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ハンズオン : Google Cloud SDK 基本と認証

Last updated at Posted at 2014-04-15


googlecomputeengine - Google Compute Engine 入門 - Qiita


Google Cloud SDK

Google Cloud SDK とは?

  • Google Cloud Platform のプロダクトに関係するコマンド類を一つにまとめたものです。それまではバラバラに配られていました。(gsutil, gcutil, bq, App Engine に関係するもの 等々 )
  • 認証や共通する機能は gcloud にまとめられました。

Google Cloud SDK コマンド


Google Cloud SDK のバージョンを確認すると、一緒に入っているコンポーネントのバージョンも表示されます。

gcloud --version


~ $ gcloud --version

Google Cloud SDK 0.9.20
Copyright Google Inc. 2013.

bq 2.0.18
bq-nix 2.0.18
core 2014.04.02
core-nix 2014.03.24
dns 2014.03.24
gae-python 1.9.2
gae-python-launcher-mac 1.9.2
gcutil 1.15.0
gcutil-nix 1.13.0
gsutil 3.42
gsutil-nix 3.42
preview 2014.03.24
sql 2014.03.18

gcloud ヘルプの見方


gcloud --help


~ $ gcloud --help

gcloud                   [optional flags] <group | command>
  group is one of        auth | components | config | dns | preview | sql
  command is one of      init | interactive | version

Manage Google Cloud Platform resources and your cloud developer workflow.

optional flags:
  --project PROJECT      Google Cloud Platform project to use for this
  --quiet, -q            Disable all interactive prompts.
  --user-output-enabled USER_OUTPUT_ENABLED
                         Control whether user intended output is printed to the
                         console.  (true/false)
  --verbosity VERBOSITY  Override the default verbosity for this command.  This
                         must be a standard logging verbosity level: [debug,
                         info, warning, error, critical, none] (Default:
  -h, --help             Print a summary help and exit.

gcloud コンポーネント詳細確認


gcloud components list


~ $ gcloud components list

The following are the components available through the Google Cloud
SDK.  You may choose to install one or more of the pre-configured
packages (which contain everything you need to get started), and/or
any of the individual components below.

|                                  Packages                                   |
| Status        | Name                                    | ID         | Size |
| Not Installed | Cloud SDK for Go Developers             | pkg-go     |      |
| Not Installed | Cloud SDK for Java Developers           | pkg-java   |      |
| Installed     | Cloud SDK Core Command Line Tools       | pkg-core   |      |
| Installed     | Cloud SDK for Python and PHP Developers | pkg-python |      |

|                                     Individual Components                                     |
| Status        | Name                                     | ID                      |     Size |
| Not Installed | App Engine SDK for Go (Mac OS X, x86_64) | gae-go-darwin-x86_64    |  30.1 MB |
| Not Installed | App Engine SDK for Java                  | gae-java                | 146.5 MB |
| Installed     | App Engine Launcher Application for Mac  | gae-python-launcher-mac |   7.4 MB |
| Installed     | App Engine SDK for Python and PHP        | gae-python              |  35.9 MB |
| Installed     | Big Query Command Line Tool              | bq                      |   < 1 MB |
| Installed     | Cloud DNS Admin Command Line Interface   | dns                     |   < 1 MB |
| Installed     | Cloud SDK Core Libraries                 | core                    |   < 1 MB |
| Installed     | Cloud SQL Admin Command Line Interface   | sql                     |   < 1 MB |
| Installed     | Cloud Storage Command Line Tool          | gsutil                  |   1.8 MB |
| Installed     | Commands That Are In Developer Preview   | preview                 |   < 1 MB |
| Installed     | Compute Engine Command Line Tool         | gcutil                  |   < 1 MB |

To install new components or update existing ones, run:
 $ gcloud components update [component ids]

gcloud コンポーネントアップデート


gcloud components update


~ $ gcloud components update

The following components will be updated:
    | App Engine SDK for Python and PHP            |      1.9.2 | 35.9 MB |
    | BigQuery Command Line Tool                   |     2.0.18 |  < 1 MB |
    | Cloud DNS Admin Command Line Interface       | 2014.04.08 |  < 1 MB |
    | Cloud SDK Core Libraries                     | 2014.04.08 |  < 1 MB |
    | Cloud SDK Core Libraries (Platform Specific) | 2014.04.08 |  < 1 MB |
    | Cloud SQL Admin Command Line Interface       | 2014.04.08 |  < 1 MB |
    | Cloud Storage Command Line Tool              |       3.42 |  1.8 MB |
    | Commands That Are In Developer Preview       | 2014.04.08 |  < 1 MB |
    | Compute Engine Command Line Tool             |     1.15.0 |  < 1 MB |

Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  y

Creating update staging area...

Uninstalling: App Engine SDK for Python and PHP ... Done
Uninstalling: Big Query Command Line Tool ... Done
Uninstalling: Cloud DNS Admin Command Line Interface ... Done
Uninstalling: Cloud SDK Core Libraries ... Done
Uninstalling: Cloud SDK Core Libraries (Platform Specific) ... Done
Uninstalling: Cloud SQL Admin Command Line Interface ... Done
Uninstalling: Cloud Storage Command Line Tool ... Done
Uninstalling: Commands That Are In Developer Preview ... Done
Uninstalling: Compute Engine Command Line Tool ... Done

Installing: App Engine SDK for Python and PHP ... Done
Installing: BigQuery Command Line Tool ... Done
Installing: Cloud DNS Admin Command Line Interface ... Done
Installing: Cloud SDK Core Libraries ... Done
Installing: Cloud SDK Core Libraries (Platform Specific) ... Done
Installing: Cloud SQL Admin Command Line Interface ... Done
Installing: Cloud Storage Command Line Tool ... Done
Installing: Commands That Are In Developer Preview ... Done
Installing: Compute Engine Command Line Tool ... Done

Creating backup and activating new installation...


gcloud 認証


gcloud auth login


~ $ gcloud auth login

Your browser has been opened to visit:

    https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?scope=https% 〜

Google Cloud SDK を仮想マシンの上で実施している場合は、仮想マシン上のブラウザを利用して下さい。





You can view your existing projects and create new ones in the Google
Developers Console at: https://console.developers.google.com. If you
have a project ready, you can enter it now.

Enter your Google Cloud project ID (or leave blank to not set): プロジェクトID

You are logged in as xxxxx@gmail.com.



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