplacementOnOverlap)
    75. NameValidationRule             = 0 (Default name validation)
    76. EnableEON                      = TRUE
    77. DisableRecoverableNetProtocol  = FALSE       (RNP enabled, default)
    78. Default Character Set          = 1 (LATIN)
    79. EnableLogonsMsg                = FALSE
    80. COUNT_mode                     = 0
    81. AutoProvision                  = FALSE
    82. EnableJSON                     = TRUE
    83. JSON_MaxDepth                  = 512 (Default 512)
    84. JSON_AttributeSize             = 4096 (Default 4096)
    85. (Reserved for future use)
    86. DisableJSONValidation          = FALSE
    87. FixSRandomRange                = TRUE
    88. Temporal Behavior              = 1 (ANSI Temporal Behavior)
    89. (Reserved for future use)
    90. (Reserved for future use)
    91. (Reserved for future use)
    92. MLOADXUtilityLimits            = FALSE
    93. MaxMLOADXTasks                 = 30 (Default 30)
    94. MaxMLOADXAWT                   = 48 
    95. CPUpdate                       = 3 (0-4, Default 3)
    96. EnableDATASET                  = TRUE
    97. DATASETAttributeSize           = 4096 (Default 4096)
    98. DisableDATASETValidation       = FALSE
    99. DotNotationOnErrorCondition    = 0 (Default 0)
   100. Obsolete (XMLWarnThreshold)
   101. DefaultPermSkewLimitPercent    = 0 (0-10000%, default 0%)
   102. DefaultSpoolSkewLimitPercent   = 0 (0-10000%, default 0%)
   103. DefaultTempSkewLimitPercent    = 0 (0-10000%, default 0%)
   104. GlobalSpaceSoftLimitPercent    = 0.00 (0.0-99.99%,   default 0%)
   105. ProratedSpaceDistPercent       = 0 (0-100%,   default 0%)
   106. MaxSetQueryBandSize            = 3 (2-4 KB, Default 3)
   107. LegacySpaceAcctg               = FALSE (default FALSE)
   108. CDCProtocol                    = 0 (Default, Legacy Change Data Capture)
   109. MetaDataCapture                = 0 (Default, No MetaData)
   110. ClientResetAction              = 0 (Default, continue)
   111. TruncRoundReturnTimestamp      = FALSE (default FALSE)
   112. ShowAllUserNames               = FALSE (default FALSE)
   113 - 114 (Reserved for future use)
   115. EnableDATASETCSV               = TRUE
   116. EnableDynamicParameterization  = FALSE (Default FALSE disabled)

   117-118. Reserved for future use
   119. LegacyUnAuthBehavior           = FALSE (default FALSE)
   120. ForwardCredential              = TRUE (default TRUE)

FILESYS (ファイル システム フィールド)

display filesys;

DBS Control Record - File System Fields:

    1.  FreeSpacePercent              = 0       (Percent; Default value)
    2.  MiniCylPackLowCylProd         = 10      (Free cylinders; Default value)
    3.  PermDBSize                    = 2047    (Sectors)
    4.  JournalDBSize                 = 254     (Sectors; Default value)
    5.  DefragLowCylProd              = 10      (Free cylinders)
    6.  PermDBAllocUnit               = 1       (Sectors; Default value)
    7.  CylindersSavedforPERM         = 10      (Cylinders; Default value)
    8.  DisableWALforDBs              = FALSE   (Enabled)
    9.  DisableWAL                    = TRUE    (Disabled)
   10.  WAL Buffers                   = 10      (WAL log buffers)
   11.  MaxSyncWALWrites              = 5       (MaxSyncWALWrites; Default value)
   12.  SmallDepotCylsPerPdisk        = 1       (Cylinders)
   13.  LargeDepotCylsPerPdisk        = 0       (Disabled)
   14.  WAL Checkpoint Interval       = 60      (Seconds; Default value)
   15.  Free Cylinder Cache Size      = 100     (Number of cylinders; Default value)
   16.  Bkgrnd Age Cycle Interval     = 60      (Seconds; Default value)
   17.  DisableAutoCylPack            = FALSE   (Enabled)
   18.  AutoCylPackColddata           = FALSE   (Disabled)
   19.  AutoCylPackFSP                = 10      (Percent; Default value)
   20.  AutoCylPackStyle              = 2       (PACK / UNPACK)
   21.  AutoCylPackThresh             = 5       (Percent; Default value)
   22.  AutoCylPackFreeCylThresh      = 20      (Cylinders; Default value)
   23.  AutoCylPackInterval           = 60      (Seconds)
   24.  AutoCylPackIOThresh           = 1       (Number)
   25.  (Reserved for future use)
   26.  (Reserved for future use)
   27.  MergeBlockRatio               = 60      (Percent; Default value)
   28.  DisableMergeBlocks            = FALSE   (Enabled)
   29.  DisableRestartableBLC         = FALSE   (Enabled)
   30.  SpoolBigDBAllocUnit           = 1       (Sectors; Default value)
   31.  DictionaryDBSize              = 254     (Sectors; Default value)
   32.  WorkDBSize                    = 2047    (Sectors)
   33.  MiniCylPackHighWaterMark      = 100     (Free cylinders; Default value)

DBS Control Record - Internal File System Fields:

  100.  MIRebuildPreloadHighWaterMark = 192     (Preload Count; Default value)
  101.  MIRebuildPreloadLowWaterMark  = 168     (Preload Count; Default value)
  102.  HeatMapChecksumCount          =   2% Sampling (0-100%, default 2%)
  103.  DisableBLCSmallDBSpcCounting  = FALSE   (Enabled)
  104.  AllowUnrestrictedBigDBs       = FALSE   (Disabled)
  105.  DisableBLCInplaceModifications = FALSE  (Enabled)
  107.  DepotCylPercentForSmallSlots  = 100     (Percent; Default value)
  108.  DepotCylPercentForLargeSlots  = 100     (Percent; Default value)
  109.  AMPSamplingBLCNumDB           = 30      (Default 30)
  110.  InitialPreloadsInScandisk     = 2       (Default Value)
  111.  DisableSnapMI                 = FALSE   (Enabled)
  112.  EnableSnapMIDbgMode           = FALSE   (Disabled)
  113.  DisableOfflineScandiskMCR     = FALSE   (Enabled)


DBS制御(dbscontrol) • Teradata Vantage™ - データベース ユーティリティ • リーダー • Teradataドキュメント


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