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Guidance for Individual Project

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  1. The Background Chap 1. Introduction
  2. the field of computing ranges from hard to soft.
  3. types of projects
    1. Research-based: thorough investigation of existing area
    2. Development: development of software or models
    3. Evaluation: comparing several approaches to a particular problem
    4. Industry-based: solving a problem within either an organization or another university
    5. Problem solving: developing a new technique to solve a particular problem, applying existing approaches to solve a problem in different domain
  4. your projects have number of stakeholders: supervisor, client, user, examiner

Chap 2. Research
* Research is defined as a considered activity, which aims to make an original contribution to expand knowledge
* The research process can be
1. Sequential: review the field, build theory, test it and reflect and integrate
2. Generalized: analogous to Sequential process
3. Circulatory: any research is only part of a continuous cycle of discovery and investigation
4. Evolutionary: research must evolve and change over time
* research can be classified according to its field, approach and nature. Approaches to research include case studies, experiments, surveys and action research
* research techniques that are used within the above approaches include interviews, questionnaires and observational studies

  1. Setting your project’s foundation Chap 3. Choosing a project and writing a proposal
  2. Choosing the right project is probably the most important stage of any project
  3. A number of techniques have been presented that you can use to assist you with choosing a suitable project
  4. When preparing a proposal there are two golden rules
    1. follow any given guidelines!!
    2. proofread it thoroughly!
  5. A project proposal should include, at least
    • background
    • related work/research
    • identification of a gap of previous work/research
    • how your project fill that gap
    • risks and contingency plans
  6. project proposal should include, at the very least
    1. title
    2. aims and objectives
    3. outcomes and deliverables
    4. research methodology
    5. requirements
  7. be nice to supervisor!!

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