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ConduitベースのTCPサーバ・クライアント Ver 0.1

Last updated at Posted at 2016-10-22



TCP Server Ver 0.1


{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}  -- converts String to ByteString implicitly
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Main where

import ClassyPrelude
import ClassyPrelude.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Network
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as DBC
import Data.Conduit.Binary.Utils (trimC, snocC, traceC)  -- original: see below

main :: IO ()
main = runTCPServer settings $ \ad -> app (appSource ad) (appSink ad)

settings :: ServerSettings
settings = serverSettings 69 "*"

app :: Monad m => Producer m ByteString -> Consumer ByteString m () -> m ()
app source sink = source =$= trimC =$= traceC =$= checkQuitC "QUIT" =$= snocC '*' $$ sink

-- if the server recieves a quit code, disconnect the tcp connection
checkQuitC :: Monad m => ByteString -> Conduit ByteString m ByteString
checkQuitC code = do
  mbs <- await
  case mbs of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just bs | DBC.isPrefixOf code bs -> yield code >> return ()
            | otherwise              -> yield bs >> checkQuitC code

TCP Client Ver 0.1

Client側は入力ソースがTCP ServerとStdinの二箇所あるため、一問一答形式にするためにconnect-and-resumeを用いる。

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}  -- converts String to ByteString implicitly
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Main where

import ClassyPrelude
import ClassyPrelude.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Network
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as DBC
import Data.Conduit.Binary.Utils (trimC, snocC)  -- original: see below

main :: IO ()
main = runTCPClient settings $ \ad -> app (newResumableSource (appSource ad)) (appSink ad)

settings :: ClientSettings
settings = clientSettings 69 ""

app :: MonadIO m => ResumableSource m ByteString -> Consumer ByteString m () -> m ()
app source sink = do
  stdinC =$= trimC $$ singleC =$= sink    -- consume 1 command
  (source', _) <- source $$++ singleC =$= snocC '\n' =$= stdoutC  -- consume 1 responce and resume
  app source' sink
    singleC :: Monad m => Conduit a m a
    singleC = mapC id     -- consume 1 data (does not consume forever)

Common Functions

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

module Data.Conduit.Binary.Utils (
  , trimC
  , traceC
  ) where

import ClassyPrelude
import ClassyPrelude.Conduit
import qualified Data.Char as DC
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as DBC

-- add a char at the last of ByteString
snocC :: Monad m => Char -> Conduit ByteString m ByteString
snocC c = mapC $ flip DBC.snoc c

-- trim left and right spaces of ByteString (for removing \n in the end of the commands from stdin)
trimC :: Monad m => Conduit ByteString m ByteString
trimC = mapC trim
    trim :: ByteString -> ByteString
    trim = dropWhileEnd DC.isSpace . DBC.dropWhile DC.isSpace
    dropWhileEnd :: (Char -> Bool) -> ByteString -> ByteString
    dropWhileEnd f = fst . DBC.spanEnd f

-- trace in Conduit
traceC :: (Show i, Monad m) => Conduit i m i
traceC = mapC $ \i -> trace (show i) i



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