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リスニング/技術英語 > Adafruit > Battery Basics @adafruit > Part 2 > where space is at a premium / current consumption is low / hearing aids

Last updated at Posted at 2016-12-14


Part 1: http://qiita.com/7of9/items/2f714355dcbbe3992cb5

Collin's Lab: Battery Basics @adafruit #adafruit


Inside every 9V alkaline battery is 6 small cells providing alkalines usual 1.5V each. This trick is possible because cells are wired in series providing accumulated voltage, 1.5V times 6 equals 9.

Because the terminals on the 9V are so close together, you can actually test it with your tongue.
Ah, yeah. Don't do that. Stupid.

Coin and button cells are well suited to applications where space is that premium and preconsumption(??) is low.
But the term "coin and button" really only describes a general form factor.
These little guys can be made using alkaline, zinc-air, lithium, as well as other chemistries, too.

So, their characteristics can vary quite a bit. Some are even rechargeable.
The most common coin cell size is likely the LR44 alkaline as seen in watches, hearing aids, and many other ultra compact devices.

  • where space is that premium
    • 聞き間違いかもしれない
    • 「空間が貴重である」という意味なのだろう
    • @knoguchiさんに 「space is at a premium」と教えていただきました。
  • preconsumption(??) is low.
    • これは間違いです。
    • @knoguchiさんに 「current consumption is low」と教えていただきました。
  • hearing aids

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