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iOS 8 メモ

Last updated at Posted at 2014-10-18

Splash screen

image fileだけでなくUI document (storyboard/xib)を使用してautolayout-ableなUIを作成できる。ただしoutletに接続できないので
Image fileのサイズは
Retina HD 5.5 iPhone portrait iOS 8 - iphone 6+ : H2208 x W1242
Retina HD 4.7 iPhone portrait iOS 8 - iphone 6 : H1334 x W750
Retina HD 5.5 iPhone landscape iOS 8 - iPhone 6+ : H1242 x W2208
2x iPhone portrait iOS 7/8 - iphone 4 : H960 x W640
Retina 4 iPhone portrait iOS 7/8 - iphone 5 : H1136 x W640
1x iPhone portrait iOS 5/6 - iphone 3 : H480 x W320
2x iPhone portrait iOS 5/6 - iphone 4 : H960 x W640
Retina 4 iPhone portrait iOS 5/6 - iphone 5 : H1136 x W640

1x iPad portrait iOS 7/8 - ipad 1/2/Mini : H1024 x W768
2x iPad portrait iOS 7/8 - ipad 3/4/Air/Mini2 : H2048 x W1536
1x iPad landscape iOS 7/8 - ipad 1/2/Mini : H768 x W1024
2x iPad landscape iOS 7/8 - ipad 3/4/Air/Mini2 : H1536 x W2048
1x iPad portrait iOS 5/6 - ipad 1/2/Mini : H1024 x W768
2x iPad portrait iOS 5/6 - ipad 3/4/Air/Mini2 : H2048 x W1536
1x iPad landscape iOS 5/6 - ipad 1/2/Mini : H768 x W1024
2x iPad landscape iOS 4/6 - ipad 3/4/Air/Mini2 : H1536 x W2048
1x iPad portrait without status bar iOS 5/6 - ipad 1/2/Mini : H1004 x W768
2x iPad portrait without status bar iOS 5/6 - ipad 3/4/Air/Mini2 : H2008 x W1536
1x iPad landscape without status bar iOS 5/6 - ipad 1/2/Mini : H748 x W1024
2x iPad landscape without status bar iOS 4/6 - ipad 3/4/Air/Mini2 : H1496 x W2048


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