
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2015-09-09





Hello Name ,

Thank you for contacting App Store Review to request an expedited review. We have made a one-time exception and will proceed with an expedited review of XXXXXXXX.

We understand that situations can arise which require more immediate attention and have developed the Expedited Review Process for such situations. We want to remind you that expedited reviews cannot be guaranteed and are provided on a limited basis. Therefore, we may not be able to accommodate additional requests in the future.

If your app is rejected during this review, it is not necessary to request another Expedited Review when you resubmit. Once you revise and resubmit your binary (or metadata, in the case of a Metadata Rejection), your app will be automatically returned to the expedite queue.

Best Regards,

App Store Review


Hello Name

Thank you for contacting App Store Review.

We understand that situations arise which require an exceptional response, however, we have received multiple expedite requests from  Name within a short period of time.

We have made an additional exception for your app and will proceed with an expedited review. We wanted to remind you, however, that expedited reviews are provided on a limited basis, otherwise the process itself becomes ineffective. Please keep in mind that we may not be able to accommodate additional requests in the future.

If your app is rejected during this review, it is not necessary to request another Expedited Review when you resubmit. Once you revise and resubmit your binary (or metadata, in the case of a Metadata Rejection), your app will be automatically returned to the expedite queue.

Best Regards,

App Store Review

やはり複数特急審査を出すのはAppleにとって負担であるらしく、特に急いでいない状況であれば通常申請で行うべき。特急審査をしてもらうに正当な理由があれば、その限りではないですよ、ということだろう。ちなみにこちらの特急審査は、このメールが来てから3時間後にIn Reviewとなり、それから2時間後にリリースされました。


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